Murder Mystery Story – The Crimson Diaries(Part-II)
Photo credit: chelle from morguefile.com
The Antagonist-
Session #1
Name of subject: Imtiaz Ahmed
Preliminary Diagnosis: Mentally Unstable and psychologically ill
“What implores you to attack a female (oblique) a male, please describe each experience and that too with details”, inquired the psychiatrist. Imtiaz weighted his options though he knew he had none. Two muscular individuals were standing right next to him, to torture him whenever the psychiatrist did not get satisfactory answers. “Look Imtiaz, we all want what’s best for you, so if you want not to get a 440 volt shock and get paralyzed for the rest of your life, I suggest that you speak the truth and that too quickly”.
“The neck for girls, I cannot control myself when I find them necks, smooth, soft and fair skinned, believe me doc, I just cannot control myself”, and he made one of those faces that everyone makes before their family before having a needle injected or having a crucial operation.
“That is it? “Enquired the doctor, “You kill because of their necks? What do you do after you kill them? Play with their dead corpses? I know a lot of your brothers do sh*ts like that all the time, such a gross thing to do. If we had the power, we would straight away kill you and no one would have the faintest idea about that”, Sighed the doctor.
There was a brief silence that followed and during this time Imtiaz who kept his head low whispered “It’s not what I do after I kill them, it is what I do before as life is the essence of all the fun that I have” and gave such a blood curling growl that instinctively the ward boy pressed the shock button. This had a very interesting effect on Imtiaz, he continued laughing until a high dose of sedatives were injected into his veins and he fell into a deep slumber. The psychiatrist grumbled and instructed the ward boys to leave him in this dilapidated condition as he wanted answers soon.
Imtiaz was linked to the city’s most dangerous criminals in the recent times. He was alone responsible for the deaths and rape of uncountable law abiding citizens, who were Imtiaz’s sheep while he kept on hunting men and women alike.
**Flash Backwards**
The transformation (Weeks before the event)-
Anjali was born and raised by an orphan house in Moulali and her only guardian was Father Andrew of the church where she was raised.
Rajesh, a brilliant child during his growing years was into drugs before he was 16 years old as his dad was killed after being robbed. Wasting his later years he got admitted into a private engineering college and again got into drugs. If it was not for Anjali, Rajesh would be a typical bad-ass doing nothing useful with life. Once or twice Rajesh was even admitted to a rehab for being over drugged and had severe personality related problems as well- and many attribute these facts to his father being killed in the streets. He started developing sensing some changes within him but thanks to Anjali he was so immersed in her love that he soon forgot everything but as in every relationship there has to be a hiatus, a saturation point and that point came when Rajesh again began to find something that would appease his mind, but sadly did not find anything that would calm him.
Rajesh felt his heart palpitating, racing with the thoughts of his father being killed and also his relationship being on the edge, he needed to have a bit of fresh air. Anjali was afraid as she was now witnessing the metamorphosis of Rajesh as she saw years ago when they were in college, only this time she was seeing for the worse. And she did not choose to complain as she chose to be with Rajesh and this decision she knew would take her into grave trouble, but she being optimistic decided to take these problems solving them one by one in life’s stride.
The following morning it was Rajesh who surprised Anjali with coffee and a sorry card telling how sorry he was and how he could not forgive himself and other lies which men usually resort to.
Rajesh: I could kiss every square inch of your body!!!
Anjali: Really? I bet that would be exquisite and ethereal!!!
Rajesh and Anjali thus gets into a foreplay realizing little that they were late, never the less they had a quick sex after so many days and though it was exhausting, both of them felt good.
They went to their respective work stations and when Rajesh reached his office, he heard that his colleague cum bully Ashish was killed yesterday night and now police were scrambling over the office in every possible direction. Rajesh’s boss was flabbergasted and was mumbling possibly about the losses to his public image and that to his office by the presence of all the police that were there.
Mr. Bhardwaj who was leading the investigation was from the looks of it, a very capable policeman and the honors on his uniform proved that right. So, he asked Rajesh looking at him and inquiringly- “so you’re Rajesh hmmm?”
“Yes I am,” said Rajesh with a matter of factly tone.
Mr. Bhardwaj: Nothing, just so you know Ashish was my friend from school and we really used to bond together.
Rajesh (shrugging): Why are you telling me all this?
Mr. Bhardwaj: That is because he called you yesterday night about 2 hours before the murder. And he was found murdered in the streets in the same way as the recent deaths have been found.
Rajesh: Yes, he called me up regarding work and a new project that was to come to us. Being our team leader he used to call almost every one of his colleague. Look, I am sorry for your friend, but a man’s gotta do what he gotta do right? So I suggest you all interrogate me and then let me go, because we all have our work, don’t we guys” said Rajesh and turned his head back to ask his colleagues for help. 14-16 men in unison sang out vehemently demanding the police to release them A.S.A.P.
Mr. Bhardwaj: Well we need to interrogate you guys one at a time for a couple of questions and then we’ll be happy to go and let you guys do all your software bingo.
(To be continued)