Suspense Story – Who am I ?

Suspense Story – Who am I ?
Photo credit: jdurham from
Police officer asked me to remain silent and took me outside of the hospital. We were walking towards his vehicle, and then it happened that. A big explosion and police vehicle had thrown into the air. The smoke from the vehicle spread across. I couldn’t see anything. I heard a van stopped near to me, and somebody pulled me inside, and it accelerated to full speed. Everything had happened so fast. I observed three people inside the vehicle.
One guy came close to me and removed handcuffs with some kind of scissor.
“How are you feeling Afzal? It has been very long since we met?”
I didn’t understand whom he was asking.
“What are you saying? Who are you guys?” I was screaming. There is a tall man with a long beard in van looked at that first guy and said, “Still he doesn’t remember anything. We have to take him to boss first”.
The first guy went back to his previous position.
Whatever just happened was driving me crazy, “you guys did that blast? What an earth the reason for you to do like that. See it might be some mistake. You might be thinking I’m somebody else. I’m already in full of troubles. So don’t involve me in another. Please let me go. ”
He pushed me back when I tried to stand-up.
“You are not going anywhere. You will come to know everything once we see boss”, the long beard guy said.
“No, I’m not coming anywhere, until you tell me what is going on here?” I stood-up again.
“Alright, I’ll tell you everything. You first sit down. As you are thinking you are neither Trivedi nor Joseph. Your name is Afzal. You are one of the best guys in our team. You have been working with us from the past fifteen years. You are part of one of our sleeper cells in US. You have been assigned a mission”, he stopped and looked at me for reactions.
I opened my mouth and listening what he was going to say.
“Your mission was to kill US military chief. You have been planning for that mission for many years. You were almost edge to your target. But, in the last minute we had to back off. That’s where all these problems started.”
“What the heck you guys are saying? No… No… No… you are wrong. You are totally wrong. I’m Trivedi. I’m software architect. I’m not a Terrorist”, I was shouting.
“See that’s the problem. We invented a microchip, which can be attached to the brain. So it gives the instructions subconsciously to each agent. And it makes you think that you are what you are in the present role. It supposed to disable itself after completing the mission, so that you should be normal again. We used to contact each agent through that device. It was our state of the art technology. You are also one of the guys who involved in the designs of this device.”
“But, when we had instructed through that device before you were attempting to kill US chief, some technical problem happened. The device didn’t respond properly. And you didn’t come back to normal either. You still believed that you were Trivedi. We didn’t have any choice except, replacing you with other guy in that position.”
He was talking continuously without a break.
“The team in US operated you and removed that old “Trivedi’s” chip. Fortunately you have behaved normal after removing that chip. So we bought you here in India. Here you have been assigned to some other mission and inserted another chip. This is supposed to make you believe that you are a joseph. However, after inserting that chip, you behaved violently. You killed the doctor who did the operation and plastic surgery to you. And you tried to escape. Somehow we have managed and left you in that bar, where Joseph brother spotted you”.
“We thought you would recall that you are Joseph after seeing Danieal and Joseph’s family. But you didn’t. Instead, you still in “Trivedi’s” mind. You called Trivedi’s boss in US and Michele too. That is not what we expected. So we decided to take you back.”
I looked at him unbelievably. If whatever they were saying is right then, I was a terrorist. I was appointed to kill US top official. My head was spinning. I sat down holding my head with hands.
After a while, the van stopped at an unknown place. He asked me to get down. I blindly followed them inside a building. There I met another person, from their discussion; I understand that he was boss.
“Hello Afzal. I know you still didn’t believe that you are Afzal. Come with me”, he put his hand on my shoulder and took me inside.
I went along with him. That was a lab. He asked me to lay down on a table. I did it exactly as I didn’t want to do anything stupid at that time after witnessing what they could do at the hospital.
They took scan of my brain. After 5 mins, he had shown my brain x-ray and spotted the place where the chip was placed.
“See, look at this. This is proof that you are Afzal.”
I was shocked looking at that x-ray.
“Unfortunately you killed the doctor, who can only operate and remove this chip from your mind. He is only doctor in India. But don’t worry; we have many doctors in US. We are planning to send you to US and get it operated.”
I was totally confused. The way they were telling those things made me believe that I was not Trivedi, but don’t know, some part of my mind was telling that was hoax. Anyway I was glad that he was planning to send me US, which was only thing I wanted. I thought, once I reach US then I could decide what to do next.
“Ok, Afzal. Your mind is precious and special to us. Go and give and some rest to it.”
He instructed one of his agents to show me a room where I could take the rest. On the way I met someone, he said welcome back and gave handshake. He actually gave me a folded slip of paper while giving handshake. Some reason, I kept that paper slip in my hand.
The agent showed me the room, and he left. I confirmed that no one around then opened the slip. It was written like, “If you want to know who you are, meet me in room no 9 today night at 2.00PM. Make sure nobody follows you”.
After reading that, I was thinking, “who am I actually?”
[Part 4]