Murder Mystery with Suspense
Photo credit: presto44 from morguefile.com
“Hello Mr. Sam” – said Riya while bending down forward, flaunting her cleavage and picking up the handkerchief of Sam which fell down under the table. Sam looked up his eyes and titillated to see her cleavage.
“How are you?” – asked Riya
Surprisingly Sam said “I am fine but who are you?”
“I know Mr. Sam you don’t know me but the guy who was sitting next to you was calling you Sam, this way I got your name. May I sit here if you don’t mind?”
“Oh, of course, why not. Indeed he is Manav; he has gone to the rest room now. He is my boss but he treats me as his friend.”
“Such a cool boss, can’t find even in dreams, you are so lucky Mr. Sam to have such a nice boss. Actually Mr. Sam, I often visit to this restaurant. This is my favourite restaurant and I have seen you many times here with your friends especially with a girl, she must be your girlfriend. Isn’t she?”
“Oh, wow, now I got it why you didn’t find any difficulty or hesitation to interact with me because I am no longer stranger to you. You were already spying on me. I’m sure; you must have known more about me.”
“You are embarrassing me, Mr. Sam; I am not that kind of girl as you think. Well I should leave now.”
As she stood up immediately Manav came to the table. Sam made him introduced to Riya.
“Hi, I am Riya” (forwarding her hand to shake)
“Hello, I am Manav, please have a seat.”
“Urm, I have to leave now, I have some urgent work. I can’t stay now”.
“Ok, bye Riya. Nice meeting you.”
“Same here Mr. Manav.” (She left immediately)
As she left Manav yelled at Sam.
“Fantastic Sam, I need to salute you. In this pathetic situation you have made another girlfriend.”
“What! What the hell are you saying? She is not my girlfriend and never gonna be. She just came here to say hello and that’s it.”
“Oh! Really, how long do you know her?”
“I don’t know her. She often visits to this restaurant. She has been noticing me over here because of our regular visits. Actually she knew my name somehow. She thought to interact as I was sitting alone.”
“Are you out of your mind? How could you permit an unknown lady to interact? Don’t forget we are stuck in a police case. Unless it gets sorted out we can’t blindly trust anyone, especially a person whom you don’t know. And please put my words into your thick head, you moron.”
“I can understand what you want to say but this girl can be benign for us to reach to our purpose, which we couldn’t implement due to reluctance of Nidhi in accepting our life style.”
“That I can see, she can be a part of our group but have you forgotten about the police case?”
“Manav just relax, soon this case will be closed. You don’t worry.”
“Oh, then it’s ok, but still we have to be careful.”
Next day inspector Prasad called Sam and asked him to come to the mortuary to identify a dead body which is suspected to be his wife, Nidhi. Sam instantly informed Manav and rushed to the mortuary.
“Sam, more than 2 weeks have passed by and not found your wife yet neither alive nor dead but we have traced out a dead body of a woman under the water of lake flows 15km away from the ‘Adventurous’ lake where your wife’s car was found and we suspected that she jumped into the water to commit suicide.” – said inspector
“It may happen that a dead body has flown from that place to 15km away. I just want you to identify the dead body whether it is your wife or not.”
Sam carefully observed the dead body but unfortunately it was not her wife.
“You may leave now, Sam. We will try our best to find her if she couldn’t be traced out in next 1 week then the case will be closed and you will be called for signature and some other formalities for the closure of the case.” – said inspector
“Ok sir”- said Sam
Sam and Manav came out of the mortuary and took a breath of relief. They looked at each other and smiled cunningly and got into the car and left for their office. They were happy as they could now freely move forward with their new business proposals.
“Sam, 2 days ago I met Pankaj. He is a rich business man, involved in the export import business of perfumes. I have made a partnership offer to him. If he joins us then it will be extremely expedient. Today, in the evening any time he may tell his opinion.”
“We would have bread buttered on both sides if he accepts the proposal and moreover his life style is as same as we have.” – said Manav
“Amazing, this is very great news. The entire situation will be normal once we get free out of the clutch of police.” – said Sam
“Yeah, one week more to pass by to prove that police can find no evidence to find us culprit.”
