Pokemon: The Light and the Dark Chapter 7 to 15
Photo credit: jeanniet6 from morguefile.com
Team Pokémon defeated Latias who later used Luster Purge and defeated the Team.
Latias – I won’t let you hurt my sister.
Chikorita – We aren’t here to hurt your sister.
Latias – Then why are you here? You, too, a liar like that guy who stole the Luminous Orb and took the energy of Latios.
Grovyle – Latias and Latios, the legendary Eon Pokémon that are said to be guarding the Soul Dew.
Latias – Indeed, we are. Latios is my younger sister. She got badly injured when that Pokémon attacked us and stole the Luminous Orb.
Pikachu – Latias, Calm down. Chikorita can help in restoring the energy of Latios but first let us go.
Latias – Then come with me.
Team entered the Drain Pit and saw Latios badly hurt. Chikorita healed her. Latios woke up and both thanked Pikachu and Grovyle. Pikachu and Grovyle blushed and Chikorita too.
Grovyle – What kind of Pokémon was that?
Latios – It was a dark cum ghost Pokémon who uses Shadow sneak to defeat the opponent. He stole from us the precious Luminous Orb.
Pikachu – You and Latias has called that Orb precious. By the way, what is this Luminous Orb?
Latias – What! You don’t know about Luminous Orb.
Latios – Luminous Orb is that orb which contains enormous energy enough to evolve a Pokémon. It is said that luminous orb has power enough to awaken Reshiram and is the only way to defeat Zekrom.
Grovyle – That means something terrible is going on and is related to Reshiram and Zekrom.
Suddenly, Latios turned black.
Latias – Latios, what’s happening to you?
Grovyle – You turned black…
Latios fell on the ground. Dusknoir revealed himself and said – It was me who awakened the three Legendary Birds in Phoenicia, It is me who stole the Luminous Orb and It is me who is going to end Latios and Latias. It will be me who will end you too, Grovyle and Pikachu.
Pikachu used thunderbolt but Dusknoir dodged.
Chikorita – But why are you doing this?
Dusknoir – This is the year of the complete Solar Eclipse. We have planned to break the seal and then…Muahahaha…
Chikorita – What do you mean by ‘ME’?
Dusknoir – Do you think I am alone in this?
Suddenly Dusknoir took all of the energy of Latios. He said – Latios and Latias must be eliminated in order to execute the plan.
Latias was enraged. She attacked Dusknoir but fell prey to his Energy Drain. Dusknoir destroyed Latias.
Dusknoir – My work is done but you three must be ended. Prepare to meet the oblivion.
Pikachu’s team battled Dusknoir and after three successful strikes, Pikachu defeated Dusknoir.
Dusknoir – You…How? You defeated me….But I’ll take revenge of my defeat. We’ll meet again.
Dusknoir escaped. Team was sad. Chikorita found Eon part. They didn’t know what that was but Pikachu suggested that it must have fallen from Latios body. Grovyle – or from Dusknoir’s?
Team sadly returned to Phoenicia but they were shocked to see the city.
Team Pokemon was returning to the Pokemon Guild but in the way they stayed at Phoenicia which was totally destroyed. Phoenicia was under the control of the dark type Pokémons. There was no one who could rebel against them. Moreover, they saw their WANTED poster.
Pikachu – What happened to the city?
Grovyle – When we left, it was alright…
Chikorita – Then how, why and when?
Grovyle – Pi…Pikachu…
Pikachu – What’s up?
Chikorita – There’s our own Wanted Poster.
Pikachu – What!
Grovyle – We have bounty on our head of about 20000 gold coins.
Pikachu – We should hurry to the Pokemon Guild.
They just turned and saw –
Chikorita – Aren’t they the same criminals who we see in jail?
Pikachu – All criminals are released!
Grovyle – We have to go to the Guild. Let’s roll to the Guild.
