Suspense Story of Betrayal – YET BLUE
Photo credit: imelenchon from morguefile.com
Dahlia was drifting…it was a stream.Stream flowing..she was within this stream..she could see the blue sky..it was morning..How am I breathing?…Am I in heaven?..only heaven can have streams so clear.
The labradorite gave out a brilliant blue glimmer.Or wait,was it blue? She could see so many colors…midnight blue,earth brown,emerald green…it seemed unreal.
Could this be true?How?
The ring felt somewhat odd in her ring finger.She had this half-fear, half-reverence for blue even during her childhood days..She felt awakened by the strange blue lights of sleeper class train while travelling ,as a child .They held some secret..to her these small square blue lights were unresolved signals from outer space..Small but eerie.
beep beep…the phone brought her back to reality.
“What are you dreaming of?” Paul sniggered.This was typical of him..sniggering for nothing.Or perhaps women empowerment had proven bad for him.Dahlia suppressed a desire to laugh.”None of your business ,kid.”she rolled her eyes.He made a funny noise and departed.Dahlia knew he had come to check her terminal,this again made her laugh.
But somewhat she was uncomfortable..it was not work that gave her that uncomfort ..she checked her smartphone..time:0.17..temperature:12 degree Celcius..few beads of sweat emerged in the cross-section of her hairline and forehead.It was an unusually silent night or perhaps she was over-thinking.Maybe a casual stroll would calm her down.
She opened her cardigan button.
Someone was noticing..Dahlia should have known..women in workplaces,late nights.
The BMW speeded past the deserted roads of Science City.He glanced at his watch Damm 0.20..The metro construction was going on in full-swing..apart from the trucks the road was empty…It was a risk worth taking.
She glanced through the rooms..the marble flooring felt cold against her bare feet..her heart was beating fast..I am sorry…Saying this she broke into a silent yet speedy run.It was a dream worth running for.
The headlights of the posh BMW flicked exactly three times..Tina rubbed her teary eyes and proceeded.She held her Tommy Hilfigher side bag close to her.
The street dogs shouted..a cornered cat squealed .
The car quickly departed.
Dahlia looked up at the mirror ..dark circles..she was aging.She wasn’t extraordinarily beautiful..the led lights seemed to nod out of acceptance.Was she getting mad?No.The phone rang..”Yes ma I am fine”before the lady on the other side could query any further she hung up.She was sad.
She has everything that you don’t have,Dahlia’s timid inner voice reminded.The labradorite gave a malicious smile..Yes he was getting married.Only Dahlia knew it. She washed her face .There were brighter things in life to focus on..plus this would happen one day or the other. Remaining sad was not an option…
Dahlia’s image nodded out of acceptance..she gave a last look at the mirror.There after she departed from the washroom.
She headed towards the office kitchen.This was well,..quite a place.It was a kitchen cum store room..A place where employees loved to come.This was the most social or aptly put socializable zone for all.Small but full of doors of storage cabinets that were stuffed with all kinds of food.Cookies,chips,chocolates,muffins..it also housed instant foods like pastas,noodles,coco.The chiller was also stuffed with cold drinks,apple juices,cedar etc etc. This place was a wonderland for grown ups.
She went for a juice….something about the night previously made her uncomfortable and now as she was closing the door she realized something was making her sad . A thought.
Leisurely she boarded the lift and went downstairs..The North wind came gushing..sending shivers .The small park stood there semi-dark,semi-illuminated.In spite of the fact that nobody used it..yet this park cum lawn was maintained.
Usually her nights at the office weren’t so leisurely as today.Apart from a few messages from clients..there had been no grave conversations.Strange.
Dahlia Roy personal assistant to Vineet Singh,founder Larsson Web Studio and Analytics stood there sighing.Everything had been a dream in this company..Almost a dream…
till last Friday….this was the thought that was making her sad.
She looked up at the clear wintry skies..stars were gazing back..reflecting.They always do..by default.
Her career had started as a mere web developer then it had catapulted abruptly…Her development from an assistant to the left hand here had been speedy.Many people simply dream about it..yet she was sad today.
What may come.Dahlia took a deep breath.
Perhaps Larsson had made her over ambitious.She smiled sadly.Afterall,she was the PA not Vineet’s girlfriend.Last Friday reminded her this forgotten fact.Reality is harsh.
