Horror Short Story – Predator Of Silence and Death
Photo credit: Piresco from morguefile.com
You lay down in bed and start drifting to sleep, the moonlight squeezing through the curtains. You get goosebumps all over your body, the ceiling fan on a low speed sending recurring breezes over your body. Your eyes begin to grow heavier as you start falling deeper and deeper to sleep, you fall all the way under not noticing the sound of your closet door opening, a soundless figure arises from the darkness of the shadows moving slowly and silently. Moving closer and closer not bumping into anything as if he’s been there before numerous times, watching… Studying and memorizing the surroundings.
As the silent predator moves closer and closer, you feel the room getting heavier around you. Shaken by fear of the sight of what might be there you reach for your blanket to pull it up, keeping your face down so you don’t accidentally catch a glimpse of anything lurking in the shadows. You continue pulling up your blanket when it suddenly stops dead, held down by such force. This makes your fears grow as your tugging and pulling with all your strength, having no success at pulling it any closer.
Your curiosity peaks and you begin turning in the direction where the blanket is being held down, ignoring every urge in your mind that’s telling you that you shouldn’t. You raise your head completely to see there’s nothing there but at the spot where the blanket was being held you see two bunched up knots as if someone was holding in. The force releases the cover and you fall backwards on your bed, you sit back up and wrap yourself in the cover. You begin breathing heavier as a cool brisk temperature travels throughout your room, as you sit there in fear it seems as if more and more shadows are beginning to appear.
You glance down to where the blanket was being held and you freeze. The blanket now laying flat on your bed, you can see handprints but not that of a human but of something else. They were long and boney with sharp tips, you can see the detail of the skin because of an unknown substance you assume came from whatever made the handprints. You sit completely frozen, shaken with fear. Now your fully awake, and you start studying and looking all around your room.
The silent predator standing in the shadows not making a move, no sounds, just watching. Your eyes catch the vague and unsure picture of a person standing in the shadows, as your looking around your room. No longer feeling as if you can deal with this any longer, you jump up and sprint across your room for the light switch. You flick it up, no power. This sends an Erie vibe around the room, now your out in the open. You spin around attempting to hug the wall by the door so all you have to watch is your front and sides, when all of a sudden your head begin to ring and your hear a faint growl followed by demonic laughter.
When you open your eyes, you see your door out is on the other side of the room, and your standing right in front of the closet, you feel someone breathing behind you, your hair blows and falls over your shoulders. You slowly begin to turn around and see what’s standing behind you….. Your lover approaches from the shadows wearing all black clothing and the demon hands from the Halloween costume last year, they hysterically laugh and reach out to hug you, and wrap their arms around you.
They say “I came over to spend the night with you I used the key you gave me, when I saw you laying there I couldn’t help myself”.
With a sly grin on their face they laugh once again before the two of you go and lay in bed. You look back at them and say ” you owe me a new blanket, you ruined this one”.
They say ” how could I? I’ve been in the closet this entire time”.
Instantly fear shoots up your spine, the closet door flys open and out walking on hooved feet, a demon stands there looking. You and your lover jump up quickly and look in complete fear, when he reaches out and grabs you both and drags you into the closet, pulling the door closed behind him.