Around 5 o’ clock in the evening, Manav received Pankaj’s call. He gave his consent to admit as a business partner in his company. This news knocked Manav dead. He told him to join from the next day.
Manav was very elated as everything was coming on track as he wanted. He shared this news with Sam, Ravi and Ankit. They all thought to have a party in night at the restaurant. They all were sitting and taking sips of Champaign. Suddenly a lady’s foot stumbled down and fell forward on the lap of Sam. She was Riya. “Oh, I am so sorry, my foot rugged.”
“You don’t need to feel sorry, Riya”.
“Mr. Sam you, I really can’t believe my eyes. What a coincidence, again we have met in the same restaurant.”
“Hi, Mr. Manav, how are you?”
“Absolutely fine, well how do you here?”
“Actually I am alone so sometimes to have food I come to this restaurant.”
“I can see you all here are celebrating and I have interrupted you. I’m really very sorry.”
“No Riya in fact we will be pleased if you join us. What do you say Sam? ”
“Yeah, Manav is right. You must join us. I’m sure you’ll enjoy our company.”(Other 2 friends also nodded)
“Ok, if you all insist.”
Riya joined Sam and his group. The party was going on very smoothly. They offered Champaign to her. She took it with no hesitation. The party went on till 12 o’ clock. Riya mixed in Manav’s group as similar as water gets dissolved into milk. Formal relations were turned in informal relations. Riya stopped adding Mr. While calling Manav and Sam before their name. In fact she was so happy that she decided to invite Sam and Manav at her home for dinner next day.
Next day Pankaj came to the Manav’s office. He was given warm welcome by him and his entire staff. Pankaj fulfilled all paper formalities. Manav and Sam left the office earlier that day because they had to go for the dinner at Riya’s place. They rang Riya’s door bell. As the door opens Sam and Manav were dazzled to see Riya in dark blue translucent gown.
“Hi, I was just waiting for both of you. Please come inside.” “Have a seat, I get something for you”
Riya brought Champaign and some snacks for both of them. She was feeling very hot thus she took off overcoat of her gown. Sam and Manav got excited to see this attitude of Riya. They controlled their desires with too much difficulty. Riya was not losing any chance to expose her body in front of both of them.
They talked about business and their personal lives and then they had dinner. While talking about personal lives Sam and Manav sniffed out that Riya was looking for a boy friend. After having dinner Sam and Manav then left for their homes though they didn’t want.
“I must say Sam, you were right. If Riya enters our group then we would have pleasure all the time. She will never confront our life style and that has been proved by her attitude today. I can’t control on my feelings. I really can’t forget her beautiful figure in blue gown that she was exposing.”
“But this time Manav you have to control on your feelings. I will propose her very soon and after that you can fulfill your aim and in consideration, you can promote me in the company.”
“Well said Sam, I am damn sure this time there will not be any problem in our way.”
“Ok, bye, see you tomorrow, Sam.
“Ok, bye! – said Sam
Inspector Prasad called Sam and asked him to call on the police station and to sign on papers because the case was going to be closed. Sam became exhilarated; after all he succeeded to pull the wool over police’s eyes.
With the passage of time, Manav’s group grooved proximity with Pankaj. Not even 3 months have passed by, pankaj’s wife also got familiar and informal with Manav’s group. Nobody knew that these traders earned their livelihood not by selling commodities but by exchanging their wives. It was a group of friends where wife swapping was addressed as high class. It was a group of people where promotions and increments were based upon having the most beautiful wife who could sexually appease the boss. Who knew that there was a dark world behind the golden light? For these monsters to buy a woman for their lust was a child’s play and here they had open doors to make out with women because they belonged to the society where all women’s world was not beyond the robust body of males. Sam’s wife was the one who tried to take stand against this sin, but now nobody knows where she has gone.