Her thoughts flew back to Friday afternoon.He was on a phonecall.
“No nothing rash,No I am going to pick you”Dahlia was eavesdropping on her boss. Vineet continued over the phone”No its kind of symbiotic..no you will have to escape”.Now the conversation heated up”Darn, forget what your sick father-in-law says..we are marrying”.Dahlia’s mouth was in a ‘o’.He is eloping..but..why?
It was then Vineet saw her..He immediately hung up.
This was something Dahlia had not anticipated..how could she be so careless?
He was fiery.
Dahlia turned red..She felt the heat.The next things followed quickly…
He shouted on Dahlia “The revenues”he billowed.”Do you even understand how we could be affected?” ,..”Do I pay you to spy on me?” Dahlia recoiled..she had never seen him this angry.”I..I” Dahlia had managed.”Get Lost”..Dahlia tried to say something..”Lost!!” her bosses voice almost shook the one walled glass.
Bad timing.Dahlia left immediately.
Dahlia had gone to submit the report..but to her horror the situation absolutely turned against her.
Further she had this bubble in the corner of her mind …imagination actually.. that she stood a chance with Vineet was also over..over forever..
He was marrying.
Dahlia had been thinking about this the whole week…
Engrossed in thoughts Dahlia failed to notice…
A figure watched Dahlia silently from behind the trees..Attack from behind.The figure proceeded towards Dahlia.
The car was speeding…Tina felt guilt.So many memories came back.Marriage..in-laws..their house..her parents..society.She would have to face it all someday.Yet marrying for a second time was no sin.
You are marrying for your own advantages.A voice peeped .
Though she had inherited a lot of money..she was not independent.This marriage would give her that.She brushed her fingers through her silky hair.She knew she was a catch..lustrous yellow skin..lithe frame..long legs..ebony hair.YET..yet she kept inside.She had to keep inside..housewife in laymen s word.
She was married to be a spectacle.Tina Arora sighed.The night made all roads appear same.Little did she know she was getting lost…lost in misery..something that she would face the first time.
A silence hung there in the car..then it was torn by Vineet.
“Feeling teary?”Vineet asked Tina.
“No”Tina managed a weak reply.”I don’t wan’t any regrets..regret less beginning “.There was this cue they never used darling,sweety,honey.. not once …for other couples this would have been rare…Ego spoils every possible relation.Somewhat that was overlooked in this car ride.
Success had been synonymous with Vineet. There were a few things that he had failed at. He grinned. Nothing at all that I failed at.The only thing was that the message did not come.He had to remove just one tiny obstacle from his path. Then..and then he would inherit it all..He maliciously laughed inwardly..If only Tina knew this marriage was a hoax.
The car slightly lessened it’s speed.
Vineet reeled back.His journey to ivy league as a thin freckelish lad.The geek type..Topper as always.He attended less clubs and societies in college..he was more into books.How he had coded it all..how he pulled up his co curricular activities..How he bagged a gold medal.His company..his dream.YET .Old scars always stay….chances always come..Today was the day.
The old lady smiled wryly..she had this old age insomnia.The oil paintings of her ancient room looked back at her like tamed owls.I must go.Everything ends..someday.Everything had been okay with her.Except…except last Friday..last Friday was the day worth living for.She had sacrificed her priced family possession.Or had she.She chuckled.Her heavily ornamented hands and spidery fingers slid over the wood carved table.
There she was.
Someone held Dahlia by her shoulder.Dahlia sprang round in horror.It was Paul.He then burst into a fit of laughter.Idiot.He ‘ll start again.“Pa out of her suite?”Paul sounded sarcastic.None of your business.Dahlia kept mum.”Why were’s your darling boss”Paul snigggered.
This was typical of Paul..he spread had this word in the office that Dahlia and Vineet were in an invisible relationship.Ya,invisible mostly.He never showed anything in the office.Except the fact that Dahlia was given a speedy increment.Yes within 2 years her monthly salary had touched a 6 figure.These things never remain hushed up.The random visit to hotels,restaurants,client meets..everything had gone in her favour.Until Friday…
Dahlia had always remained the reason for jealousy here at Larsson.She was this employee whom boss favored.“Didn’t your ever-caring boss phone??” Paul cut in.This time Dahlia gave a dirty look.”After all you are alone”Paul removed a lock from Dahlia’s face.She couldn’t believe this.No one spoke to her this way at office.”I would prefer if you would maintain a distance.”Dahlia took a step back.
