Mystery Short Story – O, Phire and Isce
Photo Credit: www.cepolina.com
Day 1:
“Mrs. Jones, are you okay?” asked Isces as she rushed up the stairs towards the master bedroom. “What is happening in there? Is everything okay?” she repeated as she pushed open the bedroom door. There, she found Sapphire Jones lying on the floor. Her usual manicured hair was sprawled about her head and looked as if she had not combed it in days. Her clothes were disheveled and she looked as if she had just seen a ghost. The telephone cord was all tangled around her ankles and the phone lay by her side. “Mrs. Jones usually has it together,” Isces thought to herself. “What’s the deal Mrs. J., are you okay?” Isces asked again.
“Isces, I know you just came here a few weeks ago and you are working hard to manage school and to work for us. I know things have not been so cozy since Onyx and I have not been on one accord lately. I really appreciate the job you have been doing. I am going to have to go out of town for a little while. My great-grandfather died,” Phire stated while staring off into space. “I didn’t even know he knew where to find me,” she whispered.
“Oh Mrs. Jones, I am sorry to hear that. Was he sick long?” asked Isces.
“I am not quite sure” Sapphire responded. “You just don’t understand what it was like growing up with him. Shoot, I don’t know whether I should feel sad, happy or re-kill him myself!” stated Phire as she began to cry.
“It is going to be okay Mrs. J.,” Isces said while giving Sapphire a hug in an attempt to be some sort of comfort to her. “You know I am here for you in any way that I can be,” she stated.
“I know baby girl,” Sapphire replied. As she began to pack her bags, she dreaded the thought of calling Onyx to tell him what was going on.
As Onyx and his homeboy and colleague Charles entered the office, his secretary informs he has a call on line 2. “Charles man, you just don’t know what it is like to live under scrutiny man. I am tired of her sh*t man,” barked Onyx Jones.
“O, I love you man but you don’t know what a treasure you got in Sapphire. A woman can only take so much cheating and lies until she deems you untrustworthy. I wish I had a woman like her man, she’s a real gem,” exclaimed Charles.
“Well you take her then, I am tired of the bi**h,” O replied as Charles walked away shaking his head.
“Hello, this is Onyx Jones speaking,” O stated answering his call.
“Why are you avoiding me O? I want my money?” stated Donovan.
“Look D, I will get you your money! Just give me two weeks. I promise I will have the money then,” Onyx pleaded.
“O, you know how I feel about my cash. Playing with my money is like playing with my main bitch. It’s personal and I’ll cut your a*s down over that! Now because you are family, I’m going to give you 15 days to get my money. Then, I’m going to have to prove a point to you! I don’t need people thinking they can get over on me because they are related to me. You know the code Onyx, M.O.E. `Money over Everything’! So, if you want to play with the big boys, get me my scratch! Do we understand each other,” asked Donovan.
“I got you man! That is Phire on the other line. But I got you!” Onyx replied while clicking over. “What is it,” he asked.
“Damn, that’s how you answer your phone or is it only how you speak to me?” questioned Phire. “Look, never mind. I am going to be out of town for a few days. Pop-Pop Jay died and he told them to call me to manage his belongings. This means he knew where I was the whole time,” stated Phire.
“So, why did he ask for you? Like, aren’t you his only heir? It does seem strange given your history with him,” Onyx replied.
“O, I am his beneficiary. They said he gave it all to me. I never wanted to sit around like I am the Grim Reaper waiting for him to die. I never wanted his money after the way he treated us. I don’t feel right about this. I still have serious issues with him,” Phire sighed.
“Look, I know he used to touch you….”
“Touch me,” Phire interrupted. “He beat the hell out of me for 8 years!” she screamed. “You could never know what that’s like. What I dealt with! What I lost!” she yelled.