They arrived at the midnight forest which was totally blackened. Everywhere was darkness. They defeated Duskull and Banette and Shuppet. Finally at the end, they saw Wigglytuff who turned wild and attacked them.
Pikachu – Wigglytuff, why are you attacking us?
Grovyle – We are friends.
Wigglytuff – ….
Pikachu – She is no longer Wigglytuff….
Grovyle – We have to…
Chikorita – We have to defeat her.
Pikachu – Sorry Wigglytuff! Electro Ball.
Team cannot attack her anymore. Pikachu, by using Electro Ball, threw her aside and then they ran to the Pokemon Guild and finally they relaxed. Everyone welcomed them. Pikachu told everything what happened during the journey and about Wigglytuff who got crazy in midnight forest.
Everyone – What!
Wigglytuff – But I am here. I haven’t gone even for a single trip.
Pikachu – How is this possible?
Chatot – Yes, Wigglytuff was at the guild all the time.
Machamp – What’s going on? Pikachu, you claims that you have seen Wigglytuff there…and Chatot, you have supported Wigglytuff by saying that she was here all the time…
Grovyle – What’s going on here?
The situation become the worst. Who was the Wigglytuff that Pikachu saw there? Is anything going to happen?
Next day, in the Pokemon Guild –
Machamp – Team Kabutops, go and investigate about the Wigglytuff who is defaming Our Wigglytuff.
Team Kabutops – Aye, Aye.
Team Kabutops departs and then Team Raider enters.
Team Raider – Magnesia is invaded by the Duskull’s army and Phoenicia is under Dusknoir’s control.
Machamp – What!
Pikachu – It means that only Gracidea and Gardenia are the safe places now.
Team Raider – Yes.
Torkoal and Alakazam arrived there with officer Magnezone.
Magnezone – Our officers has informed us that the illusion Pokémon is none but our runaway Zoroark.
Everyone – What!
Magnezone – Furthermore, He has shaken hands with Dusknoir and they are going to bring back Darkrai.
Machamp – So that was their plan.
Magnezone – We have to stop Zoroark.
Grovyle – Zoroark….Now I remember. Yes, He is the one who stole my Relic stone and went away when I met Pikachu in the Glory Forest.
Torkoal – Did you said Relic Stone?
Grovyle – Yes. See, this is the Relic Stone.
Torkoal – It has some inscriptions.
Alakazam – These are the same as in Celestial Tower. It has some connection with the Tower and this world.
Grovyle – Now, Pikachu and I are going to capture Zoroark. Chikorita is injured so she must rest.
Grovyle and Pikachu went out in search of Zoroark. They headed to the Darkwood Forest. Zoroark used Double Team and created many illusionary copies. It was difficult to defeat them. Zoroark defeated Grovyle and Pikachu. Then Dusknoir appeared there. At the same moment, Magnezone and Chikorita arrived there. Chikorita by using Vine Whip, destroyed all the illusion copies and struck the original Zoroark. Dusknoir used Night Slash and defeated Grovyle. Pikachu and Chikorita’s combined attack defeated Zoroark. Magnezone arrested Zoroark but Dusknoir escaped. Chikorita revived back fainted Grovyle and they all took Zoroark to the Guild for interrogation.
In the Guild, Machamp – What are you planning to do?
Zoroark – ….
Machamp – Spill it out.
Zoroark used Shadow Copy and tried to escape but Pikachu blocked the way but he fled. Everyone was shocked as the captured Zoroark succeed in fleeing.
Grovyle – Zoroark fled and we didn’t get any clue.
Pikachu – Guys, I have recalled something. Grovyle, do you remember when we were at the Northern Range, Dusknoir mentioned an Eclipse?
Machamp – That means whatever they are going to do is on the day of Eclipse.
Torkoal – The day when dark powers rise beyond extremes.
Grovyle – But we don’t know what they are going to do.
Chimecho – Everyone, it’s going to be dark. We should now eat and sleep.
Magnezone – Yes, do the rest part tomorrow.
Everyone ate food and went to sleep.
