Short Story of Two Brothers – Copycat
Photo credit: hotblack from morguefile.com
Vikram and Vishal are identical Twins. They were going along a dusty road that had no trees along its sides. Trees that stood before few years are now replaced by buildings and shops. Now the places have become one of the well-known markets.
“Vishal it’s my long day wish to write a novel and publish. But it’s always been a dream.”
Vikram pointed a big store in the market with a name on it has “Best sellers publishers”. Vishal always knew that unlike him, who is always interested in gambling, Vikram has got talent and he also read many of his short stories. He had jealous on his brother’s works and his popularity among all of his friends.
Vikram spent all his effort in writing the new book to publish. He wants to say something different by giving the essence of love, thriller, Action and moral. He sat inside the bedroom of his house and started working on the book.
“Hi Vikram. What you are seriously working?” vishal entered the bedroom and sat with vikram.
Vikram didn’t listen to his words and he kept thinking in his whole world.
“Hey What are your doing? Let me see.” Vishal dragged the papers that his friend was holding.
“Why don’t you have some break and come? I have lots of work to do. Besides it’s my final touch.” Vikram pleaded.
“Is it? Wow. You have completed the entire book?” vishal exclaimed.
“Yes but not completely” vikram smiled.
“Then we need to celebrate”
Vishal pulled vikram’s hand and throwed him aside. After several arguments vikram accept to join for a party to celebrate.
“Come on! Let’s have fun.”
Vishal had liquor in his hand and he danced. They had a very good time. But Vishal was boozed out that day. It is only Vikram who helped him to keep his clothes off and took to his room. When he about to leave he saw many of Vishal’s photo posters on the wall which he has not seen before.
“This is something strange. All of his photos on the wall looks like a rock star in stage” thinking so he left the room.
“Bro I saw your photos on wall yesterday night. You look amazing and resemble cine actors with their costumes. What is that copycat?”
“Well those are the photos of different cinema actors to resemble them. It’s for fun with my club friends. We used to organize club events and those are the pictures took during such events” vishal replied.
“But I have never seen you doing all that kind of stuffs. Take me one day to your club event. I would like to watch one.” Vikram asked with surprise.
“This is nothing. I can even write a same handwritten note like a person’s handwriting just practicing for two days” vishal boasted.
“Is it? Can you imitate my handwriting?
“Yes. Of course”
“It’s a great shame for me. I have not noticed any of your talents. Here have my signature and note. Practice for two days. I will come after two days. I want to see whether your work imitates mine” saying so vikram left to his room.
After two days..
“Vikram you said that you will see my work after two days. Where was u man?”
“Sorry bro. I was working with the book. Finally I made it. You should be the first person to read it. And before that let us exchange, give your note and I will give mine.” they exchanged their things.
“Wow. I can’t believe my eyes. The duplicate note looks exactly like my handwritten note. No one can find the difference” vikram pattered his Friend’s shoulder who is reading the novel.
“You too have done an amazing job” saying so vishal handed over the book and left the place without speaking much. Vikram felt something bad but he doesn’t know it was only the jealousy that drives Vishal to move.
One day Vikram called vishal to meet him for dinner. He added that he has some good news to share.
“Welcome my Friend. This is the day I was waiting for. You know, my book that I published in “Best sellers” publication has won “Book of the month” award with cash prize of about 10lakhs. I’m very happy. So my hard work has not failed. i wish to celebrate this.” Vishal on hearing his excitement gave no reaction and he just leaned on the wall of the bedroom’s balcony.
“Look you are not feeling well. Don’t’ you value what I have achieved?” vikram followed Vishal and join leaning at the balcony wall. “Yes I value. But I don’t value you. It’s the Money i value.” saying so within a fraction of second he pulled off vikram from the balcony wall.
Vikram was called on mick to receive the award from the judge for his book that was selected as “Book of the month”. With everyone’s applause at the stadium vikram walked towards the stage to receive the honour. He received the award and the cash prize with pride. A lady handed over a pen to him and asked him to sign in the book which is actually a practice that book publisher’s asks to do. Vikram smiled and signed on the book. He was asked to give a speech. Vikram moved towards the mike to give speech where a hand interrupted him. A group of Police men came to scene to arrest him.
“Hello Vishal. All your drama acting as vikram came to an end. We always suspected you but we are left with no clue. But God is great and he had pointed you just by yourself.”
“Sir You has mistaken me. I’m vikram.“
“Stop acting. Inspector Meena please give that book which he had signed now.”
Meena who actually belongs to police department gave the book to the Police inspector. “See. You have signed as “Vishal” and also vikram is a left handed writing person. Have you signed with your Left hand ?”
Vishal felt ashamed and his plan of acting like his brother and his trick of using the handwriting like his brother and look alike his brother came to an end.