“Okay, you’re right and I’m sorry. But for what his net worth is, go claim what’s yours. For all those years of misery and heartache, you are about to inherit more money than you could ever dream about. You are about to a multi-millionaire. That should bring you some relief. Do you want me to take you to the airport? Do you have a sitter to help with Lil O?” asked Onyx.
“No O I do not need a ride, I have transportation. Isces is going to look after Lil’ O and rearrange some things to be helpful. Onyx, I know we have our differences right now and there is a lot of rebuilding for our relationship. Maybe this is the fresh start we needed. Will you at least come be with me at the funeral and bring me home?” Phire asked.
“Okay, I’ll come to you for his funeral and I’ll bring you home. I know I have put a great strain on our relationship but your lack of trust bothers me. Maybe we will sort things out when I come to pick you up. I have to get back to work, deuces!” said Onyx.
“Damn, he is forever being an a*s,” she thought to herself.
Day 2:
“Good morning Phire. I pray that you arrived alright. I have been seriously considering the error of my ways and I can’t wait to work things out with you when I see you in a few days. I love you!” Onyx whispered to himself while proofreading the text he sent Sapphire.
“I can’t wait!! I love you too!” Sapphire responded.
Onyx chuckled to himself and put his cell phone back on the night stand. “Good morning Baby. I am glad you took Lil O to his cousin’s house last night. I needed some relief! Baby girl, I don’t know what I would do if you were not in my life!” Onyx whispered in Isces ear.
“Now Mr. Jones, you haven’t even known me that long and what about your wife?” questioned Isces.
“Don’t even get me started on that bi**h. Man, the only thing she is good for right now is that money she is getting ready to get! Okay, so she did find out I had a few flings. I am married to her though. Now, every time I turn around, she is depressed and accusatory. Looks like her good fortune will be my good fortune and her untimely demise,” O said shaking his head.
“Onyx Jones, you are cold blooded. I would be upset too if some bi**h ran up on my car with a tire iron trying to kill me. You don’t think you had anything to do with that. I mean how would you feel if you were a woman and you found out your husband had someone else pregnant? And when that bi**h miscarried, she wants to run up on you and tell you it’s your fault. I would be traumatized too O. And what do you mean by her untimely demise?” asked Isces.
“What do you think I mean Isces? I am going to kill Sapphire and collect her inheritance!” Onyx responded.
“Ah hell no, I cannot be part of this!” exclaimed Isces.
“Baby, you were part of this the first time you went down on me! I don’t love Sapphire anymore but I am totally smitten with you! Sh*t, I haven’t touched Pire romantically since the day we first started hooking up. I am going to meet her at the funeral and bring her back home. We’ll be millionaires when we get back. I already know what to do to make it look like she just died. This stuff is untraceable. You know she drinks tea or hot cocoa every night. Man, this will be a cake walk. Help me Isces. I will give you an extra $200,000 for yourself plus all the perks of being with me!” Onyx proposed as he walked toward the master bathroom.
“Damn, can I be part of this?” Isces questioned herself as she watched his chocolate muscular body walk across the room. “Damn, he is so f**king sexy,” she thought. She loved rubbing his bald head while he performed oral acts on her. She loved how he’d pick her up and screw her against the wall. She even loved looking at him squirm with pleasure while she gave him head. “Hello, reality check. Girl, this man is married. How could I get involved with a married man?” she asked herself.
“What are you waiting for sexy,” Onyx shouted from behind the bathroom door. “Damn, this young thing here is beautiful,” he thought to himself as he watched her walk toward the door. “This will be a cake walk,” he whispered in her ear. As they embraced, the steam of the hot water filled the room and they made love. “Are you on board with this?” he asked Isces.
“Yes, baby,” she replied.
Day 3:
“Mrs. Jones, we are so happy that we were able to find you. Your great-grandfather was adamant about leaving this money with you. Was he always protective of you?” asked the lawyer.
“Sometimes he was a little too protective I guess,” Sapphire replied.
