Short Story Suspense – Love to lunacy
Photo credit: carygrant from morguefile.com
Watching the sun trying to peek through the mist. Unfortunately, the text that popped up on the mobile display made him jump out of his skin. Farhan tried to stop his breath but it wasn’t that easy…
Hours later, with renewed determination and a new-found strength Farhan decided to come out of his den as soon as possible but again it was not a cake walk.
The air was fresh and echoed of quiet serenity. Hurriedly throwing himself in a pair of jeans he zipped his jacket.
He went out to walk through the eternity, through the ravages of time, in the darkness of the night, in the aroma of seekh kebab stretched across yeth (Jehlum). It was all perhaps just in order to validate the truth of oppression. Moon smiled briefly before lowering her gaze.
He glanced over his shoulder at the fear trailing behind him, fear of losing his shadow.
Soon he could perceive a low pitched desperate cry that was following him..,
He was too timid to look back at the past, which was more possessive than the drainage system of the city.
His conscience was posing a threat to his survival by asking questions more than the count he could keep. Future was once again ready for some sneaky plan to startle his consciousness, moon was firm at her decision to wink at his deteriorate condition, night was more destitute than him, stray dogs were eyeing him curiously perhaps cursing him for his non-violent nature or trying to share a part of his grief. Tangled in the reality that had sent shivers down his spine and the expectation of setting free. He was engrossed in the thoughts of possibilities.
Though Farhan believed that difficulties are to be faced not evaded but this time he was as constrained and helpless as a laid sheep to be slaughtered.
‘Sorrow on his face would had demanded mercy’, but that was not part of their syllabus however the religion which they used as backup was based on the ideology of humanity. Fighting the tears back seemed bit easier until the shrill ring of phone broke his trance, shuttling his mind back and forth between past and present. Chaos in the mind took intensity as the heart suffered immensely in maintaining its rhythm. Chilly gusts of wind arising from the cold water of Jehlum accompanied him throughout the way along its bank. Feeling the soft hands caressing his rough hair in an attempt to garnish his ability to handle the hard situations and eyes seem shinning in the hope of prosperity. The anguish directed his feet away from reality. Soon Farhan was standing on someone’s door with a wistful smile, humiliating his own conscience. For asking her about the reason of her jilt, proving that his love was not mere infatuation.
Even when he should be in the search of the man who was in proximity more than his own belongings, Farhan was trying to persuade the soul who seemed to be devoid of feelings..,
Ringing the bell, the admonishing words of Najma resonated in his mind,
“Love is not everything you need to live together, to be mine you need to be financially sound”, He fell in bewilderment, dumbstruck because in the world he understood money was only needed to fulfill basic needs of food, shelter and clothing but never the one and only reason to choose your life partner..,
He never wished to muddle with her so before someone would come to open the door he had left with a sneak, a heavy heart and a tangled mind. Perhaps he was feeling out of place, incompatible to the demands of the world, immature and innocent, still engrossed in the world of love. However, he never anticipated the word infatuation taken by love and love by lunacy.
Soon a story, some believed to be a rumor, of a mad man roaming on the streets of city took intensity.
Abandoned, mischievous, lunatic..,
Overwhelmed by her ego, contemplate for what she had done eyeing on the headline of newspaper with every word striking as a thunderbolt;
A medical student whose dad was found dead in the fields few kilometers behind their home after being kidnapped by the religious militants, perhaps the same who had killed his elder brother just some years ago, having a lunatic mother roaming through the forests, fields and villages and asking everybody about the dead body of her son., showing them the photos of her children. First crying for the elder one who was confirmed dead but his dead body was never recovered then smiling after boasting the handsome character of the younger one and then without any delay continuing her redundant search operation for the dead body of her valiant son; Farhan turned mad after being deceived by some girl whose photo he used to hold in his hand. He was found inanimate on the street-11 in the west of city during a cruel winter night…
Najma in an attempt to reassure herself felt a need to purge and with soft steps she came out on street-11 to find what she had lost forever..,