Suspense Short Story – Kresha
Photo credit: imelenchon from morguefile.com
“All units alert, requesting immediate backup, possible double homicide, we’re advancing in…static” the words fell on Kresha’s ear as she dozed off for a brief moment. She could hear a faint crescendo of sirens as she drifted in and out of her consciousness grasping for air in an excruciating pain. Her vision had blurred, all she could see was silhouette of people surrounding her.
“Keep the pressure on the wound, she is losing a lot of blood, get her in the van, quickly” one of the man yelled as she passed out again.
It was pitch dark, the only sound audible was that of a monotonous drizzle. “Ha ha ha …..” an ominous laugh startled Kresha. A sharp boom of lightning crackled, for a moment everything was visible, it chilled her bones when Kresha realized that it was raining blood. “..You are mine…” the man growled, before she could move a smashing tackle forced her onto the ground. A ferocious smack fell on her cheek, the man groped her bosoms, undid his pants in a haste, ripped her skirt off and started raping her. “Help, somebody help…” she cried while struggling against his unfathomable strength. The man continued his assault while she trembled in fear.
“Doctor she’s having a seizure” the nurse yelled anxiously,
“Her pulse rate is dropping” said the other one.
“Bring in the paddles” the doctor replied as he stretched his hand while looking at the monitor.
The electrodes were attached across Kresha’s chest in a rush,
“One two three, charge” commanded the doctor while pressing the paddles against her chest, he waited for her to respond but nothing happened.
“Doctor, the inspector wants to see you about the patient” a nurse whispered as he entered the O.T.
“Let’s try again, one two three, charge” a few moments passed before Kresha’s heartbeat returned back to its normal rhythm.
“What do you think doc, when can I see her?” inspector enquired as soon as the doctor came out.
“It’s too soon to tell, she is critical, she lost lot of blood, I am surprised she didn’t succumb” the doctor replied as he walked past the inspector in a rush.
“You have to save her doc, she’s our only lead, call me if there is an update” the inspector emphasized and then left for the station.
Back in the precinct everyone was agitated, the news of lethal stabbing of a mother and her child in cold blood was the only agenda being addressed.
“…sir, mother is still in the O.T and her infant was mutilated, he bled out” inspector’s forehead wrinkled as he replied to the commissioner on the phone.
“I want that ba**ard who did this behind the bars by the morning” the commissioner barked and hung up.
“Sir, sir!!” the voice broke inspector’s concentration.
“We have a match for our victim, her name is Kresha Singh, DOB 17th March ’96, she filed a report against some Randeep Jha for sexual assault last year” said the sub-inspector.
“Why was the report not processed?” inspector was surprised.
“Sir, it says here that both were minor at the time, so victim’s family withdrew the report pressing no charges.” inspector shook his head and said “Call her family and see what else you can dig.”
“I already did, her parents said that they kicked her out after the incident and had nothing to do with her.” sub-inspector replied in a disgust.
“Get a hold of this Randeep guy, bring him into the custody, he’s our only suspect.” the inspector ordered in a serious tone.
The silence was disrupted by the buzzing of the phone.
“Yes doc, I’ll be there in a minute” inspector answered eagerly and hung up.
Albeit Kresha regained her consciousness, situation had taken turn for worse at the hospital. Her condition was deteriorating as the time passed.
“I’ll take care of you…I’ll take care of you” she mumbled continuously in her sleep.
“Inspector, I don’t think…” before doctor could finish, he was interrupted by a nurse “Sir, her vitals are going down she might have another seizure”
“I’ll talk to you in a minute inspector” the doctor said as he hurried back to the ICU.
While the inspector was pacing back and forth in the corridor waiting for the doctor his phone rang.
“Hello, what, you have him in the custody! I’ll be there as soon as I can” inspector replied and rushed back to the precinct.
“..Randeep Jha, what do you have to say about attempted rape on Kresha Singh last year?” The inspector asked looking straight into Randeep’s eyes.
“Kresha?” Randeep grinned “Oh, I knew her alright, she was wild, we did things together, violent things. I loved how she shivered when whips inflicted pain upon her bare body, it was so exhilarating, but then one day all of a sudden she stopped, I thought she was being a tease so on the final day of our school, I forced her into it, I never understood why she filed a report, I’m sure she loved it.” Randeep replied with a menacing smile.
“So you did rape Kresha on the eve of 28 Feb 2013.” inspector asked in a disgust.
“That was no rape. She was just being a tease. I know she liked it.” Randeep replied with anger in his voice.
“Do you think this is a game Randeep, raping girls and killing infants, DO YOU THINK THIS IS A GAME!!” inspector shouted on top of his voice.
“I did not rape her, whatever happened to her is her own fault” Randeep shouted frenetically.
“You sit here and think what you’re going to say next Randeep, because she is going to wake up any moment now, and if she takes your name, your life is over, you hear me it’s over” inspector yelled as he went out slamming the door.
“I’ll take care of you…I’ll take care of you” Kresha’s mumble were more distressed.
“Here’s her medical history, she was admitted in one of our other hospitals a few months back.” the nurse said handing over report to the doctor.
Doctor’s face went pale when he skimmed through the report. He tried to call the inspector but no one answered.
Suddenly Kresha’s heart beat spiked.
The drizzle had turned into a blood storm, continuous throbbing sound of heart was playing in loop. Distant whimper of a baby grabbed Kresha’s attention. She started walking towards the source of it. “..Don’t worry, I’ll take care of you” she said in a weak voice as she shivered in cold. The whimpering got louder and louder, at last she found the baby. “Don’t worry, I’ll take care of you” Kresha whispered as she reached for the baby, his cries became more violent. “You hungry?” she gently rocked the baby as she spoke in a comforting voice and started feeding him. The baby suckled on her teats while her haunting lullaby calmed him. “One day you will also turn your back on me…” she mumbled with a sinister smile on her face. “I know what to do.” her voice grew more violent. She grabbed a sharp scalpel lying nearby and speared her baby to death. Kresha’s tumultuous shrieks echoed all over as she gashed herself violently.
Kresha suffered from a severe heart attack. Her lifeless body lay upon the bed, her agonizing mumbles had finally come to rest.
“Sir, her vitals went flat, there is nothing more we can do.” the nurse spoke in a low voice as she noted down the time of death.
Gloomy silence was disrupted by the buzzing of the phone.
“You called doc, how is she holding up?” Inspector enquired as soon as the doctor answered.
“Her heart failed, she is dead.” Doctor replied in tired voice.
“So its official then, we are dealing with a double homicide.” Inspector replied.
“There is more to it inspector, she suffered from a rare condition called post-partum psychosis that affects women after their delivery, and we have a reason to believe that because of her condition she might have committed the crime herself, I’ll send copy of the report over to you” Doctor replied in a tired voice.
“Then what about our suspect. I am sure he is somehow connected” inspector was shocked, his eyes were filled with disgust when he saw Randeep smiling wickedly.
“Her wounds were self-inflicted inspector, I’m afraid he’s innocent” doctor replied before he hung up.
“Is he?” the question haunted inspector as Randeep walked past him blatantly with an evil grin on his face.