Murder mystery Short Story – GUILTY MURDERER
Photo credit: biberta from morguefile.com
“Take the traces of blood out of the victims finger nails”said the inspector.
The constable does it instantly.The inspector turning towards the victim’s brother who was in grief, in a pain so unbearable for the loss of his dear sister,crying badly and groanining.
“what a cruel fate is my sister cursed with?she had not done any wrong to none but why is my sister lying dead?why?…cried the brother,Akash.
Inspector left the place in silence after thorough inspection. Inspector Mohith was a strict officer and had very good regard amongst the civilians under his jurisdiction. More over he was super intelligent and sharp. Sharmila’s case was a bit different to Mohith because it was a clean murder site with no trails leading to the murderer except for the traces of blood underneath her finger nails but Mohith himself was not sure if it was murderer’s blood accumulated in the nail pits of the victim,since the body was in a pool of blood, it could be her own blood and he was waiting for Sharmila’s family to recover from the pain to list out few suspects for interrogation on whom the family doubted the most and Mohith was relying on akash’s description and other details about his sister since he learnt that Sharmila’s mom and dad were completely broke.
After two days Akash and his wife go to the police station for giving statements. Adding up to Mohith’s worries were the blood test which stated that it was her own blood which was under her nails. Mohith was running through hard time lately,he even feels self contempted and all his reputation at stake with all kinds of pressure from higher authority and the media. Mohith thinks over and over about sharmila’s murder case, he had learnt that the victim had a very good social quotient, she was a jovial person as per the statements of her colleagues and her brother and other family members.
Akash loved his sister and his affection was not comparable to any entity of this universe, he had even set legal papers which would transfer the share of his property which he had acquired from his dad to her. Amidst all of this,Mohith starts imagining the crime scene and starts speaking to himself in frustration.He rechecks Akash’s statements which said’at the night of murder,the whole family had been to a hotel for dinner which they occasionally go,but the victim skipped the dinner and stayed at home to relieve herself from the job deadline.
Mohith checks the hotels guest entry list and something catches his eyes,Akash’s wife had not been entered at the same time as others did. So he calls Akash immediately and asks for an explaination to that and as a reply Akash said
” oh yeah Priya had told that she would join us soon from her work,she actually gave a call from home around 8:45 pm saying that she was getting ready and will reach there in 20 minutes or so”
Showing the call register of his cell phone,Akash also said that his wife was the last person to see his sister alive.Mohith swiftly opens sharmila’s autopsy which he had already gone through,Mohith has a staggering look on his face .Mohith says to Akash that he has to meet his wife straight away.Akash with no questions asked takes the inspector to his wife Priya. Priya was reading a magazine,as the inspector walked in,the looks on her eyes faded ,she grew weak and was hesitating to give an eye contact to the police. Mohith took her and Akash inside a room and asks her to explain as to what she had seen that night when she arrived to room up at home to go to the hotel.
Priya replies”I saw her working”.
Mohith bangs the table saying “you are lying,the autopsy says she was killed around 8:40 to 8:50 exact,you have either seen her dead already or something might have happened when you were present,but i’m sure you discovered it before you came with your family from the hotel”
Priya cries helplessly”yes it was me who killed her!! I dint want Akash’s property to fall in her hands,Akash Wouldn’t listen and the only option I was left with to stab her to death,now she haunts me!”
Mohith took further action.