Short Story of TWO GHOSTS
Photo credit: Piresco from morguefile.com
Ghost stories are unexpected and inexplicable. We do not know what happened, when it happened and how it happened. It is something like it appeared, vanished and reappeared. I am sure, no trace is left about what actually happened.
Andrew is an young man working in a steel factory. His only habit is reading books and viewing films, viewing films and reading books.Those are Ghost stories and scary movies, just scary movies and Ghost stories are his likes.
The Vampire, werewolf, witch, clown, Ghost, scare crow or Zombie- which one he likes first and which one as last? We cannot say, there is no problem. He likes all of them alike.
Vampires: There was a period during the last century when vampires were genuinely considered a threat to humanity. Thankfully Twilight and True Blood changed all that and now we’re mildly attracted to vampires, but can they still be scary?
Werewolf: Since the beard exploded in popularity in 2011, we have become so accustomed to body hair and incomprehensible growls that the Werewolf no longer seems a threat.
Witches: Witches are certainly scary, but the old fashioned stereotype of the cackling old witch has been replaced by a new wave of young witches who use their powers for good, Hermione being a prime example.
Clowns: Spot the Northampton Clown facebook page. Clowns have endured the exact reverse journey of the vampire. They were loved dearly in the early part of the last century, only for people to wake up to the fact that they are sinister and tremendously terrifying after It The Clown was released in cinemas.
Ghosts: While the Black Eyed Ghost Child might just be the scariest thing we’ve ever heard of, the ghost community’s scare factor is brought down significantly by the existence of Casper, the Friendly Ghost, who is not scary at all.
Scare Crow: When your job title contains the word “scare”, you pretty much have to accept that you aren’t going to have many friends.
Zombies: Zombies are certainly scary, but as long as you have the ability to run at a moderate speed you should be fine, you can hear them coming because they go “muuurgh, bluuuurgh”.
Andrew lives in a steep-roofed, stone house a dozen miles away from Edinburgh. The house is on a narrow wooded glen at the bottom of which ran a brawling brook.
One night he is in deep sleep. It is raining outside. The windows are fluttering and hovering by flapping quickly and lightly. Andrew’s sleepy eyes saw a ghost coming from the windows. His heart beat raised and he was unbelievingly seeing the ghost.
He was an astral body and the face is burning like a crucible in fire. His eyes are crimson red and teeth are as white as jasmine buds. Andrew was afraid or scared seeing the ghost first time. But slowly he gathered courage and he is seeing the ghost with fascination.
“Wow, you are a ghost. You are wonderful.” Andrew said with praise.
“Why do you wonder so much? Look at yourself. You are also a ghost.” Ghost said.
Andrew’s eyes wondered as he found himself also a ghost.
When did he die and became a ghost? He wondered again.
He is about to ask this, when the Ghost answered without his question came out.
“Look Andrew, don’t put questions to satisfy your little brain. Now, understand that a lot of UNKNOWN is around us, which we cannot unfold and answer each and every question. Just see, understand and gain knowledge. Not by somebody’s experience and explanation, but by your own experience and understanding. Now, keep quiet and just follow me.”
The ghost said. Andrew heard carefully and tried to follow his instructions without fail. As he is also now a ghost, he stopped getting afraid of ghosts anymore.
“How can I call you?”Andrew asked.
“Call me Grieve.” The ghost said.
“Okay Grieve. Tell me where are you taking me?”
“That is what I said. Don’t ask questions. I can’t answer and it means, I don’t answer.”
As Grieve said this, Andrew was like a balloon, the air is already half gone.
Ghost looked at Andrew as if saying him to follow him.
Ghost hopped to the window and in to the air. Andrew wondered. Can he do the same? Andrew is feeling very light, so it was not a problem, he thought. He also flew and followed the ghost of Grieve.
Though it is raining outside, the rain drops are not touching their astral bodies. Even if they are touching, Andrew did not have the feel. They are flying like the birds, but with a lot of comfort.
They can see everything very clearly even in the darkness.
Andrew’s house is in the jungle, cut off from the city. Now, they are flying towards the centre of the city.
Most of the buildings are in darkness. Just like ghosts, as there are no lights. The lights are off as it is midnight.