What is going to happen on the Day of Solar Eclipse? Will Pikachu and Grovyle save the world?
Previously: Pikachu and Grovyle captured Zoroark but he fled without leaking any clue – Pikachu revealed about an Eclipse that Dusknoir mentioned when they were at the Northern Range – Will Dusknoir and Zoroark release Darkrai?
Now: Next day, Machamp gathered all the guild members. This time, Team Raider, Team Pokemon, Team Charm, Team Thunder and Team Champion arrived.
Alakazam – Pikachu, Do you remember what Dusknoir said when you were at the Northern Range?
Pikachu – Dusknoir told us that this year is the year of the Complete Solar Eclipse and they will break the seal.
Chikorita – This is the Eon part that we got from Northern Range when Dusknoir killed Latios and Latias.
Alakazam – I think Xatu – the psychic bird could help you. He is the head of intelligence of the Pokemon World and is able to see past and future.
Pikachu – [Maybe he could help me to know my identity?]
Alakazam – Chikorita, take this Eon part with yourself.
Pikachu – Where can we meet his Psychic Bird?
Alakazam – At the hill of Ancients…
Pikachu – Then we are going there.
Pikachu, Grovyle and Chikorita went towards the Hill of Ancients.
Machamp – Team Raider, go and arrest Zoroark anyhow. Team Champion and United Army will invade Phoenicia to drive away dark Pokemons. Team Charm, go to Arsenilia and Team Thunder, Call Moltres, Zapdos and Articuno and tell them to depart for Gardenia as staying there is not right.
Team Pokemon went to the Hill of Ancients. They crossed Midnight Forest, Dusk Valley, Fiery Path and then Frosty Forest and finally they reached the Hill of Ancients where they saw Xatu.
Xatu – What do you want? I cannot help you. Go away from here.
Grovyle – Please Xatu, we need your help. It’s for the world.
Xatu – That’s why go away. Whatever is going to happen is all due to you.
Pikachu – What! Due to us?
Xatu – O! I am scared. Pikachu and Grovyle, you met Zoroark in the glory forest, you could have defeated him forever, and then why you didn’t end him. You failed to save Latios and Latias. Dusknoir escaped thrice and you failed to save Arsenilia and you say it is not your fault.
Chikorita – Yes, it is our fault.
Pikachu – Chikorita?
Chikorita – We have many opportunities to overthrow Dusknoir and Zoroark but we failed due to our weaknesses.
Grovyle – Maybe you are right? But we have a chance to stop Dusknoir and Zoroark. Xatu, Please, help us.
Xatu – You are sincere. But I am sorry I cannot help you.
Pikachu – Why?
Xatu – Even though I tell you everything, you won’t succeed to bring Dusknoir down. I saw every minute, every hour, every day, the same vision of the dark future.
Grovyle – What are you speaking of?
Xatu – The terrible day, even Arceus, Mew, Rayquaza and Darkrai all have seen the day, that’s why Mew helped you many times. It was she who played the tune and calmed he three birds. Listen, Team Pokemon, Dusknoir is planning to revive Zekrom and release Darkrai so that they could rule over the world. On the day of the Solar Eclipse, Dusknoir will use the Dark Orb in the Dark Temple to break the seal and then Darkrai will be released. You have to reach the temple before Dusknoir and defeat him there once and for all.
Pikachu – But what if we failed?
Xatu – If you failed this time, no one could restore the balance to the world. Darkrai will definitely attack Grand Canyon to capture Mew. The world is counting on you. Prepare yourself for the decisive battle.
Grovyle – But when is the Eclipse?
Xatu – Tomorrow.
Everyone – What!
Chikorita – But we have no time and the temple is at Mt. Dark.
Xatu – That’s the only way. Beware, I am sure, Darkrai will expect such kind of interference and he will try to avoid it. He must have sent his troops. You have to stop them.
Pikachu – Xatu….
Xatu – Good Luck Team. I know you can do it.
