Suspense Short Story – A Bad Night!
Photo credit: chelle from morguefile.com
My bed was a modern furnished one. I always slept with my stuffy Teddy Bear doll–according to me, the cutest object manufactured– by my side. Teddy bear or not, I always felt cozy on my bed.
But tonight was different: its an appallingly gruesome night I have ever encountered. My posture on the bed can best be put in the words like this: I was sleeping, my eyes closed, my long legs bending together a little making a wide ‘V’ shape, my one hand on my stomach. The aberrance was with my other hand. It was drooping from my bed like it was going to separate from my body.
Anxious to know the reason for its figmented magnetism to gravity, I bent down my head sideways to slowly look at it. And all the horror on the planet cumulatively hit me with its best strike. My wrist connected to the hand was sliced through the veins all over.
Blood. Blood all along my palm, all the floor beneath my hand. I have implicitly lost a huge amount of blood and there was an immense damage created to my body . I was too horror-stuck to move but I slowly tried to raise myself to look at my legs. My legs, my entire body except my hand was uncut. I tried to move slowly from my bed unapprehensive of what was happening with me.
I was moving, but my legs were not. I was starting to get scared if there’s an irreparable damage about my numbness. I slowly raised my body, sat up on the bed staring at my unblemished doll. I slowly raised from my bed and landed on the floor. But, surprisingly my legs were on the bed, connected to it, my entire body including my dangling sliced hand.
Till then, I didnt realise that I am a Ghost (with my body there dead.)