Suspense Short Story – Cabin in the Hills
Photo credit: click from morguefile.com
Stella and Rafael were a newly married couple. They were very much in love with each other. They decided to take a break from their work and decided to take a holiday and visit the hunting cabin in the woods where they met. They were enchanted with the serene environment during their visit .There was an expanse of clear skies and calm soothing sounds of water flowing below the cliffs. They couldn’t stay there for more than a couple of hours because of their busy schedules.
So Stella and Rafael decided to visit the cabin once again and refresh their memories.So they packed their bags and started for the place. They reached the cabin and refreshed themselves. The Cabin’s exterior looked worn out due to bad weather conditions but the interior looked intact and welcoming.
As soon as they were rested and were about to explore the place Rafael got a call from his office saying that his presence was required at the office. Though disappointed ,Rafael assured Stella that she should stay back and wait for him while he would finish his work as soon as possible and return. Finally agreeing to his words Stella decided to stay back.
Rafael left for his office assuring Stella that he would be back as soon as the next day evening. Assured by his promise Stella stayed back and decided to rest. As the night fell Stella felt bored and decided to ping Rafael on video chat and pass her time.
As soon as they were talking they forgot all about time and it was almost midnight. Suddenly Stella heard some weird noises coming from outside the cabin. She ignored them and was talking to Rafael.
Then suddenly she heard sounds of some scratching sounds on her main door. The cupboard doors suddenly were let loose from their latches all by themselves since there was no wind coming and all the doors and windows were shut. In order to find out the source of chaos, she told Rafael to wait and decided to go and check out the commotion taking place. Rafael was worried and asked her to be alert and look for some intruder in their property.
As Stella went to check out the sounds Rafael was very worried about her well-being. After few nail biting minutes Stella returned. She was stunned and told Rafael that all the windows in the house were suspiciously open and even all the cupboard doors were hanging open and she also told him that she couldn’t find anyone on the property.
As she was talking to him Rafael observed a strange shadow creeping towards Stella . He was stunned by what he was watching on the camera and suddenly shouted in order to warn Stella. But it was too late and then suddenly the shadow was surrounding Stella and she fainted. Rafael was severely traumatized by what he was watching on the web-cam and he couldn’t do anything about it . He was utterly helpless and was watching the web-cam in order to know what was happening with his wife and he couldn’t do anything to help her. He was calling out Stella’s name desperately hoping that at least by hearing his voice she might wake up from her faint.
After couple of minutes he saw Stella wake up. He was worried and was desperately asking her about what she was experiencing , whether she was OK or not. Stella murmured her okay’s and said that she couldn’t remember why she fainted. Suddenly Stella started screaming at the top of her voice. and then Stella fainted again. Rafael was very scared and was shouting in front of his laptop so that Stella would hear him . He didn’t understand what was happening to her.
Suddenly again his wife’s body was lifted and though she wasn’t conscious she was airily flopped in front of the camera so that he was able to see her. Rafael was anxiously watching the developments. Suddenly she opened her eyes and it wasn’t Stella’s eyes that he was seeing. The eyes were a weird shade of golden and were very scary with a weird glint in them. A hoarse voice was coming out of her throat. He couldn’t understand anything what she was saying and he desperately was talking to Stella and telling her that her voice wasn’t audible and he couldn’t understand what she was muttering.
After a few minutes her voice was audible and loud but the voice was very hoarse and was definitely not his wife’s. Stella face suddenly became very still and she was uttering that she wasn’t Stella and if he wanted his wife to be alive he should do what she says to do. Rafael was stunned and started asking her who she was and why she was punishing his wife . Suddenly her face was expressing pure grief and then she told him savagely that he was in no position that he can question her motives and if he would waste time asking her such questions it would be his wife who would be paying the price and suddenly she started twisting Stella’s head backwards. Seeing that Rafael was shocked and asked her to stop torturing his wife and that he would do what she asks him to do.
Then she tells him to go to someone named Daniel who lived in the town below and get him here to the cabin at any cost or else his wife would suffer and eventually die at her hands if he would fail.
Rafael immediately started from his office and started his journey towards the cabin and was silently going through the events that had taken place in the last few hours where he was a helpless spectator to his wife’s torture through the web-cam . He was wondering how can ghosts exist when they were seriously considered as a superstition and not real.
As soon as he reached the town below the cliff he started enquiring about Daniel.
Soon he found out that Daniel was a very popular person in town and people were happy to direct him towards Daniels house.
As soon as he reached Daniels house he was wondering what he would say to him so that in order to get him up to the cabin. He decided that he would tell that man the truth but twist it a bit ,not the complete truth and went to the front door and knocked. Then a middle aged man answered the door. When Rafael asked for Daniel that man said that he was Daniel and what did he want. Then Rafael told him that his wife was wounded in the cabin in the woods on the cliff and a woman asked him to get him there so that he can help her to get into the town and admit into her in a hospital.
Unsuspecting of a foul play Daniel agreed to accompany him to the cabin. When they reached the cabin Rafael hurried towards his wife and tried to hold her wounded body.
When Daniel saw her he said that he will help them and turned to get out of the cabin when he heard a long forgotten voice calling his name. When he turned back he saw Stella rising above the ground with weird eyes . He was shocked and he panicked. He tried run out of the house but the door locked itself shut. Then he started apologizing and crying . But She didn’t hear a single plea and killed him brutally on the spot .
Finally after Daniel’s death Stella’s face became serene and she turned towards Rafael and thanked him for his help. Then she told him her story that she was Elsa. In her life , she was a healer and used herbs to treat people of their illness and helped people . Daniel was an outsider to the village. He came to her one day and asked her to reveal her family’s secret concoctions which helped people so that he can sell it to people and make a living out of it. Elsa rejected his greedy proposition and told him to leave her property and to never set foot again on her land. Infuriated by her response Daniel vowed to take vengeance. He concocted a fine story and alleged her of witchcraft. Finally people of the town believed his lies and tried to confront her about it. People of the town gathered in front of her house and accused her of witch craft. She tried to explain that she was innocent and Daniel was lying. The people didn’t believe her and they killed her there near that cabin. Since that day her soul was restless because of the unjust treatment meted out to her and decided to take her vengeance on Daniel. She said she was really sorry that she had to harm his wife but assured him that she wasn’t wounded fatally and would be fine in no time. She told him that since her purpose has been fulfilled she would now rest in peace and wouldn’t harm them ever again. Then a mist surrounded Stella and suddenly it disappeared into thin air.
Rafael waited for Stella to get conscious and then he carried her home to safety .
From that day Rafael always respected the dead and tried never to hurt anybody knowingly.