Suspense Short Story – Afraid of the Dark
Photo credit: mantasmagorical from morguefile.com
It was a cold winter night,everybody in the house was sleeping except me i had a noucious feeling that something was wrong about the house.It had only been a week since we had shifted here thou it was a huge house just like a big nice palace but there was something wrong about this place.We had got that big house at a very cheap price and that is what atonished me the most was that this big house was very cheap.
People living here before us had died as there was a rumour that there was some kind of spirit in the house ,my father did not believe in all such thing and so didnt I….and so we bought the house but after comming to this house I had a gut feeling that something was wrong about this house i thou did not believe in ghosts was too scared to roam around the until that dreadfull night i can never forget that night because that night changed me completely.
It was about 2 in the night when I went down to see as to what was there in the house which troubled me so much moving down i had a torch in one hand a the bible in another i was scared that if the rumours wer right and there was actually a ghost there i would be damned……As I moved forward I looked about the whole hose but couldnt find anything so happy and contentd i startd going back to my room when I suddenly heard a creek of the chair.
I was too scared to look back I kept moving forward and so did the foot steps behind me I heard them getting closer to me as they came closer i started to panick sweat was all over my face i dint realise as to wen i fainted and the next morning when i woke up I saw that my parents were sitting beside me my mother looked very tensed….as soon as i saw her i hugged her and started crying I was still shivering at the incident that took place last night but I soon revived from it and was back again in a time of 2-3 months.
Then one day at night I heard a rumbling sound inside our house I remembered my last incidence and wqs a little hesistant collecting all my courage I went downstairs and their I saw two men holding somtheing like a sack in their hand moving towards our kitchen I took them to be robber and thought of calling the police but den the most dreadful thing happened which moved me completely.
I saw them put the sack to the ground and out of it came a hand I then realised that they were not thieves but had killed somebody and had come to burry the body i saw them going through an opening in the kitchen floor…..I without wasting my time went and woke up my mom and dad and called up the police…….the police came in the next 15 minutes and we told them as to what had happend. I led them to the place wer the murderes had gone.
The police went inside and in the next one hour dey were tied up abd wer sitting on the ground…..when they were inquired as to why they had come here and whose body it was they blurted out everything……they were the as called ghosts that the people talked about these boys were of an age of twenty five or twenty six they would capture people make them unconsious and then take out their body organs and sell them the previous owners of the house were also killed by them because they had tried to inform the police about them…..that night when i thought that somebody was following me it was them. I thanked god for saving my life and this incident made me stronger i was praised by my parents for being so brave…