Suspense Short Story – Criminals Wanted
Photo credit: cohdra from morguefile.com
The only power any government has is the power to crack down on criminals. Well, when there aren’t enough criminals, one makes them. One declares so many things to be a crime that it becomes impossible for men to live without breaking laws. – Ayn Rand
They are in full suits. They are criminals. It is a big hall. There is a round table. The criminals are sitting there and looking at the chief.
“Our organization is new. We want more and more criminals. We have to operate in every big city in the country. I give you a million dollars each. Go and find more criminals. We give them also each one million dollars as advance.”
There are big plastic pouches carrying one million dollars each. Each one sitting there is given a pouch of one million dollars.
The criminals entered their names and other details in a register before the chief. Then each criminal sat before the movie camera and started telling the crimes done by him.
“Why the movie is needed?”
One criminal by name James asked with suspicion.
“Don’t you want to take the advance? Return the pouch of money and go.”
Chief said with a smile. It is an alert.
James was silent.
“We are a big organization. Confidence is our motto. Belief is our life. Believe your masters. You will be as big as you can’t be on your own efforts. If you do not believe, just get up and go.”
Chief smiled with another smile. All smiled with him. Except James who doesn’t know how to smile. He never smiled even once in his entire life. He said that it is his weakness.
“No problem. Smile is not mandatory.” Chief consoled.
‘Criminals wanted’ is the new drive and many criminals are found and made the members of this group. This drive is running in every big city. They are in thousands, ready to take up crimes.
They are not individual criminals. They are now organized or organizational criminals. So they stopped doing petty crimes on their own and waiting to do the big crimes at the plans and instructions of the chief.
One day, they met in a big conference hall of the very big hotel of the chief.
“Now I give you your first crime to be done from our organization.” Chief started saying a big thing.
Everybody looked with excitement at the chief. Chief said this.
“We start a big account drive in our Criminal Bank and all of us will be the members of this bank. This is the bank of our organization and the money earned by all we criminals will be equally distributed for all the members of the bank and you know,we the criminals are the members.”
Chief said and explained in a clear clarification. Yet some members did not understand. Doubts are common for anyone, a criminal or non-criminal brain is but an ordinary brain for doubts.
“What is the benefit?” Miller questioned with suspicion.
“Our money will be used in all sorts of criminal activities in the world and from the crimes done by those criminals with the help of our money, what we get is our share as profit, along with whatever we earn with our criminal activities. It will be our equal profit. So getting equal profit as share of our earnings by all criminal brains combined will be our benefit.”
Chief said. He thought, no more explanation will be needed.
Some criminals understood. Some did not grasp. So those criminals who understood are up. Others are down. So ups explained to the down and the downs thought that ups are smarter, why not we be benefited as the ups. So consensus is built and all the criminals came forward.
At last the Criminals Bank is started and millions of dollars are deposited by the criminal members of the bank, in their accounts.
Billions of dollars are deposited in the CB and the members wondered to see that the amounts that they have deposited are doubled in six months. They are happy for their enormous earnings.
The members of Criminal Organization are worried that their operations are stopped for a long time.
“I want to kill anyone today.” Pierson said with anger.
“I need to rape a woman this night” Perry said with desire.
“I like to loot the bank in your colony.” James said.
These three criminals are drinking in a private room.
“But we have no approval. We have given a statement in written to chief. We have promised that we do not indulge in any crime from our side. If we do this we have to pay the penalty of ten million dollars each to our chief.” Pierson said.
“How the chief can know this?” James asked.
Just then Perry’s mobile rang and he is asked to switch on the speakers.
“I know everything. Whatever you do and whatever you speak. So stop doing anything on your own. I have my own arrangements so that I know the activities of each members of our organization.”
Chief’s voice alerted and stopped. The mobile is silent.
All the three criminals are wondering how the information of them is reaching to chief.
“It is over in six months. All the criminals stopped their operations.”
This report wondered the president
Chief explained the president how it happened.
“All the money of these criminals is in our control.”
“It’s a wonder, how?”
President is given the information of the CB.
“Well Done” President said.
The Chief looked as if he is pleased and won.
“I thought you cannot do it. But you showed me with good results.” President applauded the chief.
The micro films of the self statements of criminals are handed over to the President.
Now, chief went away.
President called the jury and asked them to start action.
He gave all the information and micro films to jury.