Suspense Short Story – 500
Photo credit: clarita from morguefile.com
Ragunanthan is an archaeologist who was doing research regarding the Chola dynasty. He was residing in Chennai with his parents because of his research purposes he always used to be in travel throughout the world. He was in Tanjore this time for finding something regarding Chola dynasty. He studied in a book written by Rajendra chola lll the last ruler of Chola dynasty regarding their cultural, activities, interest and so on…
In that book one sentence was that “there is a big cloth of Vijayalaya Chola who was the first ruler of Chola dynasty.In that cloth there is a big secrete regarding Chola dynasty and that cloth is right now in Nanjikottai which is situated in Tanjore”.That cloth is hidden in Nanjikottai in such a way that no one could find it.He was in search of that cloth.Many archaeologist went in search of it but no one were able to find it.
Ragu used to search for ancient objects with his group.His group just consists of 2 members,they were his best friends.He was struggling for more than two years for finding that cloth and was in eager to see that secrete written in that cloth.He was searching for that cloth at the surrounding of that place.He collected some information from saints who were working in the Siva temple regarding the cloth in Nanjikottai.He resided at that temple with his friends.
It was early morning the saints were washing the clothes of lord Siva. He was sitting next to them.He had a doubt whether the Chola cloth would have mixed with them.That day at evening time he went to temple for worshipping the god,the god was in white dress.He was surprised to see that cloth which was dressed up for god at that day.At one side of that white cloth he saw some images and script but when he went on to see that cloth at other angle he was unable to see those images and scripts.
He was really shocked to see that and considered it to be the cloth of Chola king.Those people working in that temple did not considered those images seriously.He asked those saints about that cloth.They told him that“all the clothes which we are using are of ancient time and are followed by our generations”.
He request those saints to give him that cloth and he explained the situations to them.At first they denied to his request but later gave him.He went to another village with his friends for research.He took the cloth along with him he was unable to see those images and script.He was shell shocked to see that cloth.Suddenly power goes in that village,his friends glowed the candle.For his surprise he saw those images and script again.He realised that only if the candle light falls on that cloth they can see the images and script.He again realised about that temple which was having a small lamp at one side were he was able to see the script in a certain angle.He praised Chola for making that cloth with a big talent and idea.He was unable to understand the wordings in that cloth as it was written in pure Tamil.He goes to Chennai immediately to know about those words.
Rajkumar is a librarian and a guy who knows well about ancient Tamil but he does not know English.Ragu meets him personally in his home and asks about the script written in that cloth.They turned off the light and glowed candle Kumar read those words with lots of difficulties,he read that
”this is written by the king Rajendra chola lll who is ruling the entire Chola dynasty right now.Before me many other rulers of my generations had ruled the country.We are well known for our sculpture and discipline.We first started our ruling area in Poompuhar and later spread over.We have changed our capital for many times but now our capital is Tanjore.We spread our dynasty over the Ganges in north by wining difficult war with other dynasties and we easily won wars in east side up to Malaya and we considered Kambuja to be the most secured place for us.We won all the wars and got many support from our people.The year 1279 right now is so far a very bad year for us.
The Pandia dynasty which was very small started to occupy our area.We are not able to bare that so we planned to make war over Pandia.In that war there was many failure because people around me cheated a lot.Right now the Pandia ruler is Maravarman Sundara Pandyan he is very intelligent ruler who occupied our southern region recently.I am having no hope right now that we will win the war this time because he had started to dominate us.All the auspicious value and secretes of us is placed in different parts of our eastern region.All the jewels of our dynasty is in Kambuja right now.They all are placed in such a way that no one could find them.If we sustain in this war and if we win this it would be good.In any situation we don’t want Pandia dynasty to know about our secretes and get our auspicious things.This message would be useful for our future generations if we had lost the war,anyway we will win this war”this was written in that cloth.There was no further information regarding them.
Ragu was in eager to know about the further information and referred some book he came to know that“Chola dynasty was totally established by the Pandia for certain reasons and also he came to know that the last Chola king did not died in that war.He ran with his people to Vietnam for covering himself from enemies”.
Since he was not familiar with certain names such as Malaya and Kambuja he referred those words in internet and came to know that Malaya is Malaysia,Kambuja is Cambodia right now.He was happy to know in details about that past.He planned to go for Cambodia in search of that hidden jewels.This time he thought of not saying anything to government so that he could use those jewels for his future.He asked Kumar to come with him for helping him as he well knows about language and he could also explain him about that treasure.Kumar asks him to give certain share for him.
When he asked like that he was shocked because he didn’t thought that he would ask like that.They both had big quarrel and finally made a deal of 70-30 between themselves.70 for Ragu and rest for him.They made a huge plan for that and decided to travel in a quite medium size ship to Cambodia.Ragu came to the boarding with his two friends and Kumar bought ten members for him to help.
