Pokemon Chapter 4: To The City of Phoenicia
Photo credit: jeltovski from morguefile.com
Next day, Pikachu and Grovyle prepared for their journey. They returned to the guild in night, at the time of dinner, Chatot told them about the Grovyle and Pikachu’s journey to Phoenicia and ordered Team Kabutops to patrol the town. The day ended.
The Next day, in the assembly, Machamp gave Grovyle the map of the Poke world and told them that they had to cross Midnight Forest and then they will reach Phoenicia.
Chikorita joined them and then they together went to the Midnight Forest. They successfully crossed it but suddenly, at the end of the forest, they were attacked by Ariados, Arbok and Seviper. All were enraged. Arbok defeated the team Pokémon the hope was lost but suddenly, Mew appeared there and calmed them down. Arbok and others went away and Mew too. Chikorita healed Grovyle and Pikachu and then they reached the City of Phoenicia.
The city was beautiful but filled with many Pokémons. They came to know about a library so they went there. There in the library,
Pikachu – May I know who is the librarian here?
Everyone told him to remain silenced. Torkoal came there and revealed that he was the librarian.
Pikachu – I wanted to ask….
Torkoal – I know you are from Pokémon Guild and you are Pikachu, Grovyle and Chikorita. I was already told about you. I have some information and the rest is in these books.
Pikachu – What?
Torkoal – The lord of all dark Pokémons is Darkrai and he’s considered to be the lord of all things bad. He is in Dark Isle and is imprisoned by a special spell casted by Mew and Arceus.
Grovyle – We want to know about the dark type runaways.
Torkoal – I think Officer Magnezone will know.
Pikachu – Officer Magnezone, the one who arrested Drowzee.
Torkoal – Yes. He is the head of the Pokémon Police and there’s a Pokémon jail in Phoenicia. Go there, he’ll help you.
Then Pikachu and Grovyle went there and met Officer Magnezone. He showed them the data in which they saw –
Darkrai – captured in Dark Isle
Giratina – missing
Heatran – in a deep slumber in Scorching Volcano
Zekrom – killed
Dusknoir – escaped
Zoroark – missing
Team gathered the information and then they were on their way back to home but suddenly, a group of Magnemite came there and asked them for help.
Pikachu – What happened?
Magnemite – Moltres…the fire bird…has awakened zzz.
Magnezone – What!