“Yes, you prefer to maintain a distance from all at Larsson..other than your boss“he emphasized on the last part.
Women senses asked Dahlia to leave..she walked speedily..The winter gave her a chill..”Did you know you are the sole girl today..here at Larsson”.This sentence totally took Dahlia aback.Shit how?He was tipsy Dahlia sensed it too well..but where are the other females?Dahlia sprinted towards the lift.She had to find out.She couldn’t be alone.
The shadowy figure was feeling equal hatred for Paul.A chance missed for this intruder.He had to attack.
The bunglow was..well beautiful.But Tina was used to beautiful things..she got what she wanted.
But then again.. there is some hidden victory in stealing things..only 6 months ago she had realized that.
The manicured garden and dimmed lights welcomed them.”weren’t we supposed to go to a lawyer?”Tina asked Vineet timidly.
Vineet garaged the car”No even if I give them a lot of money,they won’t get us married at midnight.”
“Mr Rao will come tomorrow morning,along with witnesses.”Tina hugged Vineet and broke into tears. Vineet wasn’t ready for this.women and drama.The sheer lunacy of this women gave him fits of laughter.How to lose a women in 6 months.She was lame as he had expected.
Tina followed Vineet inside the living room..overlooking the lawn.She quickly rubbed her tears.Men.Tina thought.This eloping was like a first sip of wine..independence..by tomorrow she would be everything she aspired to be.She straightened her brown robe..brushed her silky hair..always did the trick.
The interior was marvellous . Stone cut statues..marbelled flooring..overlooked by wooden open kitchen..wooded stairs..a wooden dining table.
These emanate warmth ,but I am a gust of cold wind.Tina tilted her head.
“Sit”Vineet pulled out a chair from the dining table…”Okay keep that bag upstairs in the wardrobe”He pointed to the Hilfigher bag.Tina nodded and left for upstairs.The sound of her heels faded away from the wooden stairs.
Vineet immediately jumped to action ,he took out the wine glasses ..put generous amounts of white pills in it..and concealed them with red wine…His work was done.
No one would know.He had sent everyone on holiday..including the guard.
The old lady rushed to the airport…The minimally jeweled women did not catch any body’s eyes..she was otherwise unattractive because she was old..
except the big stone on her finger.
The stone was hidden from peoples view as it’s face was turned,the stone was facing the lady’s palm .. Only one of the female attendents noticed it..
Gosh it’s huge..and misplaced.Was her thought.The lady attendant felt taken aback.
The women was carrying medicines and all in her over sized side bag.She was old but stout..She had clever eyes..tall frame but white hair.The ring and the glimmer of its diamond left the attendent in awe.
The departure timing and plane number’s illuminated the boring board.
Dahlia was speeding..she entered the cubical of her female colleagues..empty..crap I have been fooled..No wonder I was feeling uncomfortable..Had Vineet lied?.Or was it someone else?The lights were on..and the chairs were out of line of sight from her suite..This gave her an illusion that this side was stacked with silent female workers.
A realization made her shudder..Crap everyone has been sent on a holiday..She was alone with Paul and 3 other men..
She heard the ping of the lift..Paul..Perhaps Vineet had informed him but Paul didn’t forward the mail to Dahlia.Dahlia was rushing to the corridor..she could hear Paul approching..Oh no..he was a hand away..He was laughing like a maniac.She entered her suite quickly.
Paul had caught up she made a futile attempt to shut the door..
He was approaching..it looked develic..all traces of humor gone..Dahlia reached for her bag..a last attempt..pepper spray..But wait..
Before Dahlia could realize someone pushed her from back..Dahlia hit her desk..pain made it’s way through her spine.He had with him company..It was Prabhu..Prabhu had been fired..
Her face was a hand away from Paul’s shoe..she had to act fast..squealing won’t help. The two men were advancing..Dahlia knew they weren’t normal as colleagues anymore..
“What do you want!!?? .”
“You will help us..either help us or get killed” Prabhu added in cold whisper..he was furious..both the men burst in laughter..where were the three other men.Dahlia wondered
Paul read her thoughts..they are not here..we played a hoax with you..We stole their id’s and fuzzed up the biometric system.