1 week after the case having been closed, Manav booked a 5 star hotel for a night stand. He exchanged his wife with Pankaj’s wife. Pankaj was promised to be promoted to senior level if his wife could satisfy Manav sexually however Riya was also with Sam. Sam tried to take off Riya’s top but she tried to escape.
“I am too much tired today Sam, I hope you won’t mind but I will not disappoint you next time, trust me. I am feeling suffocated so going to take a round outside.”
Sam didn’t force Riya to make out with him because he was completely confident that next time Riya would give consent. Sometimes later Sam’s phone rings.
“Hello, Sam speaking”
“Hi Sam” – the response came from other side.
“Hi who is this?”
“A commodity”
“what, who is this?”
“Your wife, Nidhi – (the response came from the other side)
This answer made Sam’s hair stand on end. “Ur ur urm, Nidhi,
“Finally you identified my voice, my dear husband.”
“How is it possible? She is dead. Did you hear me- My wife is dead.”- Sam shouted over phone.
“Awe, your misfortune, I’m alive janu.”
“Who is over there, tell me. What do you think, you will play a prank on me, and I will be entrapped. You don’t know me. This prank will become the biggest mistake of your life.”
“Oh, relax darling. Stress is not good for your health, you forget you have B.P. problem.”
“Hey, how is that possible? You can’t be Nidhi. She is dead. Who gave you my number? Just a minute, did Manav give you my number?”
“No dear, he is your partner in business, or I should say partner in crimes. How could you even think that he can play this prank on you?”
“No, no.. no… you can’t be Nidhi. She can’t be alive. We killed her, we saw her dead.”
“I don’t even care if you believe or not, but I am alive. I know this time you are at hotel Blue Valley with your friends and everyone is making out by exchanging their wives. You didn’t identify me but how can I forget you my husband who tried to kill me because I never relented to your bloody boss. I was wedded with you. This was your responsibility to protect me from lust of your business partners but instead you made time with their wives and forcing me to get into that turmoil where a woman’s respect is treated as shattered cloth. My fault was only that I never gave consent to your boss and that is why you pretended to be turned into nice man and killed me and dumped me into the river. Fortunately, fisherman escaped my life”
“Nidhi you are alive” – said Sam in astonishment, “Why have you called me now, what you want?”
“Your death” – said Nidhi and phone was cut
Sam frightened. He dashed to the door of the next room to call Manav but Manav was busy whole night to take sexual pleasure. He called him but his mobile was switched off. Riya entered and surprised to see the faded colour of Sam’s face.
“What happened to you?” “Urm, nothing I have to go home Riya now.I have some urgent work at home. If you want to accompany me then I can drop you at your home.”
“Ok, I come with you.”
Next morning Inspector Prasad called Sam and asked him to come at Manav’s house. Sam was baffled why inspector Prasad had asked them to be together and he hadn’t told Manav about last night’s call as yet. Sam was really very worried. Sam reached Manav’s house.
He asked Manav –“why was your mobile switched off the whole night. I have something very urgent to tell you, and yes inspector prasad is coming to meet us over here.”
“Ok. Cool down. There must be some network problem. My mobile was on. Let inspector come.” Before Sam say anything about the call, the door bell rang. Sam opened the door. He saw inspector Prasad.
“Hello Sam, how are you?”
“I am fine, inspector but I am surprised why have you called me here”.
“Urm, very nice question, your all questions will be answered but in police station. Sam and Manav, you both are under arrest.”
“What but why” (They both were shocked)
“Because you are indulged in wife swapping and both of you are murderer of Nidhi. Here is your arrest warrant.”
“Raju and Hursh, arrest these two bloody culprits.” – Inspector ordered constables
Sam and Manav were locked in the cell. Sam was very worried. He told Manav about the call of Nidhi. Manav got terrified.
“Are you mad, are you drunk, what nonsense are you talking about?
“I am not lost my mind. I am in my senses. I tried to contact you but your phone was switched off. Even I knocked your room’s door but you turned deaf years.”
