Suspense Story – FREAK DREAM
Photo credit: mantasmagorical from morguefile.com
‘Arun are you still watching this stupid horror movie? You’re seeing this for twelfth time.
Are you mad?’ asked Arun’s mom.
‘Oh mom. Don’t over react. It’s just twelfth time. Don’t you know that i love watching horror movies?’ Arun questioned his mother gradually.
‘But it seems very bad Arun. Please stop this habit.’ advised his mom.
’ Please don’t start to advise again mom. I have to concentrate on this movie. So please leave me alone.’ Arun shouted on his mom.
‘Concentrate? What boy he is?’ Arun’s mom leaved the room murmuring.
‘A last thing to say.’ she entered the room again. Arun paused the movie and slowly turned his head towards her.
‘I’m going to sleep. I’ve kept the dinner near to your table. After watching this, please eat and sleep. Good night.’ she said and went to his room.
All the rooms, except Arun’s were dark and silent.But Arun was watching the movie with a great volume in his boom headset.
After watching it, he gave a great yawn and reached his bed to sleep without having his dinner.
He was in his bed, in a sleeping position but he was still thinking about the movie he watched. After sometime, there was a sound under his bed which was strange and horrible to hear.
He switched on the light, and completely checked his bed even-though he was very tired. There was nothing.
He turned off the light and went to sleep. After sometime he again heard the same sound under the bed. He thought that it would be some insect and didn’t bothered of it. But the volume of the sound was going on increasing. He opened his eyes and slowly looked down. There he was shocked, to see the ghost he saw in the film. He screamed and ran, but the ghost grabbed him.
Suddenly Arun woke up and came to know that it was a dream. He also came to know that it was morning. He ran to seek his mom and narrated all the things he experienced.
She took him to consult a doctor and explained his problem.
‘ It’s just a mental stress. As his mind is fully concentrated on ghosts, his mind starts creating ghosts on his surroundings without his permission because, it is working when he is unconscious or sleeping deeply. As the amount of stress goes high it bursts and leads to a horrible experience like what Arun experienced yesterday. The solution for this is to stop watching these types of movies. You have to distract from it by concentrating on some other things. You shouldn’t have a separate room. You have to mingle with your family.’ advised the doctor.
He turned to his mother. She just gave a smile, which said ‘ There’s nothing to worry.’. He made a resolution to follow the doctor’s advise and he also practiced it. After some days, while he was sleeping near his mom he heard the same sound, he heard on that day.
‘Did you heard any sound?’ he asked to his mother.
‘Nothing. Sleep quietly Arun.’ she said and went to sleep.
After some time , he heard the sound again. Then it means?!?!?!??!?!