Totally fourteen of them were in travel to Cambodia in search of that treasure which is at Cardamom mountains a restricted area of that country.They all bought foods,medicines and so on..for their daily needs.They also had a small motor boat for emegency purpose.Kumar was saying to his members that”we will kill Ragu and his friends after we found that treasure”.Ragu heard those words as he was hiding and listing to their conversation.Ragu told his friends regarding it and asked them to be aware of them.It was more than 5000km of travel which took nearly 4 days for them to reach that place and the climate was also in support of them.
That mountain was situated in coast side of the country so they anchored the boat in shore and was happy to see that mountain which was covered by thick leaves of tress.It was a different location for them which they had not seen before.They did not saw any army troop around that area.Ragu made his each move carefully to stay away from him.They followed that map carefully so that they would not make any mistake while searching.It was night time and the climate was cool.They fired to keep themselves warm suddenly they saw four army men of Cambodia aiming at them with gun.They came to that place by seeing the fire smoke.He asked them the reason for their visit to this place and asked for passport.
Ragu told him that”we are tourist people..” but he did not accepted and was in an intension to arrest them.They had no other way other than to say about themselves,they told them everything.That army man gave them a wide smile and told them he would also join them.Kumar did not liked him.Army man also asked them some share,they had no other way other than to accept his words.He guided them in good way in that restricted area.
In that mountain they saw many sculpture of Chola dynasty and was reading all those script written in sculpture so that they would get any clue regarding treasure.Since the mountain was not steep they did not felt any difficulty.Unfortunately one of those ten members was bit by snake and he died.They dig a big pit near big stone for burying him,at that time they saw something written on bottom of the stone and they cleared that place of stone for reading that,it was written that”the property of Chola is hidden in one of the pancha pootah”.
They all were confused on it and was thinking for a quite long time.They confirmed that treasure is not on land since they have searched in all parts of land.Army man told them there is no form of fire and steam here but possible of water is more.The other two options they were guessing was water and air.In air it’s not impossible for hiding so they confirmed that treasure is placed in water and felt happy on getting that clue.Ragu told to Rajkumar that”army man made a plan with me to kill you guys so that we would take the treasure and share it among with us carefully behave with him”.Kumar got anger on listening to him but actually army man did not told like that,it was a game planned by Ragu.
They all were searching in that mountain for more than fifty days and were still unable to find.They went in search of all water area but were unable to find the treasure.They were having their lunch near a lake which was drought out with big cracks.They all were having a fish as their meal with milk.The fish which they were having has been rotten and also the milk was not good so they disposed their whole foods in that drought and were taking rest for a while in that same place.After an hour they were surprised to see gold in dissolved form coming out from that drought and all thought that the gold would be in that drought were waters in that lake had been drained out long years back.
Ragu’s friends explained to them that”fish and milk which we had is full of nitric acid and this drought land would be having more acidic regularity.So when those nitric acid combines with those acid regularity its forms aqua regia which is used for dissolving gold.That is why due to pressure those dissolved substance came out from land”.
They all started to dig,within two foot itself they took a big box made up of iron which was cracked at top.They completely broke that box and saw gold jewels and coins of value two and half crore.All were happy on seeing it but the jewels were reacted with those chemical substance and were damaged but the coins were perfect.They all packed those jewels by sharing each other into three half in a three big bags.
Now there was a clash between them regarding those chemically reacted jewels.Army man took his gun to shoot all so that he would take all the jewels for himself but this time it was a real plan made by that officer.Kumar thought of the words told by Ragu suddenly he took his gun and shot that officer.There was a big fight between those army men and Kumar within that gap Ragu with his three friends took those three bags and started to run towards the boat.No one noticed them.The fight was over all the army men were killed,Kumar was standing with his three member by losing rest of his members.He was in search of Ragu.Ragu and his friends did not found proper way for reaching the sea shore.
Kumar was searching for Ragu in that arena and founds his group,there was nearly ten feet gap between both.Kumar shot one his friend in his gun and the injured guy left his bag down and started to run with his friends.They three escaped from him.Kumar was in search of them again and got one of the gold bag dropped by him.
Since the ship in which they came was in shore still he considered that they had not left the mountain.After three days one of his member told him that”sir if they had escaped in that motor boat?”
Kumar ran to see whether the motor boat was there or not in that ship.He was shocked,there was no motor boat.Ragu escaped with his friends in that boat with those two bag.Kumar tried to start that ship but was unable to start it and was finally caught by the Cambodia government and was prisoned.Ragu along with his friends reached Andaman in two days and gave treatment to his injured friend.They all were taking rest for a week in that place but unfortunately lost their one gold bag in that place.So they decided to go their home as soon as possible.Atlast they reached and opened their bag and saw a bag full of gold coins which valued less than a crore.They all were counting the number gold coins which they have hunted and came to know that there was nearly 500 thick coins and they divided among themselves.They three were enjoying their life with those coins and again started for their next research.