Short Story with Suspense: Emilia and Wilma

Emilia and Wilma : Short Story with Suspense
Photo credit: taliesin from
My name is Wilma, I am 18 and live in Sweden. I am a senior in high school and at my school, there is a girl named Emilia. In math I always sit in the back to the right and Emilia always sits in front of me. Emilia has brown hair and today she had light blue jeans and a pink T-shirt. She is a bit taller than me I think and she has had a blog throughout high school but I have never seen it. I have heard others in my class talk about the blog because sometimes she publishes pictures from school. Emilia has no friends in the school, she is shy, seems to be afraid, and always by herself. I am a bit similar, I always thought that we are the only two at my school who fit that description. Scared and alone, but I have become more comfortable being a senior. I also think that my classmates have started to treat me differently. I think that after all this time together they have started to consider me as one of them. In Sweden you begin high school at the age of 16, or 15 but most do it at 16 or later, and Swedish high school is three years. Junior high is also three years so before college you have to do 12 years of school just like the Americans. We live and go to school north of Stockholm in a suburb with lakes and green areas mixed with civilization. If you want to get an idea of what it looks like just search for pictures and Sollentuna.
It is January and above zero degrees Celsius so there is no snow. I want to become friends with Emilia, I think we could be good friends. In Sweden they use to say that similar kids play well together, that expression have become a bit old fashion but I hope it could be true in this case. I thought we could hang out sometimes, Emilia and me, and do stuff. Just like friends do. I am going to ask her tomorrow if I get the right opportunity.
New Day
Today is Friday and I am home alone so I asked Emilia about hanging out. My parents are gone over the weekend and my sisters just got their own place. My sisters share an apartment but I think they are going to spend more time with us than in the new flat anyway. It just takes fifteen minutes to walk over there and Swedes do a lot of walking, I walk to school and it takes like 45 minutes. Today when I got to school I took a seat close to Emilia’s locker. So I was sitting on the bench alone in the hallway waiting for Emilia. Students and teachers passed while I was sitting there and looking to the right where I expected Emilia to show up. Then she came and walked slowly to her locker. There was no one anywhere close so it was perfect to approach her, I walked up to her and asked.
“I am home alone tonight, would you want to come over so we can watch a movie or something?”
Emilia hesitated and said.
“Yeah sure, where do you live?”
“We can go there together after school.”
“Could we meet at the entrance after school?”
She seemed insecure, did not dare to look me in the eye and seemed surprised. I suppose it was a surprise, it was the first time I asked her about anything. I had no lesson with her that day and did not know her schedule. I should have asked for her number, I just hoped that her last lesson ends the same time as mine. My last lesson ended a bit early so when I saw Emilia waiting for me I suspected that she had been there a while. I asked if she wanted to walk or take the bus and we started to walk to my place. I knew that she walked sort of slow, even slower than me so I tried so slow down as we headed home. We talked during the walk, she asked and told me stuff but was doing more talking than her.
Emilia became more nervous when we got home, she pointed towards a chair, her arm was shaking because she was so nervous. She asked if she could sit there, once she sat in the armchair she looked puzzled at me.
When it got dark, at like five a clock she asked if she could take some pictures to the blog and we took many pictures. I had already asked her about the blog when we walked back from school. The first thing I did when we came back was to check it out with my laptop.
“Can I borrow your computer so I can upload all the pictures?”
I sat next to Emilia in the couch when she uploaded the pictures.
Emilia said and handed over the computer. I looked at a post from Emilia’s blog, she had written about a secret love. Someone at her school whom she never had spoken to. It became a fun guessing game, first I guessed all the guys I could think of. Then I used a year book without any result, I could hear in Emilia’s voice that she never expected me to guess right as if she already knew the guess was wrong before I said it. I tried to suggest one of the girls and you could tell from the response that I was on to something. I kept on guessing which girl it was exited about that it could be me. After a few girl guesses I asked if it was me.
She said with confidence and then she was focused on me to read my response. I crawled up to her in the sofa and hugged her, then I kissed her.
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