OH god..she was screwd Dahlia thought.This looked like a well chalked out plan.
“What help?”she managed.
“Help us get the morons documents..he played with us..now we ll play with Larsson’s revenue”.Moron meant HER boss..if he found this out she would be jailed.In either way this was her last day in this suite.Her heart was beating her hands were shaking..It was her last day in the office.
“But..”Prabhu immediately pointed his gun at her..gun? Dahlia was surprised..No not death Dahlia prayed…both men had animal like ferocity on their faces..“Ok I will”Dahlia begged..immediately she was dragged into the founders room..the gold name-plate mocked her.You are finished.
Even a few minutes back life had been fair..look at her now.Dahlia thought.
She saw they had already stolen the key the door opened..It led to the second door..”give the combination you bitch”she was held at gunpoint.
She typed every possible combination she knew..sh#t Vineet had changed it last Friday..No ..death lurked..the labradorite ring smiled..it was whispering to Dahlia “die”,”die”.. She hit the buttons “Tina”no it didn’t open..just when the two men were about to shoot..she hit”Venugopal”The door opened.
The joy on her captors faces was unmistakeable.
They threw her away..Her hand was paining misrebly now..Vineet had once told her, his name at school had been Venugopal..lost identity Dahlia sighed.
Now the men were rummaging all possible documents…They opened the safe and took whatever little money it had.Little by company’s standard 50 lakhs were no less.
Now they targeted the mac..holy cow a password again…Dahlia shifted uncomfortably..She had no idea on this password but trouble was brewing for her,she was feeling way too timid..hot tears flowed through her eyes and made way through her cheeks..she was trapped.
Somewhere the first rays of morning sun had risen…it was blood red.
Tina came downstairs..”Vineet”she called out merrily..he was at washroom..
This was her chance..she saw the red wine..immediately flipped her ring and poured the white powder in it..perfect.
Only she knew that her ring was hollow..with a door..lethal for keeping drugs..she smirked safe abode…
Then after sometime he was back.Tina did not smile.
On the other hand Vineet thought everything was in his favor..just that he hadn’t received the expected text.But he was an optimist.
They both gave each other a mysterious smile.
They started eating..they drank the wine unsuspecting.
I had this TJ initials etched on my glass ,he thought.Thinking he drank unsuspecting.
I had studied the shape of this glass..it’s different from his.She thought drinking unsuspecting.
Sometimes all it takes is uncommon sense to win in life.The smile faded away as both of them drifted into deep sleep……
Dawn was coming.
The lady reached Delhi..this is it..She would sell the diamond at a curio.She need not work for the rest of her life..the joy was overpowering her..even in her seventies the cold of Delhi could not extinguish her excitement…She felt young again…She proceeded towards Chandni..
Old place old memories.
The man was seeing all this in a binocular.He immediately reported all this..heck of a woman.Curious ..very curious.
Without the password they could not make monetary transactions.NO.”Ask that thing”Paul was furious..”I..I don’t know”Dahlia murmured…..Prabhu slapped her “Foot licking idiot..Even your boss can’t find your corpse,all this while we have been tolerating your nonsense ..”The rage was extreme.
sh#t they’ll kill me..no..
She typed random words..birthdays…the terminal didn’t give in..but she was one of the few employees who knew Larsson provided encryption services to it’s client under the hood..
His would be tricky.
I ll have to do this..
while trying out combinations with L..she typed “Labradorite”randomly in haste.
“Labra..what??”Before Prabhu could finish the terminal opened.Dahlia was pushed away..she hit the floor hard.This time her backbone hurt hard..
they were transferring all the money..they had jammed all other terminals other than this one..the money would be transferred to an isolated account.Then it would be siphoned to Swiss Bank or something close to that…in spite of the pain Dahlia reeled back.So many employees..close to 1000…would suffer the consequences..
At the back of her something else was going on…her head would tear ,any minute now..
This couldn’t be true..the labradorite had come to her rescue..as the old lady who gave to her had said..LOOK AND IT WILL BRING CALMNESS..BROWN..GREEN ..YET SO BLUE..
