Short Story Suspense – Who am I ?

Short Story Suspense – Who am I ?
Photo credit: jdurham from
It was truly refreshing having coffee by looking at sunrise from the balcony of your apartment. I was doing the same thing exactly, standing outside of my 23rd floor apartment, enjoying sunrise. The outside view was magnificent. My name is Trivedi, working as a Sr.Software Architect in one of the top US Company. We develop security solutions for many customers. US military is one of our top clients.
I was expert in designing and architecturing the intelligent software in weapons. Totally 7 patents are on my name. Most people don’t know that modern weapons have microchip, and the software inside the chip does the most of the work. They believe that Weapon manufacturing is just a mechanical work, and no software required. But certainly they are wrong.
My Salary was six figures in US dollars. I love to enjoy a rich life, so bought costliest apartment and a sports car. Even My boss didn’t have that kind of car. I was bachelor but was dating with Michele. Michele was co-worker in the same company.
That day was going to be my biggest day in my life as I had to give a presentation of my new technology to US military authorities, which I had been working for 2 years. US military was eagerly waiting for that technology. If they accept it then it would be a big breakthrough in my life.
I finished my coffee, went inside and sat on a sofa. I got a call, it was Michele. I answered the call,
“Hey… Mich”, I call her as Mich, short name of Michele.
“Honey… did I wake you up.”
“No … Mich.. I woke up already.”
“Oh… ok… do you miss me yesterday night?” Her tone was teasing. Almost every day I used to spend my night time in her apartment, but yesterday night I didn’t go.
“Ya… kind of… you know right, I was immersed in preparing the presentation.”
“Oh … great. I know you’re a talented person, but I’m angry that you keep all your designs with you. You don’t even share with me”, she sounded angry.
That was, may be 100th time, she was complaining that I didn’t share my designs with her. I really didn’t like to share my designs with anybody, because those are military designs, if those designs land in wrong hands, then I couldn’t imagine what kind of damage that might bring.
I just laughed and remained silent.
“Alright… anyway, come soon to office. See you there… love you… bye”, she disconnected the call.
I took 45 mins to get ready and came out of my apartment. I was carrying my personal laptop. Today’s presentation and some other confidential documents were in that laptop.
I was in the basement, walking towards my car. Then it happened. Something was hit with force at the back side of my head. I fell on the floor. Then two hands were holding me down, and I could feel, something was getting injecting in my neck.
I was losing conciseness. Those two hands took my personal laptop from me. I wasn’t able to resist, lost complete conciseness.
When I opened my eyes, I was inside a small room. I realized that was a lodge. It was undoubtedly very low cost one. I got up from my bed. I remembered everything that someone hit me from back and stole my laptop.
“God damn it. They wanted my new design that’s why they hit me from back and stole laptop. Who was it? I’ve to inform my boss”.
I came out of the room; it was in the first floor. I came over then I saw a short guy at the front desk. He didn’t look like an American. I asked him where was that place and who bought me here. He said, some guy bought me here yesterday night. He had told him that I was his brother. I asked him again, which town it was? He said, I was in Poovar, a small town in Kerela, India.
“Oh my god, it is unbelievable. I’m in India. Whoever stole my laptop, they brought me to India from US? This is ridicules. I’ve to call my boss.”
I asked that guy, whether it was possible to make an international call. It was fortunate that guy was able to talk in English. I heard somewhere that most of the population in Kerala speaks English and i was witnessing that fact in that small Kerala town. He showed me the phone and told me what numbers I should dial first to make an international call.
I dialed my boss office number directly, no one answered the call. Then I understood it was night in US, so I dialed my boss cell phone number. After a moment he answered.
“Sir, this is Trivedi. Please listen carefully. I was attacked by somebody in my basement, and my laptop was stolen. And right now I’m in a small town, India. They brought me here. You have to call FBI and report it”, I told him everything.
There was a silence for a minute from the other side, then he said, “See Mr, this is not a time for practical jokes, I just met Trivedi this evening at my office. So don’t tell me that you are Trivedi. You better call someone to make fool”.
I was shocked after listening what he had said. “What are you saying? You met Trivedi today evening, that’s impossible, I’m Trivedi, and somebody stole my laptop and designs. Sir, you didn’t recognize my voice. I have been working in your company for more than 10 years!!!”
“I told you Mr, stop talking nonsense. You are not Trivedi”, he disconnected the call.
I was stalled. “What is going on? When I’m here, how come he was telling that he met Trivedi. Whom did he meet actually?” my head was spinning with those questions.
“Who stole my designs? Why they bought me live here, instead of killing. I have to call Michele. Yes, she will remember me.”
I called Michele’s cell number. After a while she answered.
“Michele, this is Trivedi, see… something terrible is gonna happen. I don’t understand what is that exactly. But the thing is, someone brought me to India from US, you have to help me”.
She was laughing in phone. “Are you Trivedi? Then who is in my bed? A ghost … ha ha”, it was a double shock to me.
“What? Trivedi is with you??”
“Yes, he is with me in my bedroom. You want to talk to him” and I heard that she gave phone to some other person.
“Hello, this is Trivedi speaking, who is it?” the voice is not my voice. I was thinking, “if he is Trivedi then who am i??”
[Part 2]