Team Pokemon returned to the Guild. Meanwhile, in the Dark Isle –
Darkrai – Tomorrow is the day…The Beginning of the Dark Rule and tomorrow, I’ll be out from this Isle and my army will invade the Poke World. Dusknoir and Zoroark, head to the Mt. Dark.
Zoroark – Yes, my lord.
Dusknoir – We’ll surely win.
Back in the guild, Pikachu told everyone what happened there and what Xatu told them.
Machamp – What! Eclipse is tomorrow.
Chatot – We have only six hours to reach Mt. Dark and defeat Dusknoir.
Machamp – Team Raider, Charm and Team Thunder will go with you to help.
Team Thunder – The three birds have headed for Gardenia.
Team Raider – Zoroark escaped again with Dusknoir.
Team Charm – Gardevoir stayed in Arsenilia to save the city in case of Invasion.
Magnezone – United army got control over Phoenicia and Team Champion is going to return.
Machamp – Everyhing is going right. Everything is up to you now, Team Pokemon. Defeat Dusknoir and return this world the peace it needs.
Will Pikachu and Grovyle succeed in defeating Dusknoir? Will Darkrai be successful?
Previously: Team Pokemon met Xatu who revealed that Dusknoir was going to bring Darkrai back and together with Zekrom they would ruler over the world – Machamp ordered Team Pokemon to stop Dusknoir – Eclipse is six hours away – Will Pikachu and Grovyle win?
Now: In the Dark Isle –
Darkrai – Finally, the day have arrived when my vision will become true. I’ll become the supreme ruler of this world. Dusknoir, Go and break the seal. The Eclipse will begin in three hours. The end of Mew has arrived Muahahaha…
Dusknoir – Yes, Master, Dark Rule is going to be trued.
Zoroark – I’ll prevent those puny teams of guild from interfering.
Dusknoir – And I will use the Dark Orb to free you.
Back at the Guild –
Machamp – Team, you have only three hours to reach Dark Temple. Open your map and see that there is Mt. Dark and this is the place where Dark Temple is. Now go and get there before Dusknoir.
Chatot – Team Pokémon, Charm, Thunder, Champion and Raider, the world is counting on you. Please, save this world.
All the teams left for the Dark Temple. In Gardenia, Mew activated her back-up plan and called the army of Gardenia. Team Pokemon crossed the Lustre Peak and then Straywood Forest and then the Great Mountain. Finally they reached Mt. Dark. They had only one hour left to get to the Temple. So they moved on but suddenly, Team Thunder attacked them.
On the other hand, Team Raider attacked Team Charm, Team Charm attacked Champion and Team Champion attacked Team Thunder. All were confused.
Pikachu – Grovyle, what’s going on here?
Grovyle – Look! There are two Team Thunders, two Team Charms and two team Champion.
Pikachu – It is…
Grovyle – Zoroark!
Pikachu – Yes.
Grovyle – Leaf Storm!
Using Leaf Storm, Grovyle threw Zoroark away. Team Pokemon together attacked Zoroark but again he escaped. Now they had only thirty minutes left so they headed to the Dark Temple but there they saw Dusknoir and the Dark Army standing before them.
Dusknoir – So you made it so far. Impressive! But do you think you can stop me? Muahahaha….
Pikachu, Grovyle and Chikorita were shocked to see Dusknoir there and whole of the Dark Army. How will Pikachu face them? Will Dusknoir bring Darkrai back
Previously – Team Pokemon and others made it to the Dark Temple and only twenty minutes are left – Dusknoir is already there and has welcomed them with the Dark Army – Eclipse is about to begin – Is Darkrai going to return?
Now – Twenty minutes were left in the Complete Solar Eclipse. Dark Army attacked the teams. Team Thunder and Team Charm created a way for the Team Pokemon and Team Raider. Dusknoir went to the Sealed Chamber where he was about to use the Dark Orb.