Grieve headed towards a building, where there are bright lights. Grieve took Andrew to that building. It is a multistoried mansion and the beautiful glass doors of the windows are kept open.
There are two persons guarding before one big room. They are armed and the long rifles are also there in their hands. Their faces are as rough as the stones burnt and cooled under sun and rain.
“Who are in that room?’ Andrew asked Grieve.
Grieve looked again angrily. It means, he is reminding Andrew to be quiet Andrew kept quiet.
He crossed the two guards from behind of them and entered that big room from the lock hole. Andrew thought it is difficult task, but he could also went inside like that.
He is a ghost, what is a problem to do such things?Andrew thought.
Grieve entered a big hall which is fully bright with beautiful fancy lights, Andrew also followed him as Grieve went in to a open bed room. It is a wonder to see that the bed room is empty and why Grieve brought him to a place like this is the only question lingering in Andrew’s little mind.
Andrew saw a big oil painting of the Mayor on the wall.
“We are in Mayor’s house.” Andrew said.
The Ghost of Grieve nodded head,
We have entered the bath room where the Mayor is found, strangling his wife who is taking her bath. Mayor’s wife is dead with last shrieks and Mayor dragged her to the bed room where he found black six inches long beautiful box.
Mayor dumped the dead body of his wife in that box and kicked it to go under the long rose wood cot. Then he went to his bar upstairs.
Grieve looked at Andrew as if why he is not speaking.
“If I am not a ghost, I would have called the Scotland police and tell them about this crime.”
“Don’t worry. I will make you Andrewas before, do what you like to do.” The ghost of Grieve said.
As the ghost touched the head of the ghost of Andrew, he became normal Andrew.
Andrew rushed to the telephone in a corner of that room and he lifted the telephone directory. He saw the number of Scotland police and informed about the crime.
“May I know who is speaking?”
“Not necessary. Just come to Mayor’s home, check his bed room and check the long black box under the rose wood cot. You can find the dead body of Mayor’s wife and Mayor’s fingerprints on her neck.”
As Andrew informed this to police, the ghost of Grieve touched the head of Andrew. Again he is a ghost and he followed the ghost of Grieve.
While they are on the way, they saw a cart going towards the forest. Two black horses are pulling that cart.
“What business they have in forest?” I asked Grieve.
Again he gave an expression to keep me quiet. So did I. Then the cart entered before an abandoned house and the cart man took five girls from the cart in to that house.
The hands of the girls are tied with rope and there is nobody to hear their shrieks and cries.
There are total ten girls in two rooms and they are kidnapped.
Andrew saw Grieve as if asking him, what next? He has some doubts also.
“There is no phone here. It is an abandoned house. How can I inform the police about it?”
When Andrew said this, Grieve took Andrew to a secret room in that abandoned house. There is a phone which is working.
The ghost of Grieve touched Andrew’s head and Andrew became normal.Andrew called the Scotland police.
“The same voice sir.” Someone said other side.
“We have just raided Mayor’s house and we found the dead body of Mayor’s wife. Who are you and where are you?” the police asked Andrew.
“I am a ghost.” Andrew said.
“A ghost?” Scotland police’s voice asked in wonder..
The police on the other side is still in confusion when Andrew gave the information of the ten kidnapped girls and the place where they are kept by someone unknown criminals.
When the information of the kidnapped girls is passed, Grieve again touched the head of Andrew. Andrew is now again the ghost.
Two ghosts now reached Andrew’s house, from the window.
Andrew slept on his bed like a little baby and the ghost Grieve vanished from there.
The rain is there outside and the windows are fluttering with brief sounds.
The other day, when Andrew got up fresh from sleep, he forgot the name of the ghost. Slowly he remembered the name.
Grieve. After many nights, Andrew’s waiting for Grieve was futile. The ghost of Grieve did not come.
One day, Andrew got a bit of old paper which is packed with his breads.
“A ghost gave information. Scotland police arrested Mayor for murdering his wife.”
This news wondered Andrew.
A news item in the corner of the paper attracted Andrew.
“A ghost gave information. Scotland police saved ten kidnapped girls and arrested criminals.”