They opened the secret vault once more,mostly because something was written in the Mac..it contained something more To their unbelief it had small chips of diamond.”He was giving this away to his pa”Prabhu told Paul pointing to Dahlia’s cardigan pocket..she had left her cardigan in her suite while going down.
Yes it had an alleged diamond chip.But Dahlia strongly believed that it was fake. And the old lady had given her..but could this be a coincidence?or did all this have a link..She couldn’t express all this to these scoundrels.She only managed to voice a protest ,that would clearly not go in her favor.
“No don’t do this..you are stealing your company..stop it..”Dahlia said with all her remaining strength..Before she could act,the butt of the gun hit her head..it sent her into instant unconsiousness..death it is then..I am drifting…the pain is unbearable..like some one cracked my skull with hammer..
The shadowed figure escaped..wrong timing..plus the subject was a victim already..in a few moments she would die.
pain ..small drops of blood escaped her nose..the pain settled..she never thought of dying cold..YET COLD WAS A BLUE.
Dahlia was drifting…it was a stream.Stream flowing..she was within this stream..she could see the blue sky..it was morning..How am I breathing?…Am I in heaven?..only heaven can have streams so clear.
It should have been a Saturday morning…She always loved weekends.She remembered what happened last Friday..after Vineet shouted at her,she was depressed.She went to Beadon street ..roaming with her car..if something jolly could make her forget all this.
She saw this strange shop..curio maybe..A old bell welcomed her..the antique smell hung in the air..a wizened old women motioned to her.Her eyes looked very unusual..unusually bright for an old lady.She handed her the labradorite ring..”Leo right?” Dahlia was stunned..How did this woman know..”This is a crystal ring for the Leo’s ..it will bring you luck..only a thousand bucks..take it ..take it”..the ring gave out a brilliant hue..understated..”LOOK AND IT WILL BRING CALMNESS..BROWN..GREEN ..YET SO BLUE..” Dahlia believed her..she took it…The woman also took out another stone that looked like diamond..but the lady claimed it to be crystal and gave her for a 100 bucks more..apparently she wanted to sell her shop..the lady was in a haste..
Dahlia had kept these very close to her..but somewhat they had made her uncomfortable.Nothing changed much though..Vineet was avoiding her throughout the week.Though Dahlia felt he had valid reasons to.But then again it was her workplace and money was what mattered at the end of the day.
She still remembered how Paul,Prabhu had been her friends for 2 years..Paul had an immense understanding on hacks..he was a hacker by night,developer by day.He really had a bright future..but Vineet never gave him administrative rights.Paul vehemently hated working women.
Prabhu was very good at analytics that Larsson worked at.His interest was for machine learning .But Vineet didn’t like his arrogance.Thus these two friends of her were always isolated.Attrition were high for them.
For Dahlia Vineet’s stand was very different.Though she was not that bright..her hardwork,willingness always made her stand out.Hr faithfulness towards Larsson made Vineet share every intricacies about Larsson with her.Sometimes he even shared facts from his life.They were a rare boss-pa pair.
This started to be slowly mis-interpreted,The speedy pay hikes proved to add wind to the fire.There were rumors of their alleged relationship.
Yes they visited places..there was an attraction on Dahlia’s part..but it was an innocent,guileless friendship.Dahlia wished these rumors were true as she could call this a forever friendship.Plus Larssons turnover was about 5 crores monthly..it was a stable company.Paul,Prabhu and hundreds of talented yet lazy people became jealous.But Dahlia enjoyed that…But she knew this relationship wouldn’t last long.6th sense never lies.
Last Friday she overheard it all..She went to her bosses office checked all the cookies on the desktop to find that her name was Tina.Even harder was the fact that this women was beauty personified.Not a single flaw on her face..almond eyes..thin lips..only the fact was that she was married.
Dahlia found it logical that they decided to keep their upcoming marriage hushed up.She left her suite that friday..in pain.
Now she was dead drifting in blue..life is so precious that you shouldn’t waste time brooding over what you didn’t get .Dahlia realized after she had died.She couldn’t even bid a proper goodbye to her mom.All this made her sad..but it was a stream..nobody would see her tears…neither could she speak…blue again.
Dahlias mom phoned her for 27th time..it wasn’t ringing…it was driving her crazy.She typed in Nidhi’s number..something was utterly wrong. 6th sense never lies.
