Short Story Suspense – Next proposal – Guy who proposed me twice

Suspense Short Story – Next proposal – Guy who proposed me twice
Photo credit: bullboy from
Prologue: This Short Story is an part 2 of , “Guy Who Proposed me twice.”
Suggest you to read the part 1 of this story in the below link
Last Proposal
He held me in his hand and kissed me passionately. He had the two tickets in his one hand and held my hand with other. We started walking in the road; the road was white colored, with white everywhere, right from street bulb, car, bridge and all people where in white.
I asked him, hey darling why everything is white?
Honey, it’s the path to heaven, it’s for people with more good deeds and pure hearts, he said.
It was red everywhere, the other way, people seemed too scary; nothing was likable on that way. Is that the way to hell, I asked him?
He said, yes
I was exceptionally in high spirits; I thought we are together, once again in a good path.
Suddenly, I felt heavy shake, it was like earthquake within me. I heard a screaming voice, give her a CPR, one more time. Started feeling the chillness in my spine, it was like someone was pulling me from the other way, the road to hell. I seized my boyfriends hand firmly, but couldn’t clasp much tight as the heave force was dreadfully high.
Things started ripping apart one by one, the bridge scattered in to pieces, the road, the car, the people and finally my Boyfriend.
All of a sudden everything turned dark, and felt a tapping on my cheeks and a voice said, honey, Can you hear me? Can you hear me?
When I opened my eyes I saw my boyfriend standing in front me with greeting card and ticket
Beth memorial Hospital
Saturday 6 am
Ambulance rushed into the hospital carrying a unconscious patient in to emergency block, they rushed and hauled the patient out of the ambulance to emergency ward. Patient had a heavy injury in the right section of the body, seemed to be injured in head, hip and leg section. An Emergency physician gave the patient first aids and a injection to stop the bleeding.
Emergency team called up the Chief neurosurgeon and Ortho Surgeon and informed about the emergency situation, right away came the reply from the both surgeon’s end.
Before the surgeon’s arrived at the hospital, as instructed by emergency physician they took x-rays, MRI, CT Scan for the patient. The Chief surgeon’s looked at all the reports and prescribed couple of extra scans and after seeing the reports, they immediately called out for an operation. The patient had a blood clot in brain artery and fracture in leg section. Surgeon’s decided to go with the operation together.
They have informed about the patient status and immediate requirement for surgery. Surgical Scheduling unit got the sign from a male in his mid 30’s, 5.11 wearing joggers costume, in consent,and other legal forms, before surgery.
Nurses moved the patient to the Operation Theater. They made sure the Patient was reclined on left side, covered with green cloth, from top to bottom and only the right side head and hip area of the patient was visible
Anesthesian and proper anaesthesia was not available at that time. They both don’t know what to do, but all they knew was operation had to be carried out immediately.
Ortho surgeon has suggested giving the patient a shot of Ketamine, It is a fast-acting, dissociative anaesthetic.
Neuro Surgeon was not ok with it, he knew it well that, unlike traditional anesthetics; it works by essentially “cutting off” the brain from the body. With no external stimulation being delivered to the brain from the nervous system, patient may suffer from hallucinogenic state also known as the emergence phenomena.
But there was no time and alternative, so he agreed to it. They gave the patient a shot of ketamine and patient was unconscious before even removing the needle.
Surgery went on for 14 long hours and patient was moved to post recovery ward after the operation.
Monday 8 Am
More than 28 hours from operation, the patient was ready to be moved from post recovery ward. When the nurse checked, the patient was not in conscious; she got frightened, and immediately called the surgeons. Neuro surgeon rushed to the post recovery ward and did a few checkups and understood that it’s the anaesthesia effect, dose exceeded the limit, and mistake happened in someplace.
Before proceeding with next step, He called the patient’s attendant and asked about the patient history of illness or prior medications, which has to be done prior to the surgery, but in the emergency they missed it. The attendant said Skin Allergy and parasomnia. He was stunned to hear that, they shouldn’t have given ketamine for this patient. The patient may have lot of side effects not limited to seizure, respiratory arrest, and hallucination.
He knew that they made a blunder which could cost a life.
He knew, much he delays, much danger the patient is in. Surgeon held the patient eyes open and moved the flash torch over the patient’s eye to check for pupil movement. As he thought, there was very light movement. He asked the nurse to give Benzodiazepines (an antidote for overdose of Ketamine) a shot to patient.
Surgeon stayed near the patient to make sure the patient is alright. If something happens, it could ruin his entire career and the hospital name. He was so afraid. There was no effect for more than an hour, but after an hour, Pulse started to slow down, the patient is not breathing properly.
He guessed it could be Respiratory arrest.
Over here, Quick, Quick, the Surgeon called a female nurse.
Give her a CPR, he said.
Pulse improved but worsened again
Give her a CPR, again, one more time. He screamed-
The Pulse was regular again, surgeon was relieved. They kept her in observation for few hours and till she is ok to be moved. After few hours, they have moved her to the Single room 151 and informed the attendant.
The Attendant came to the room and saw her sleeping, he didn’t want to disturb her, but he was eager to make sure that she was ok; he wanted to talk to her. So he tapped her on the cheeks, in supple voice he said, honey, Can you hear me? Can you hear me?
Room 151
I felt a tapping on my cheeks and a voice said, “Honey, Can you hear me? Can you hear me?”
When I opened my eyes I saw my boyfriend standing in front me with greeting card and ticket. He gave me greeting card with lot of hearts in it and he said “I lost my heart, and I came to take you back with me, come with me honey”. I was shocked and surprised.
What a guy, I thought? I was mesmerized.
I was enjoying the breathtaking moment, which didn’t last longer
Honey, can you hear me? Came the sound, loud this time
Slowly my vision started fading away, my boyfriend image faded away slowly.
Honey, can you hear me? Are you ok now? Came the sound, Very loud this time
I saw someone standing next to my shoulders. It was my father, with a smile in his face and asked me, Are you fine now?
I smiled at him and blinked once to give him a gesture that I am ok
I felt his happiness on seeing me. How is the pain, he asked?
I said, not bad and told him that “Dad, My boyfriend was here to take me with him”,
What??? Honey. Noooooooooooo.
Nobody was or is here expect you and me, he replied
I said, “He was there a minute ago”
My dad replied, its parasomnia, you are hallucinating. Do you remember you have the disorder?
I couldn’t resist my eyes and ears shutting off, before I could reply him, everything went black
Physician Visit
On hearing the loud sound, nurse rushed in to the room and asked the attendant to move out. Four hours later Surgeon visits the patients after surgery, came to room 151 along with his assistants and checked the patient. He started explaining about the patient status and asked one of his assistants to pull out the case sheet, which had lot of sections. One of his assistant started reading from bottom, it said
State: Severe injury in the right side of the body, multiple fractures in hip and blood clot in brain artery
Attendant Relationship: Father
Medications: XXXX 100mg , YYYY 500mg
History of Illness: Skin Allergy , parasomnia and Hallucinations
Age: 8yrs