Zoroark appeared there again. This time Gengar was with him. Team Raider fought with Zoroark and Gengar while Team Pokemon went to the Sealed Chamber. In the Sealed Chamber –
Grovyle – Stop! Dusknoir, it’s over.
Dusknoir – You fool! How will you stop me? The Eclipse has begun.
Chikorita – Vine Whip….
Pikachu – What? Nothing happened….
Grovyle – Leaf Storm….
Dusknoir – Muahahahaha…Your power is gone. Ghost Lock.
Everyone – What!
Pikachu – I cannot move.
Grovyle – What have you done to us?
Dusknoir – This is Ghost Lock which can be used only during an Eclipse. It has a special property that it stops all others for some time.
Chikorita – Dusknoir, Stop. Reconsider. Do you know what will happen if you release Darkrai?
Dusknoir – You cannot stop me and my master.
Meanwhile, Arceus – I am sorry, Pikachu and Grovyle, I am also in the danger of extinction at the moment. During an Eclipse, I, also, lose my powers.
There in the Sealed Chamber, Rayquaza came there and said – Dusknoir, Stop!
Dusknoir – O! Legendary Rayquaza. I’m so glad you’re here. Here I’ll turn you on our side. Dark Orb!
Suddenly, everywhere came darkness. Ocean was enraged, thunderstorms everywhere and Dark Temple shook.
Team Thunder – What’s going on?
In the Tree of Life – Mew – O! No, Team Pokemon…
In the guild – Machamp – What’s happening?
Xatu – Seal…is…broken…
Everyone – What!
Xatu – Darkrai is back…
The seal broke and Darkrai destroyed Dark Temple and appeared over the Mt. Dark and said – I am back. Thanks Dusknoir and Zoroark, Gengar and Dark Army. So Rayquaza, It is total Eclipse. Do you know what it means? Time of your end…
Team Pokemon – What?
Darkrai – Summon Black Rayquaza.
Suddenly, Rayquaza turned Black and he began to call Darkrai his master.
Darkrai – Now, Rayquaza, use hyper beam and destroy Phoenicia.
Pikachu – We have to do something. Chikorita, how much time is left?
Chikorita – The Eclipse is about to over.
Grovyle – Let’s do it, Pikachu. What have we practiced till this day, it is time to show this to the world.
Pikachu – Let’s do it.
Then Pikachu and Grovyle used their combined attack. Pikachu used Thunder and Grovyle used Leaf Storm. Both attacks combined and hit Dusknoir. The spell broke and all were free. Pikachu came in between and tried to stop Rayquaza. With all of his might, he used Thunder but it won’t affect him.
Darkrai – Team Pokemon, Prepare for your end. Dusknoir, Zoroark and Gengar, Attack!
Team Pokemon was defeated by the three. Darkrai was about to kill them but Team Raider sacrificed themselves to save them.
Darkrai – Black Rayquaza, destroy Team Pokemon.
Team Pokemon, Team Charm and Team Thunder ran away from there while Team Champion and Raider sacrificed themselves.
Dusknoir – Should we follow them?
Darkrai – No, Dusknoir. It’s time to get control over the world. Begin the World Invasion.
Dark Army conquered Arsenilia due to which Gardevoir fled to the Guild. Dusknoir got control over Phoenicia, Gracidea and Magnesia leading to the fall of the United’s Army.
Darkrai has been released. Pikachu failed once again. Will this failure lead to the demise of the Tree of Life?
Previously: Dusknoir used Dark Orb in the Dark Temple and released Darkrai – Darkrai turned Rayquaza black and controlled him – destroying Phoenicia, they conquered Gracidea and Arsenilia – Guild was disappointed with the Team Pokemon – Darkrai is moving towards Gardenia – Will Pikachu and Grovyle save Gardenia from Darkrai?