Communication chief at Larsson Nidhi tried in vain…Larssons website was down..A virus in my laptop or a bug? Office phone was dead too..she tried ringing Dahlia but it didn’t ring..
Just then an unknown number rang on her mobile screen.She picked up cheerfully”Dali is that you?”her smile vanished shortly.It was Dahlia’s mother she didn’t return home from office last night.Holy cow Friday was a regional holiday. and office had forwarded this mail to all on Friday morning Nidhi herself supervised this.Where did Dahlia go then?
Dahlia had perhaps landed herself in grave trouble.
Nidhi asked Dahlia’s mom to inform the police immediately.
Could this website problem have anything to do with Dahlia’s disappearance?
Something was wrong. Very wrong.
She dressed and left for Larsson.
Chandrakali came a bit early for his work on Saturday morning..his master had given him off on Friday so as a sign of gratitude he had come early.Plus bunglows these days weren’t safe.He entered the meadow..car that means his master was home.He opened the living cum dining rooms door..beautiful rays of the sun illuminated the room..seeping through the glass-painted windows of the verandah.
His gaze suddenly went to the dining table.Two people were sleeping there..sitting face to face.So he had lady company.But isn’t this sitting and sleeping abnormal?.The lady seemed unreal.Overtly beautiful.He reached out for his master.
To his horror he found his body was cold..so was the women’s.
Chandrakali’s world came crushing down..he had to answer the police..Harassment always comes to poor people..They were dead and he was the suspect.
He saw he was dying..how could he?The morning rays were warm against his face..if only it had been a bit warmer..had it burned his skin even partially,he could have at least woke up from this sleep.The pain of the burn was nothing as compared to his life.The gift of life.
Venugopal could not wake up…his plan had backfired..he never suspected Tina..
It was his plan..How could she do this?Till date no one could read his plan..but yet Tina did.Everything beautiful was dangerous..Venu knew this but somehow forgot to implement this in his otherwise perfect ploy.
I am dead..yet the reason why I did all this is nothing worth dying for..
“Venu,Venu”he saw his mom..but she was dead..he was dead too..Venu was happy but was sad that he gave up his life for a petty issue..but wait,he had grown small..O no he was a child.Dirty clothes..his village materialized ..he was busy playing with mud..mud castles were his favorite..someday he would build it.”Go and study”.”No mom..”Venu protested..”NOW”.screamed his mom..He hated study..just loved one thing..numbers..they held secrets..
“Look there”..Venu looked at that teenage girl..well she was outwordly…Venu knew staring at others was not good manners.He was a teenager going to a school in the city..his parents had sacrificed a lot..the school made arrangements for his scholarship..Girls would mean disrespecting his parents,teachers..
“Hey I am Tina”It was a week later that hyped-about girl had willingly come to him..Brain told him to back off..but his heart said move on..Venu was ordinary,she was extra ordinary
Venu followed his heart..numbers couldn’t rescue him..soon it turned out to be love..at least to Venu..It took a toll on his studies..he prioritized her over his studies..His school teachers warned but he hardly listened…He was 16..board exams came..he scored no where near the expected marks..
His mother couldn’t bear the pain..she passed away..”Come back to me the way I dreamed you to be back.”she closed her eyes..forever.
To his horror he realized Tina had departed too..She had found new love..Venu took exile.
The determination was strong..he worked hard..a lot..so hard that his old school teachers called him back..They collected money,gave him best of training..He got into an ivy league..The game of snakes and ladders..Venu realized life was a game..
He didn’t want to be an object of sympathy.He changed his name to Vineet..his father did not protest..Tina had become a forgotten chapter by then..Vineet never looked back..
Love never came back..but he became super successful..true to his mothers wish.Decades passed..
Vineet became unstoppable..his father lived to see his success..suddenly everyone wanted to help.By then Vineet had become an introvert..he didn’t need help..
If he could only see his father one last time..but he was dead now..
It was six months earlier that saturn came back in his perfect life.
He was sitting there in that coffee shop discussing business with his PA and second in command Dahlia.
Dahlia had this skill of listening..she was a great manager. Larsson was more than a workplace for Dahlia..it was her temple.He knew people made stories..but he always felt comfortable working with that girl.Just when they were about to get up..past interjected.