“Don’t make fake stories and let me tell you my phone was not switched off and I didn’t hear banging on the door. By the way, how that stupid lady got to know we are in hotel Blue Valley. Definitely you must have told inspector to ensnare me.”
“Don’t be absurd Manav, why do I do this? I am also imprisoned, don’t forget.”
“Then who told all this to that bloody caller?”
“That is what I am trying to know.”
They spent the entire night in the cell and did brain storming how the inspector would have come to know about this. Nothing was clear to them. Who was the lady who called Sam, Nidhi or somebody else? If not Nidhi then who would have told her about Nidhi’s murder?
But inspector also accused them of murder. It means Nidhi was definitely dead. Then who was the lady who called Sam and how she knew a lot about them.
All these thoughts were bothering them but picture was not clear to them.
On the next day Riya appeared before Sam and Manav.
Sam became excited to see Riya and said “Thank God, Riya you have come here. Someone has complained against us that we are murderer of Nidhi. Someone is trying to entrap us. I knew you would definitely come to save us because you can’t see us in lamentable conditions.”
Manav interrupted and said “Riya I am surprised to see you over here. How did you come to know that we are in police station because you were not there when the inspector arrested us and till now we haven’t informed anybody.”
Riya clapped and scornfully smiled. “At least you have a mind Manav, at least you showed some signs of doubt on me. You both have blindly believed me since I met you.”
Sam and Manav astonished to see this peculiar behaviour of Riya.
“Don’t get surprised you bloody bas##rds.”
“What do you think about yourself that you are smart and intelligent? You can befool everyone? But the fact is you both are moron. I can go deeper in the matter than you stupid.”
“You succeed to back stab Nidhi so you thought you can also cheat on me.”
“Nidhi was against the shameful principles of your nude society since starting and when she opposed to it, you dumped her into the river, a fisherman saved her life. He pulled her out of the mud. He called a quack for her treatment. After three days when she got conscience, she called her old friend Somesh. She went to the hospital with him. Dr prescribed some medicines to her. She took them and her wounds healed in 15 days. She told the whole story to her friend.”
“It means she is alive. Right? So why have police arrested us on her murder case?”-asked Manav.
“Yes she is alive but both of you have to spend your rest life behind the bars.”
“How do you know about her too much?” – asked Manav
“Who are you, what relation do you have with her? Are you taking revenge or what? What do you want? Who are you? Let us know where is she now and why is she not coming in front of everyone if she is alive?”
“Ok, as I told you her friend helped her at every step in that difficult phase. He helped in her make over. He got a beautician at his home. Her long hair were cut. She shifted from Indian suits to short western dresses. She went through a lip surgery to get her lips thicker. She changed her name and practiced to walk like models. She completely transformed her personality so as to obscure you. And that lady is now standing in front of you?”
Sam and Manav shocked. This statement made their hair stand on end. They felt as if somebody had snatched the ground under from their feet.
“Now I tell you the story.” – said Nidhi aka Riya
“To get into your group was my plan to catch you red handed. Intentionally exposing my body was a part of my plan to entrap you. I attacked on your weak nerves. I knew that you must try to involve me into the group so that you can take pleasure with my body.”
“Not only this I also knew that Sam, you were going to propose me for marriage. But unfortunately it couldn’t happen because your car was bugged and I got to know about your plan.”
“Manav your room was also bugged and you were captured while making out with wife of Pankaj. This all became plausible due to manager of the hotel. If he didn’t assent to my plan then his hotel’s reputation would spoil.”
“And the most interesting part of the game was that I called you Sam by Somesh’s contact number. I went outside when I evaded having sex with you. I immediately called you and recorded the talk I had with you over phone. I submitted the recording to the Police which revealed that you all are involved in wife swapping and you murdered me.”
The prank astounded Sam and Manav but Sam and Manav couldn’t get out of the clutch of Nidhi because they couldn’t prove that Riya is Nidhi. The court gave the verdict of life imprisonment to Manav, Sam and his whole friend circle.
Nidhi was very happy with the verdict of the court.