Now – Darkrai was about to invade he Pokemon Guild so the Pokemon there, decided to depart for a safer place – the city of Gardenia. Pokemons then headed towards Gardenia where they will be safe behind the great wall of Grand Canyon. The only safe place left in the Poke world, they had no time to think so Machamp called Lapras, Gyarados, Walrein, Staraptor, Skarmory and Charizard to help the Pokemon and to transport them to Gardenia. Alakazam and Xatu used teleport spell and several Pokemon reached Gardenia.
Machamp was disappointed with the Team Pokemon so he left to fight Darkrai but Chatot and Wigglytuff took him to Gardenia. Darkrai invade the city. For the safe passage of pokemons, Team Pokemon fought with the dark army. Pikachu faced Dusknoir, Grovyle and Chikorita faced Gengar, they had a fierce battle. Grovyle held Dusknoir but Darkrai killed the both. Pikachu and Chikorita were shocked. Being enraged, Chikorita evolved to Bayleef and defeated Gengar. Zoroark, being defeated by Pikachu, ran away. Pikachu and Chikorita who were outnumbered fled to Gardenia. Darkrai got control over Gracidea and said – Don’t worry, our next target is Gardenia.
Pikachu and Bayleef reached the Sacred Plains where they met Entei, Raikou and Suicune. Due to the rise of Darkrai, they were under the control of negative energy. Defeating them, Pikachu and Bayleef told them everything and told them to move towards Gardenia. The three beasts announced it in the Sacred Plains and everyone went towards the Gardenia. Then, Pikachu and Bayleef ran towards Miracle Sea. They crossed the sea and told every Pokemon about Darkrai. Soon whole of the Poke World headed to the Gardenia but water Pokemon headed to the Northern Sea to save Lord Kyogre and ground type headed to the Volcanic Pit to save Lord Groudon.
Team crossed Southern Seas and arrived at the South Joyland. They crossed the Wish Forest and Lunar Forest. They reached the Twilight ruins and finally the Dragon’s Pass. They crossed the Desert and after a day they finally arrived at the Grand Canyon. They thought that they were safe behind the Grand Canyon but their thoughts weren’t right. The Dark Army was marching towards Gardenia. Pikachu and Bayleef quickly crossed the Canyon and reached the Great Summit.
Pikachu – O! No, they are coming.
Bayleef – What should we do now? Pikachu….
The last hope faded into the darkness of Darkrai. Dark Army was marching towards Gardenia and several Pokemons were there. Is this the end of the world?
Previously: Team Pokemon failed to defeat Darkrai and he had conquered the Pokemon world except Gardenia – Team Pokemon told everything to Sacred Lions and everyone went towards the Gardenia – Team Pokemon arrived at the Grand Canyon where they saw Dark Army marching towards the city.
Now: Pikachu – Bayleef, inform the Pokemon Federation about the invasion.
Bayleef – What will you do now?
Pikachu – I’ll hold them off.
Pikachu knew that he had no match against the extremely powerful Darkrai, he used thunder attack and tried to stop the whole army. Meanwhile, Bayleef met General Charizard.
Bayleef – General, Darkrai….Invasion…Gardenia…
Charizard understood that Darkrai had arrived with the dark army. He immediately told Mew about the invasion. Mew sent Federation’s army and Gardenia’s army to defend the city. Regigigas arrived there with Mewtwo.
Regigigas – Mew, we have to defeat the army before Sunset.
Mewtwo – If we failed to do so, then Darkrai will be successful to conquer the Tree of Life.
Mew – ….
Meanwhile, Xatu appeared at the Great Summit.
Pikachu – Xatu!
Xatu – Pikachu….
Pikachu – I failed again.
Xatu – Failure and success do not last long. They are the part of our life. True success lies in failure.
Pikachu – What do you mean?
Xatu – Do not give up when you fail. Try again.
Pikachu – Look, Darkrai has arrived and we had no match against his army. He’ll succeed in conquering the Tree of Life. We’ve lost.
Xatu – Pikachu, this is just half of his plan.
Pikachu – What do you mean?
Xatu – There’s another threat and only a chance to turn the tide in this war.