Tina had grown up to be a beautiful woman..This women dressed in red maxi dress caught his attention. Unmistakably it was her.He couldn’t be wrong. For the first time she was seen with with girls…A feeling of loathe filled Vineet instantaneously..He left immediately.
After that what he did was totally the consequence he suffered.He stalked that girl..dated her inspite of the fact that she was married..He was determined to teach her a lesson..he saw that she hadn’t changed much..He learnt that she would inherit a lot of wealth from her parents and in laws…all she wanted was to built her own identity.Vineet promised to help her..In lieu of that she agreed to hand him some very precious stones from her father-in-laws collection she would send it via an old lady..the stones would be encased in boxes which had combinatorial passwords..Vineet fell instantly for the challenge.
He eventually broke all the codes..the diamonds lured him somewhat..every Saturday he started visiting the curio shop.Underneath he made a plan to kill Tina..He knew about this particular diamond..it was on studded on Tina’s engagement ring.A huge diamond it had immense historical importance..Myth said it was excavated from Golconda itself..Though Vineet didn’t believe it..it’s present day value could be a staggering 8 crores .It was further fabled to bring good luck.The only logical explanation was to kill Tina.
The plan had failed..he could see the diamond laughing..Much the way Tina once had..Halo effect…it glittered..an unmistakable blue..
The police vans proceeded..the lady was a suspect..She entered the age old shop at Chandni.”Here is it..the beauty..I brought it”she pointed to the diamond in her finger..the brilliant glistning even took the police aback.They hid everywhere..She then took out the capsule box..she had kept it in in her sidebag throughout the journey.Slowly hooded figures began to emerge.
What the…to her horror the old woman realized she had been followed..the staff at airport had suspected her capsule box and on hearing inquiry of the police had told them everything.She froze.Hilda Khan was a brave woman..half christian-half muslim but today no one could save her.
Who informed them? “You are under arrest..”Her game was over.
Was it morning?Silky black straight hair covered her face..ahh why couldn’t she get up?..Why? Misery was something Tina hated.She had always been this queen bee..yet here she was..dead.
She had mixed generous amount of powdered sleeping pills in that red wine..yet she was lying dead here…Was he dead?What baffled her was the fact that they had used the same ingredient-sleeping pill,to destroy each other.
Tina always wanted to be an actress..she loved doing role plays..Everyone thought she was an angel kind of..a girl with everything..too good.So she decided to start a game..She decided to play the actress always.She saw this village boy Venu and played lovey-dovey with him..The look on his face the day she sent him back was one-of-a-kind.She didn’t feel any sympathy for him.
Life according to Tina had never been fair..her parents always wanted her to remain indoors..they didn’t want her to be independent..so Venu was her only ventilation..She saw everyone fears evil.Thus she broke hundreds of hearts..she soon became tagged as the devil instead of angel..Blcak became her favorite color..she was Saturn.
Marriage came as a slap to this new found independence of Tina.After marriage she realized she was crazily rich but her husband was her male version.A lady player..initially it was fun..but after few years she saw it was going nowhere..people laughed at her back calling it “a perfect match”.
For the first time in 26 years of her life Tina realized the pain Venu had gone through..She understood from a wife s perspective what a relation could mean .But it was too late to go back.
The only person who spoke for her was her father-in-law.For the first time Tina respected a parental figure..She realized this daughter-father relationship was that of unconditional love.He even spoke against his son and supported her.
Thus when she was leaving her house midnight she rubbed her tears..she was feeling sad.
She had spotted Venu after decades..he pretended not to know her..she pretended not to know him..He had this girl -Dahlia.Tina instantly felt like killing her.She had sent a killer at Larssons yesterday..but he said that two other men killed Dahlia..The killer had been a lame witness to the murder ..Good dies always.Dahlia was perhaps the easy target.
Vineet also had to die..Tina was in a killing spree..She wanted her Venu back..but she saw this deception on his face..easier option was to kill both boss and pa and infiltrate the business.Plus she would get the diamonds back.She had been stealing from her father-in-laws collection and she had been sending this to Vineet via Hilda.
Now everything ,every hope was over..She realized she had led a superficial life all along.Her afterlife would be a misery.
Chandrakali had acted quick..he took out his master and the woman’s phone..he dialled the number he saw at the top in the lady’s phone..an old man received..Chandrakali told that he was taking them to hospital..He drove the car to the nearest hospital..they were immediately admitted.
