Short Story Suspense – Colorless Rainbow

Colorless Rainbow – Short Story Suspense
Photo credit: puravida from
In the deepest corners of the heart, the most heinous secrets of mind are hidden. Those unbraced neglected realities which we fear to confess with our eyes, shape our thoughts and govern our actions, and if these urges are not controlled, they make us a helpless pray to an uncertain situation.
James awkwardly tried to fight his current dilemma, but was tied down by flowing events in which he tried hard to explain his heart to his very much innocent self.
Son: “Father, why is the rainbow colorless?”
He remained silent, as he knew that behind the walls of lies, is resting a cunning beast of truth which was can mercilessly rip apart the woven fabric of his self-righteous.
The young heart moved ahead and picked up a faded umbrella, which was lying on an ‘electric chair’. James looked helplessly, at the teasing smile of his son, who was enjoying the agony in which his father was burning.
Son: “This is a lovely thing. Father, why don’t you hold this”. He gently passed the umbrella to his guilt ridden father.
James: “Son, is there anything, I can do for you”. His eyes were filled with frozen crystals, he knew he didn’t have much time and his insecurity had already broken him apart.
“Your mother was a beautiful person and didn’t deserve this”. He paused for a minute, to muster up the guts and said in a dim voice. “Son, I loved her very much”.
Lie! Lie! Lie…came a notoriously teasing voice-“You can’t love anyone father, you just can’t “.
“No son, trust me, I loved her, she was the most important person of my life”. His tears were pouring out with honest confessions, his heart was hurting and he was down on his knees. ”
James: “Please forgive me son”.
Small fingers gently whipped off the tears of a broken man. “Father, what is this umbrella used for”??
James tried to gain control of his senses and replied, “We take the umbrella and put it in the ground and then spin it with full force, this adds up the momentum, and as it begins to spin away, you have to try to catch it; If you are able to do that, you get a wish”.
“Oh! Just like a Dream”. Came an innocent answer.
“Yes son, you are right! It’s like a Dream”.
“Father, will you do this for me? Will you include me in your wish? I want to live with you!”
“Sure son! Sure. I will get the umbrella for you!”
As wind began to loose its grip, dice was rolled again. “Come on Father, go for it!”, came a cry from a wishful thought, as James began to chase the umbrella.He ran and ran faster, but the non-living harsh fate kept eluding him. As he ran, he saw the images of his colleagues who he always despised, but he didn’t stopped to argue them, as now his aim was different. He came across his parents, who never gave him proper time, but today, he didn’t wanted any explanation or reason for those gift less Christmas’, he spent alone. He was running as fast as he could to save his only chance of redemption. He saw his wife, he wanted to go down on his knee and confess his guilt, he wanted to cry out his heart and say sorry, but he didn’t want to slow down the pace of his feet, which were carving for its ultimate goal. But little did he realize that the destiny of his fainted reality was already written and all he was chasing was the reflection of his dented desires.
With every passing minute the strength of the will was getting weak, the stamina was giving up and deep inside the voice of defeat was echoing loud .He knew, he was loosing it, and ultimately gave up. He was out of breath and words, as he painfully saw his ‘last wish’ in the form of an umbrella disappearing in front of his eyes.
He nervously looked into the dejected eye of his son, who took a deep breath and said,” Father, I will not be able see the light”.
He buried his face in his helplessness, and confessed for one last time,’ I am sorry Son’.
“I leave it here, and wait for you father”, he said softly, and started walking towards a railway track. James got back on his feet and kept crying in guilt and pain, as he saw his son walk towards a fast coming train. He kept watching his son move towards the punishing fate, he closed his eyes and said, ‘We will meet again’, as he heard a violent thump and………
And he opened his eyes in a fretful way, he looked around and found himself in a familiar environment; he washed his face and drank half bottle of water to calm his nerves. After few seconds, he gained the awareness to realize, that what he just watched was a Dream.
Though, reality was even more painful, but he had a smile on his face, as he walked towards a dark room, a room where he was to be executed on an ‘Electric chair’, for a crime of murdering his 8 month pregnant wife.
We always confess reality, in our DREAMS