Suspense Short Story – DEVIL BOX
Photo credit: earl53 from morguefile.com
In the dark woods , there were trees fallen everywhere . There were lot of dead chicken on the ground. Ground was looking so wet like someone came there. It was silence all around. Owls were sitting on the fallen trees and looking continuously on the wet ground. Its been old proverb in tamil “Even the devil needs a friend”. If you see clearly , there was a big box lying between the 2 trees which were not fallen yet . May be whatever was inside THE BOX was the only reason that trees were standing tall. Even the storm couldn’t made the trees fell.
Far away from the dark woods there were 4 boys playing hide and seek . The hide and seek was really scary as they wore scary masks. The mask had white marks and if you see its eyes they were burned horribly. The one who has to find others should find others without wearing mask and he must remember that he can find till dark woods end point. There was torch light for everyone that they have to carry so that they could see each other.
Ramsan came from behind with the mask and told others , “we must hide before santivan comes”.
They were hiding near dark woods starting point where there was big tree with a hole inside. Santivan started looking everywhere with the torch light and finally he came near dark woods. Everyone with Ramsan were very quiet. They heard the footsteps of santivan and they kept their voice down to not to be heard. Santivan goes further into the woods. Santivan had no idea where he was going. Suddenly storm came from the west side and he started calling Ramsan and calling out aloud ” Lets go home I cant see anything here clearly” .
But everyone were quiet and they were trying to make him wait and wanted him to find them and that was the rule.
Suddenly, Santivan saw the owls and fallen between the trees where there was THE BOX and he got curious to see what’s inside THE BOX. So, he thought to open it. When he opened the box he saw the dark shadow that was touching his eyes like rays of darkness and it was like black hole in the box and it was consuming his body slowly and slowly and then voice came from inside ” My friend don’t be afraid I need you “.
The devil box closed and storm stopped and friends who were inside the hole were trapped inside that tree as the rays were so strong that it closed all the holes.