The old man was sobbing..he was the woman’s father-in-law..the sterilized environment was making Chandrakli sick.He hoped against hope that they would survive.For once in his life Chandra felt happy about being poor.Made life less complex.
Neha arrived with the police at Larsson..the suite had been vandalized..Dahlia lay there ..blood seeping out..”Hospital..please Dali..no”she rushed her friend to the nearby hospital..She prayed that her friend would be ok.
Whoever had broken in had made use of bio-metric system..further they had jammed all the terminals as well as phones for sometime..Even they forged the online transactions and had routed money from Larsson to a vague account.Extreme piece of plan. The vault had been broken.
Tina was the sole witness..apparently she had put up a fight..but the intruders over-powered her.
Neha thought Dalia and the office case ..Vineet-Tina’s case,The old women in Delhi .All these had a logical connection or..at least empirically.
She would later know she wasn’t wrong.
Hilda s family was a descendant of the sultanate.The extra large diamond had a sapphire ring around it..giving it the halo effect.It had brought years of good luck.But some generation back it got lost.Her forefathers went to a fakir..he prophesied that a labradorite could partially take place of the diamond.Half heartedly her forefathers had taken it.Now she understood the diamond could not be sold.
Thus when Tina was looking for a source to deliver the diamond..she immediately introduced herself as an old friend of her in-laws and grabbed the opportunity.She knew them s both her family and theirs were ancient.She even got it.. Perhaps the overt lust of Hilda ,trying to sell it backfired like a curse.She got caught..Hilda was feeling like a mad woman.
Being a woman of letters she easily broke the wooden case-ciphers that Tina sent to her.Hilda was the jewellers daughter so she knew a lot about stones.She stealthily started removing the stones from the ciphers and filled them with crystals.Normal eyes could not catch the difference..and when they would find out she would be gone.
She had opened the wooden case and closed it so nicely..particularly she had worked on the cipher text meticulously..Vineet that man never suspected.
Then she had gone a step further and had meticulously pitched Vineet’s employees against him.The rage she had seen in them was genuine.They absolutely hated him.She asked them to use that pa of Vineet..it was too obvious she could guess the passwords.Passwords could be guessed based on the persons psychology.She lured that girl in her shop that day..she had asked on of them to program that advertisement of her shop in common TV at Larssons office.It entered in Dahlia s subconsious..Those two had informed about her zodiac.Convincing that girl had been easy..Her profit was that she could get rid of the Labradorite that had brought immense hardship for her forefathers.
There was this age old prophecy of the fakir that ran in Khan family-Once the diamond was recovered Khans had to return the labradorite .But she wanted money..she wanted to get rid of both..It failed.
Everything went fine..but her extreme greed brought her downfall had she not tried to sell the good luck diamond…the prophecy would never be true.At the end of the day even luck was a simple logic. Her dream of dying rich remained a dream.
Mr Aggarwal guessed it right..so when he saw the diamond missing he immediately informed the police on Saturday morning.The thing that made him sad was the fact that his own daughter-in-law was involved in it. Hilda had been arrested.
Mr Aggarwal only wanted his daughter-in-law to come back..she was like a daughter almost.
Dahlia’s mom wanted her back ..everything had been a blur for her..beyond reason she wanted her back..the TV reporters were showing over-enthusiasm The two men had been arrested and almost everything had been recovered.Dahlia had been brave…her daughter could give an accurate picture..but she had frozen..Her daughter had to come back.At least for her.
No Vineet had always been a winner.. His wife had died long back..his son couldn’t..He had a lot to tell his son..His father was teary.
Even the hustle of the cafe seemed good.The gift of life had been the greatest gift.Dahlia walked in..everyone in the cafe broke into tireless applause…Vineet,Tina,her mom..colleagues..Everyone..Most importantly they didn’t have slightest loathing for each other.They were equal.The police had caught the two men and the woman.The labradorite felt non existent in her finger.It had brought her luck indeed.It was needless to know it’s history..Tina and Vineet had apologized to one another..Tina apologized to her also,she was extremely sorry.To make up she would invest actively at Larsson and would be working with her.She was at peace.Everyone was at peace.Life seemed awesome.