Journey To The Dream Death World
Photo credit: blary54 from morguefile.com
I, being a lazy person, sleep for 10- 12 hours a day. That day also, I was sleeping but I felt that something was going wrong. I woke up to find that I was being carrying for cremation. I got a jolt and goosebumps ran down my whole body.
“Mom….what are you all doing??? Do you want me to be cremated even when I am alive???” I said with anger.
“My Child! Just a a few moments ago you were dead. If you don’t believe me, you may ask others too….” My mother replied. She was crying. I didn’t understood the situation but went straight to my house.
Next day when I slept, I saw a dream. I was in the Death World where all people come after death. There the dead people were severely tortured. The head of the death world was SHAITAN. He beat the people there and treated them as slaves. I also went there. He said me to tie myself in chains and said that if I refused, he would beat me with cairn. I refused to do so and he was coming to beat me and suddenly I woke up. I saw my whole family was sitting behind me. They were watching me just like some miracle had happened to me.
I asked my mom “What happened now?”
Mom said ” You were dead, but we thought we should see what happens next”
I said “Don’t joke…why are you declaring me dead since yesterday???”
“Mom is right sister, we are very tensed about what is happening to you these days” My brother said.
Next day I decided to focus on what is happening. Altough I was sleeping, I tried to concentrate my mind and lo! I was in the dream world. Soon I got to know that nobody can kill me in that world since whenever I feel danger I can open my eyes and reach the ordinary world. I found that people were severely tortured there, so I decided to kill shaitan.
I tried several times to kill him but was unable to do so. One day, while he was sleeping, I saw his mother was messaging his hair. He said to her mother that all his powers lie in his hair so handle them carefully.
The next day when he was sleeping, I went to him and cut his hair. And now he was dead and the death world was free. I opened my eyes and came back to the ordinary world. From that day onwards, I never died whenever I slept.