Murder Mystery Story – The Crimson Diaries-(Part IV)
Photo credit: chelle from morguefile.com
Part- IV
**At the crime scene**
Inspector Bhardwaj appeared on the crime scene minutes after Anjali was killed and like any skilled detective set to work on the body. Wearing his gloves he was going to frisk Anjali for evidence when suddenly out of the blue Rajesh appeared, his eyes red and swollen due to iterated crying,
Rajesh: I am not going to let you touch her Inspector,NEVER…
Inspector: Look Rajesh, get over with it, she’s dead man”, replied the inspector calmly, “please let us do your work.
Rajesh: *silent*. Puts his head down and cries uncontrollably like a baby.
Bhardwaj: I know this is not easy for you to go through, believe me I too lost a very good friend last week and believe me tough guys like me also feel the loss of losing someone special. And tell me Rajesh cause I heard this very recently, did you have by any chance been offended by Ashish? Maybe once or, you know like multiple times? We are policemen Rajesh and we have every information of everyone in your office.
Rajesh: what is this all about? Oh I get it, yes look inspector he is a bully ok? He had bullied me several times, made me fell low the minute I enter office and even forced me to suck his di*#. How can such a lowlife be your friend?
But that obviously does not mean that I will kill him, does it? And even if I assume I did, I’ve been punished double, triple times over by Anjali’s death. I can cooperate with you to find this killer or I’m gonna find him and kill him then conjure his spirit and kill him again and again till I’m satisfied.
Bhardwaj did notice the vendetta that had already born in Rajesh’s mind to punish the wrong doer who killed his dear wife. Out of moral obligation, Bhardwaj the police decided to help but he could never keep Rajesh off the suspects list as the inspector sensed something wrong with him from the start. Rajesh was like a façade, the mask of a deceptive outlandish person that no one yet knew.
Rajesh: Promise me inspector, you’ll find out Anjali’s killer and give him the harshest punishment possible by Indian law.
Meanwhile the forensics team reported that the place was surprisingly immaculate and clean and what is even more surprising is the fact that there are no murder weapons available, I mean most murders just dispose of their murder weapons somewhere near the body.
Bhardwaj: What is your name? Are you new?
Forensics expert #1: Madan sir, I have been assigned in this case from yesterday only.
Forensics expert #2: Sir! I think I have found something…
They all ran to the area where Meera had obviously found something important, Bhardwaj who was a stone cold corrupt (but solved cases) had a soft corner for Meera and longed to see her every day.
Bhardwaj: What is it Meera?
Forensics expert #2 (Meera): There is a packet of those cheap ice lollies lying around here (those we know most commonly as the Re.1 Pepsi) but has no fingerprints or any evidence whatsoever.
“Well Orange is my favorite flavor among these thingy’s”, said the inspector trying his hand at humor but Meera did not respond to his dry humor and seemed genuine busy with her work.
Rajesh gets naïve
Reaching home, Rajesh was suddenly taken back by the shadowy appearance on the sofa in the living room. For a few seconds Rajesh thought it was Anjali but when he was going to shout her name, the lights of the lamp adjacent to the sofa were back on and there sat Nilanjana.
Nilanjana was Rajesh’s second love after and they met in the Cognizant office at Sector-V and from there Rajesh and Nilanjana had seen many ups and lows of life. “Somebody jabbed something sharp into my Anjali- she had a duct tape and that prevented her from calling help” and saying this Rajesh went into a semi-conscious state and fell helplessly on the sofa.
Nilanjana: What happened sweetie? Janu what happened to you tell me!
Rajesh: *speaks un-coherently and babbles like a child struggling to say something*
Nilanjana: *Helps Rajesh sleep on her lap and after a few moments silence he begins foaming in the mouth, shaking uncontrollably*
**After 2-3 hours Rajesh wakes up in a hospital and becomes normal, but Nilanjana notices something different about this Rajesh, he was not the same Rajesh he knew. Rajesh demands to be taken home against the doctor’s wish but he persisted and ultimately the doctor declaring him naïve discharged him. Returning home, Rajesh went out to his office to have a chat with his boss. **
Rajesh’s boss (Mr. Balaguruswamy): Anna Rajesh, man you’re taking this decision based on something which has occurred to you and you know you cannot get your wife back. Please take time to consider this; I can give you a week’s time to think this over. Don’t be naïve Rajesh, you need this job! Everybody does. Ask dadu and he pointed at the old sweeper that was sweeping the boss’s personal cabin, “shall I kick you out?” yelled Mr. Balaguruswamy as he knew dadu ha hearing problems, suddenly that old man turned athletic and dived aiming the boss’s legs.
(to be continued)