Pikachu – What?
Xatu – Deep within the Grand Canyon, Shaymin – the sky warrior captured Giratina so that she couldn’t be awakened again. Darkrai is going to release Giratina, once it happens, Gardenia will fall and darkness will rule for next hundred years.
Pikachu was stunned. He couldn’t even think what to do. At the same time, Arceus was worried about that so he sent Kyurem to help others.
Arceus – Kyurem, can you go and help Pikachu?
Kyurem – First recognize me as the Emperor of Dragons.
Arceus – Why are you stuck at one thing? Look at the Poke World, everything has fallen imbalance. I cannot help that’s why I am requesting you. Just think, if Darkrai win then will be recognized as the Emperor of Dragons?
Kyurem – ….
Kyurem couldn’t answer so he went to the Pokemon World to stop Darkrai. Meanwhile in the Pokemon World, at the Grand Canyon, Darkrai used Shadow Ball and in just a single shot, he destroyed the Great Wall of Gardenia. Dark Army marched through the wall and one by one captured the different zones of the city. Pokemon Federation’s Army arrived there and along with Gardenia’ army, they drove them back to the wall. Pikachu followed Darkrai and finally in the world Abyss, he confronted Darkrai and saw Giratina as a statue.
Darkrai – So Pikachu, welcome to the world Abyss. How did you like the invasion?
Pikachu – Darkrai, you can use your power to help others. You have the power then why are you misusing it?
Darkrai – You said truth. I have the power and I, only have the power.
Pikachu – Enough Darkrai. The hunger of power has blindfolded you.
Darkrai – Witness the revival of Giratina.
Pikachu – Do you think I am not going to stop you?
Darkrai – You cannot stop me.
Then Pikachu and Darkrai had a fierce battle but it ended with the crushing defeat of Pikachu. Darkrai went to the Giratina’s statue and awakened her. Giratina the being of Antimatter was awakened. Dialga and Palkia sensed it. Giratina then escaped to the Gardenia and appeared in the sky. Everywhere came darkness. On seeing, Giratina, every Pokemon was shocked. They had no match against her. Even Mew was afraid of Giratina and Darkrai. To save the tree of Life, Mew, Mewtwo and Regigigas stayed out while Monferno called Regice, Regirock and Registeel. Darkrai and Giratina destroyed the whole Canyon and captured the city. Mew wanted to hold them off until Kyurem and Lucario arrived. In the world abyss, Pikachu fainted and saw a dream –
??? – Pikachu, Wake up. You have to fight for the world. The world needs you. Change the future and save my world.
Then he saw Giratina and Darkrai marching towards the Tree of Life, in his dream.
Will Mew succeed in saving the world or Darkrai will destroy the tree?
Previously: Team Pokemon arrived at the Grand Canyon – Darkrai entered the world abyss where he and Pikachu had a battle but Pikachu defeated – Giratina was awakened and they were marching towards the Tree of Life.
Now – Mew – If Darkrai make up to here, activate the fail-safe system.
Mewtwo – Alright.
Mew – In the meantime, I will face Darkrai.
Mewtwo – You know that you had no match against him. It will be dangerous.
Mew – But I cannot stand by.
Mew went towards Gardenia to face Darkrai knowing that she alone couldn’t defeat him. In the world abyss, Pikachu woke up.
Pikachu – What a weird dream that was! Who was he? I should hurry to Gardenia.
Then Pikachu hurriedly went to Gardenia. Suddenly, he was attacked by Zoroark.
Zoroark – Why is the hurry?
Pikachu – Zoroark!
Zoroark – This will be the rematch and I’ll end you this time.
Bayleef – Pikachu!
Pikachu – Chikorita, you arrived.
Bayleef – Zoroark, Pikachu is not alone. I’ll help you, Pikachu.
Pikachu – Thanks.
Then Pikachu and Bayleef together fought with Zoroark. Giratina went towards the Sky Peak to destroy the Shaymin village.
