Suspense Story – Who am I ?

Suspense Story – Who am I ?
Photo credit: jdurham from
He opened the door. But fortunately that was not the same one where I was hiding. I was relieved. I had waited until they left the room. After that I came out of the almirah. It was my bad luck that they had locked the door before leaving the room. So when I tried to open it. It didn’t open.
“Why it is happening always like this to me?” I muttered.
“How can I go out now?” I had realized there was no other way that I could find out. So I decided to wait until someone opens the door. Few minutes later someone opened the door. It was the guy who had given me the paper slip. I was wondering what that guy was doing there. He quickly came inside and asked me to follow him. We went to inside his room that was in the first floor.
“It was good as I have seen you going into that room. Otherwise, you would have been locked inside until boss finds out.” I nodded and thanked him.
And also I said sorry as I was not able to meet him yesterday. He said he knew that I was not able meet him as my door was locked. But it was good that he didn’t ask how I had managed to come out, otherwise I had to tell the whole story again.
I didn’t wait much time, I asked him.
“Now tell me? You told me that you knew about me. So who am I actually?”
He didn’t answer my question. Instead, he gave me an identity card and asked me to open it. I opened it, it was someone’s secret service agent identity card. I was puzzled and looked at him.
“That was your identity card.”
“What? I’m secret service agent” I was shocked. “Please, give me a break. I was really tired of all these things. First I was a software architect, then a common man, who has a brother and family, and then I was a murderer, and then I was a terrorist, and now I’m secret service agent. Please don’t play with me” I was screaming.
“You were indeed a US secret service agent and were working in undercover. We were total 4 people, who were specialized to find out the terrorist sleeper cells across the world. We came to know that Trivedi was planning to kill US army chief. Then we planned to replace Trivedi with you, so we have kidnapped him. But eventually we realized that they were controlling him through a microchip in his mind. We have extracted that microchip from Trivedi’s brain. And it was you, who altered the software in that chip, so that it would receive instructions from us, instead of from them. However, that was not tested thoroughly. So it was not approved to use it on human beings. We were running out of time. So you took a brave decision to experiment that, though our higher authorities have refused it. Nobody knew about this mission, except four of us.”
Whatever he was saying was going only half into my mind.
“Before you have been kidnapped by these people, we have replaced Trivedi with you. They were wondering why that microchip was not working. It was because we altered that software. However, it even not worked for us. It didn’t respond to our instructions. It malfunctioned and programed your mind such that you strongly believed that you are a Trivedi.”
“When they removed that microchip from your head, you became normal. And you have informed us that you were going to India, so you asked me to contact you here. But after coming here, I’ve realized that they had inserted another microchip in your brain, which caused you to lost all your previous memories and stick to Trivedi’s thoughts. Somehow I managed to join this team and waited for a chance to meet you.”
“Here are your family photos. They are desperately waiting for you” He gave me few photos.
I was not in a mood; not trying to understand what he was saying. I looked at those photos then I asked.
“When are you planning to take me to my family in US?”
That was only thing I wanted at that time from him. Going back to USA. Otherwise, whatever he was telling I was not really interested.
“I’m making plans for that. But it is dangerous for you to go to US first. So I’m planning to take you to UK first, where your operation also will be done and then you can recall your past.”
“Oh, I see”, I said.
“I told you all these things upfront so that you would co-operate with me later. Believe me everything is gonna be alright. You will meet your family soon. Now go and take rest”, he patted on my shoulder.
I hesitated to tell him about Michele. I didn’t know why.
I said thank you and left his room. He told, be careful while returning to my room. Millions of thoughts were circulating in my mind. Many things were going around me. I strongly believed that I should have never come to that building. I should try to find out my own way to US. So instead of going back to my room, I walked towards compound wall of that building. It was still dark. I saw a big compound wall around the building.
There was a tall tree beside of that wall; if I could climb that tree then I could jump over the compound wall. I started climbing the tree. Then I heard a noise. Somebody noticed me.
“Hey? Who are you? Stop; otherwise I’ll shoot you?” he was threatening me.
I didn’t listen as that was the last chance I could get to free myself. So I had climbed up.
He had fired two rounds. Fortunately those bullets didn’t hit me. I had jumped from that tree to wall. I was hanging on the wall and pulling my body up, so that I could jump over other side. Then he had fired four times. He didn’t miss that time.
Two bullets had penetrated into my backbone, and another one went inside of my right leg. I fell to the ground. My head hit something on ground heavily. It started bleeding.
I could feel that I was losing so much blood. I looked at my blood. It appeared different to me. I didn’t know why? But I knew that I was dying. My heartbeat was slowing down. Before losing the conciseness last time that I saw was the person who shot me. I recalled him. He was the guy who told me that I was the secret service agent.
Then that’s it. Everything had turned black.