Suspense Story – The Great detectives of the future
Photo credit: clarita from morguefile.com
Detective one
Frank Marcus
Once upon a time, far away in the future from the year 25001, there lived a detective named Frank Marcus. He was specialized in solving cases around different countries and different times. The following are five of his most famous cases.
Case one
The happy drug dealers
He got an assignment from John Herald, a government detective, to help him in his case of the strange drug dealers who were emerging strong in America, in the year 2003. He agreed because he was offered a lot of money for it.
He went on his journey in his time machine. He went to john in Las Vegas in the year 2003. John was also a detective from the future.
He said’ welcome Mr. Frank. I am happy to see you here, recently I got a case about some strange drug dealers who are transporting drugs through animal intestines and transporting them in the whole world. They have transported more than 100 tons of cocaine and have done more than 200 murders. We are inspecting things about them but we needed few better detectives than those which we have now. So I contacted you.’
Frank replies’ thank you for believing me. I would try my best to inspect this case. Now I would like to study the information you got till now.’
John replies’ ok, my assistant will give you all the required information and he will also give you one laptop with few top secret pictures which are still not printed or present in any other form. They are extremely top secret. You should better contact my assistant, his name is Sam McDonald, and he will meet you at the coffee shop besides this building.’
Frank asked’ but how will I identify him?’
John replied’ he is wearing a red suit and is having dark coffee and he is sitting in table no. 14’ .
So frank went to the coffee shop and went to the table no.14 and sat there. A man was already sitting there. Frank asked secretly’ do you have the information?’
the man replied’ it is in my bag’ and then went away.
Frank took the bag and went to john. He said to john’ I got the information but where I will work on my project? I do not have any place to live here’.
John replied’ I have booked a room in hotel “sky high”, you have to only go there and tell your name in the reception and take you keys.’
Frank went to hotel sky high and took his keys and went to his room. But something strange happened as soon as he entered the room. Suddenly he saw Sam lying dead with a note in his hand. Frank wore his gloves and took the note from Sam’s hands, the note said’ today Sam, tomorrow you, leave the case or ready to die. Your beloved the happy drug dealers.’
Frank was confused. He was also sad. He called john and they took Sam’s body to the forensic lab and kept it there for research. He asked john to allow him to access the secret mainframe of FBI and CIA. John allowed him to access the mainframe. Frank went back to the hotel room and switched on the laptop. He saw it had only one folder, named top secret pictures. He opened the folder. He saw only two pictures. The first one was the picture of doomsday, a very famous game by happy gamers. And the other one was of a special type of knife which did not have any name or any type of information related to it and its owner.
Frank was confused and amazed and tried to find about the relation of the knife and doomsday. Then he thought to check for the knife in the CIA weapons directory. He searched each and every page and looked in almost all the shops in the city, but it was of no use. No one knew about the knife.
But when frank, tired and confused, helpless, went to a coffee shop nearby to have some coffee and to sit and think about the case, he saw some people shouting outside the building nearby. He thought that something bad has happened such as an accident, so he thought to check it out. He quickly drank his coffee, paid his bill and ran towards the building. He saw a dead body and blood spread all over.
He asked a man standing nearby ‘what happened here?’
the man replied’ it’s a suicide. The man was not happy with his life and so he jumped from his balcony’.
Frank went near the body and saw a special mark in his arm. Frank thought that he would better call john and start to inspect the body. Frank and john started to inspect the body. They found a passport in the wallet of the man. His name was Andrew persie. Frank found a same type of injury mark in Andrew’s neck which was on the neck of Sam.
He called aloud ’john look what I found ‘when john was talking with the people in the crowd that what did they knew about the man. John ran towards the body and Frank told john to see in Andrew’s neck. John also saw the injury mark in Andrew’s neck which was in Sam’s neck also. They came to a conclusion that if there were very few knifes of that type, then maybe the murderer is a same gang or same person who are doing the murders. They thought that they should better take the body to the forensic lab.
Frank along with john and the dead body of Andrew went to the forensic lab. There they saw Dr. Michelle inspecting the body of Sam. Frank asked Dr. Michelle for the test reports of Sam’s body and DR. Michelle gave a strange reply’ the injury marks on Sam’s neck match with the blade of the design of the knife in the second picture you found in the computer and I also found a piece of nail in Sam’s left pocket. The nail is not Sam’s, so I think it may be the nail of the murderer. I have sent it for DNA structure identification and the DNA structure report have come. It contains a special type of drug called capsainicin, which is made with the mixture of cocaine and intense tobacco powder.’
‘That means that the murderer is related with the drug dealers who transport cocaine, I think the murderer is a member in the manufacturing process of capsainicin and they buy cocaine from these drug dealers.’ Frank replied confidently.
Then frank told to Dr. Michelle ‘we have found another dead body which has the same type of injury mark on the neck that Sam has. Please check that they are same or not. And please also check the DNA of the dead body of Andrew.’
DR. Michelle told ‘ok I would try my best to give you as much information I can give.’
Then, the both went out of the forensic lab and went to hotel sky high in frank’s room.
(to be continued)
-written by sukalyan roy