Darkrai – Giratina, you should help me in defeating Mew. We should concentrate on one target.
Giratina – Alright, then I am going to the Tree of Life.
Mew appeared there and said – Darkrai, you are not going to conquer Gardenia.
Darkrai – How will you stop me?
Mew – By battling….
Then Mew and Darkrai began to battle while Giratina headed to the Tree of Life. Gardenia army was engaged in combat with Dark Army. Darkrai defeated Mew and was about to end her.
Darkrai – Mew, it’s your end. Now you have to die for good.
Mew – …
Darkrai – No….I shouldn’t end you. How about your friend? What if Rayquaza end you?
Mew – What!
Darkrai – Black Rayquaza…end her forever.
Rayquaza moved towards Mew to kill her and prepared to use Hyper Beam.
Mew – Ray…quaza…we’re…friends…Re…recall…your past…memo…ries… RAYQUAZA!!!
Then Rayquaza got all of his memories back and attacked Darkrai. He unleashed Hyper Beam on Darkrai.
Darkrai – You fool!
And then Darkrai attacked Rayquaza and trapped him in a Nightmare. Darkrai moved towards Mew to end her. Meanwhile, Giratina attacked the Tree of Life.
Mewtwo – Mew told us to activate the fail-safe system.
Regigigas – Light Screen!
Then everyone used Light Screen but unfortunately, Giratina destroyed the barriers. Mewtwo and Regigigas had no choice but to fight Giratina. Both of them attacked Giratina but they fell prey to the Energy Drain and were defeated. Giratina moved towards the tree.
Giratina – Foolish. None can stand against me.
Back at the Canyon, Pikachu and Bayleef were defeated by Zoroark.
Zoroark – Prepare for your end.
Suddenly, someone attacked Zoroark with Aura Sphere. Zoroark dodged the move and everyone was stunned.
Pikachu – That Aura Sphere…
Then Lucario revealed himself. Grovyle and Cresselia appeared there and attacked Darkrai, thereby, saving Mew from him. Shaymin arrived at the Tree of Life and attacked Giratina. Drowzee who was arrested was released and he helped in waking up Rayquaza.
Pikachu, Bayleef and Lucario defeated Zoroark and headed towards the city. Grovyle revived Mew and Cresselia battled with Darkrai. Shaymin and Giratina had a fierce battle. After a while, Kyurem arrived there and together, they defeated Giratina. Dark Army was captured, Zoroark, Darkrai and Giratina escaped. Pikachu and Bayleef met Grovyle and embraced him. Cresselia and Mew met again. Lucario and Shaymin met again. Kyurem revived Mewtwo and Regigigas.
Pikachu – Grovyle, I am glad you’re alright.
Bayleef – But how did you survive?
Grovyle – The story is long but I’ll tell you in short. Darkrai wanted to end us so he attacked. As he attacked, Mew appeared there and teleported me, and then Mew got away. When I woke up, I found myself in the Lunar Temple. I got news that Darkrai was going to attack Gardenia. First, I wanted to help you but then I learnt that Cresselia can defeat Darkrai so I went deep in the temple and at the Lunar Chamber, I saw Cresselia. I awakened her and together we came to Gardenia in time.
Shaymin – You’re great Grovyle.
Mew – Shaymin, Lucario, Cresselia, Grovyle, Pikachu, Staraptor, Bayleef, Lord Kyurem and other Pokemons, thank you very much for helping us. I, hereby, declare Shaymin the Sky Warrior, Lucario Aura warrior, Cresselia Moon warrior, Grovyle Leaf Warrior and Pikachu Thunder warrior. Now Gardenia is safe for a while. I’ll help the Pokemons to restore the city. You can now go to have some rest. At the daybreak, we’ll reconquer all the regions from Darkrai.
Everyone – Yay!
The war ended and Pikachu and others won the battle. Gardenia’s safe but Darkrai has escaped. Will Darkrai try to invade Gardenia again or something new awaits our heroes?