“I am going to give you a series of papers to sign. Who would be your beneficiary in the event something happened to you?” asked the lawyer.
“My husband would be my beneficiary. He will be here tomorrow. What about those other papers I asked about?” questioned Phire.
“I have those. This is a lot of money we are talking about, are you excited” asked the lawyer.
“Yes Ma’am I am. The sooner all of these papers are signed by both of us and I am on my way home the better!” stated Phire.
“As soon as he gets here, we will proceed from there,” the lawyer remarked.
Meanwhile, Onyx decided to work at home instead of at the office. “Charles man, thanks for stopping by and completing this report,” Onyx remarked.
“I did not really have a choice did I? Since you decided to work outside of the office, I had to do more running around! Show me where your John is man” said Charles.
“Use the one upstairs in the room. The one down here is not working correctly,” O stated.
Charles made his way to the bathroom and returned back to Onyx’s study in what seemed to be no time at all. Upon his arrival, Isces entered the study with snacks and beverages. She rubbed her hand ever so gently across O’s back. Charles was furious because he immediately knew what was going on. “What the hell is really going on here O? Are you boning this young girl?” asked Charles.
“Man, let’s just finished the report and call it a day. I am going up to meet Phire tomorrow,” stated O.
“Okay, that’s cool. But you deserve everything that is coming your way,” stated Charles.
Day 4:
“Oh Onyx, I am so glad that you came. I wanted to get this paperwork out of the way first. Damn, I never knew we’d have so much money!” Phire stated.
“Baby, you know I will be here for you through everything. Where do you want me to sign?” O asked. The lawyer took him through a series of paperwork which he never bothered to read. “Damn, it won’t be long now,” he thought. “So much f**king money at my fingertips, she won’t even know what hit her. I need to practice crying and looking sad,” he thought.
“Onyx, they had a small ceremony for Pop-pop and they buried him this morning. Can you just take me home please?” asked Phire.
“Anything for you baby,” O responded. “Damn, the quicker the better. I am one step closer to being a sole millionaire,” he thought. Onyx packed her belongings in the car and headed back to their home. All the while he was counting visions of dancing $50 bills like one would count sheep. “Not too much longer now,” he thought.
Day 5:
As Onyx and Sapphire lay in the bed, Phire’s cell phone began to ring. She went to the master bathroom and washed up. As she dressed, she looked at Onyx sleep on their bed. “He looks so innocent right now. How could I not love him,” she thought to herself. But those thoughts quickly disappeared. After she was fully dressed, she shut her closet door and the noise stirred him out of his sleep.
“Where are you off to?” Onyx questioned.
“You really care to know,” Phire asked. Judging by the look on his face, she knew the answer was no. She turned to him and said “thank you Onyx for bringing me home. I had hoped we would be able to work on our differences along the way, but that probably won’t happen now,” Phire stated and went downstairs.
A few moments later he could hear a lot of commotion in the living room. Onyx quickly dressed and ran downstairs. There he found that the police had placed Isces in handcuffs. “I am so sorry Mrs. Jones; I never wanted to take part in it. But O.J. over there insisted. I just said I would to please him at the time,” Isces cried.
“What the hell is going on,” yelled Onyx.
“I don’t like it when you go around plotting to kill me with our Nanny,” Phire screamed.
“She can’t be trusted; whatever she told you is a lie! You are my wife Sapphire, who are you going to believe?” Onyx yelled back.
“Not anymore dummy, you signed divorce papers yesterday!” Phire revealed. Just then, Charles walked through the door with two stuffed animals that had been in the bedroom.
“Here is your proof,” Charles yelled. O never knew Phire had two Nanny cam’s in the stuffed animal. The police had viewed it already. They handcuffed Onyx and put him in the back of the police car. He glanced up at the house and saw Charles and Sapphire kissing. She walked over to the police car and asked Onyx “didn’t anyone tell you not to play with Phire? Your ass might just get burned!”