Suspense Short Story – Georgia Calling

Suspense Short Story – Georgia Calling
Photo credit: krosseel from
She knew I am alone.
Georgia tracks me severely.
Karthik says I am over reacting. But when I see her red eyes I know she is just following me.
He loves me a lot but fails to notice my truth, my fear .
I slowly dragged myself to centre of the cot. Covered myself with the Razai completely. She cannot come near to me.
I know I can tackle her well. She is just a normal lady of almost my height and structure.
I know how to defend myself.
No one gives such a nightmare for the problems they face in their life.
Yes I agree my driving had killed her 5 year old son. And it was not my fault at all as he came running on the main road.
I was not able to control the vehicle and even I got hurt and my son Kumar got hurt.
We were hospitalized. But that lady Georgia, came to hospital and made a big hue and cry.
“You are the killer, lady, you ate my son… cute little Johnny! My love!” she was crying, even I could not resist the tears.
She was all furious and I had to get up and hide myself from my bed to avoid her attacking me with the saline stand.
She was arrested and released same day with advice to avoid contacting me. My lawyers dealt the case properly and I was free from any medico-legal case.
Government sanctioned some amount as compensation. I felt matter ended there. But it was after four months, I realized that Georgia has taken considerably emotional.
Even my son Kumar was moved to hostel, I was in bed for two months and Karthik took this decision to support Kumar’s education.
Window panes created a sliding sound; she is somewhere here in the vicinity. If Karthik would have been here, I would have shown him, she follows me …she tries to scare me.
Again the window panes created sound.
As it is night, I am not able to see anything more clearly, but I see a human figure near my window … long hairs just like mine.
She moved…away…!
I dragged my bed spread and looked at the things kept ready by me, just in case, ……just in case.
The sharp kitchen knife, good amount of chili powder in steel box without lid [I have covered it with my hand kerchief], toilet acid stealthily kept in steel tumbler.
I need them in emergency, at least when a revengeful mother of a child who got killed accidentally.
I never did it purposefully. Karthik also believes and it is true. Mishaps happen …what can I do… I am sorry for her loss but what I can do ?
Even I wept like a child that day after they declared the boy dead when I was being taken into operation room for emergency operation.
I had broken my neck, left hand and some of the backbone part.
I was not sure about Kumar my son.
It was a long journey for me.
Karthik avoided bringing Kumar to me as my looks would scare him away. My little poor child….She is now visible at the small window pane near the main door.
Don’t know how she crossed compound wall.
It is almost 10 or 10.30 pm. The wall clock has stopped functioning and I am not able to locate my wrist watch.
I had kept on table besides chili powder. I will ask Suma when she comes back.
Suma has been a real support for me when I need her. She is although very young to me and a complete dedicated nurse.
Karthik loves me a lot. He cares me a lot.
There is a slight sound near the door; probably she is trying to unlock the door.
Shall I call Suma…? No it may alert her and Georgia will run away.
What should I do? Just waiting should be sufficient and I can catch her red handed.
Yes, I can make her go to jail for longer duration this time.
I know she is affected by the death of her son. But I am not responsible.
Other day when I was with Karthik for some medicinal shopping after my regular check up at that hospital…
Hmmm what was the name of hospital…hmmmmm leave it! She was standing at the electric pole just looking with killing eyes. I just ran into Karthik, and my rush made some of the glass containers to fall down, Karthik did not utter word and he paid the shopper for all the losses due to my hush-up.
Karthik did not scold me; he knows I am scared of this Georgia.
Johny, was really cute boy, golden eyes and strong little muscles, there was not a single blood stain or external wound on his body.
I don’t know why doctors declared him dead. Cruel very cruel!
Hey Georgia has already entered into my house it seems; now the sound is coming from the kitchen.
Probably searching for some object to attack me.
My right hand moved slightly towards the desk where my weapons are there. I have a small rope also around 5 feet, kept secretly below the pillow. I picked it up; it would be handy if I try to catch her.
She met me face to face once at vegetables market at one corner where no one was there. She had dragged my hairs and she had tried to ambush and tear my clothes.
Karthik made me to take rest in hospital for a week to cure from the shock. The curtains of kitchen door titled a little and the bells attached to the curtains created a silent terrifying sound.
It was killing silent.
She is now visible to me. I feared for the first time. She progressed towards me slowly, silently. My throat is drying up fast, although I am holding a rope to bind her.
She is smiling, probably after looking at my fear, my position. She is coming one step at a time.
I screeched…Karthikkkkkkk… he did not respond…. yes he is not available.
Sumaaaaaaaaaaa… I don’t know whether I am producing any sound or not tried to move away from my bed… not happening, frozen with fear.
She is now laughing like a demon… almost six feet away from me…Suddenly she pounced on me…and she caught hold of the rope in my hand. She is pressing it against my neck…laughing loud…
She is making me choke…
She is killing me…
she is laughing…
She is taking severe revenge of an un intended fault of mine.
Morning local paper reported the incident which was a casual one for the persons associated with the house and family.
“From the in house reporter: A bizarre incident is reported from the high town.
About 40 year old lady Mrs. Kruti Malhotra was found dead in her apartment yesterday late night. She was believed to suffer from psychological disorders. She was wife of Mr. Karthik Malhotra, and she was under the treatment for psychological disorders which she developed after a severe accident of car. Mrs.Kruti was responsible for the accident
It resulted into the death of a young boy named Johny De Costa.
Mrs.Kruti also lost her son Kumar in the gruesome accident. Mrs. Kruti kept mentally ill for long and she believed Mrs. Georgia De Costa, mother of Master Johny was going to take revenge and Mrs. Kruti kept attacking people around assuming them to be Georgia.
As matter of fact Mrs. Georgia died of depression three months back which Mrs.Kruti never acknowledged.
Yesterday around 10:30 pm Kruti killed herself by strangulating with a piece of rope.
Mr. Karthik was not in town.
Suma, the duty nurse had gone after completing her shift.
Investigations are on.