Short Story – The Wait !
Photo credit: EmmiP from morguefile.com
It was a new years day, Dark evening, I was sitting at the coffee house. There was this chilled breeze which pricked my skin through the windows. I sat there, looking around,waiting for my coffee, enjoying that swishy breeze. Then I noticed a young man standing across the street near the traffic light. He seemed to be waiting for someone,someone dear to him. His eagerness showed that. He was keep looking at his watch.sometimes walking around a small radius and comes back and stands at the same position .he had dressed up all well and looked a gentleman.
My coffee came, a hot coffee with a company of cold breeze.. What more i could ask for. While enjoying my first sip it thundered and someone from the coffee house said ‘its gonna rain’. I thought the same earlier that it would rain when i felt that cold breeze and got dark early.I wondered what that young man would do if it rained.he had to cross the road to have a shelter from rain. He doesnt seem to give up on waiting. He had been there for like a hour. I remember noticing him while i walked in to the street earlier.
The rain started pouring , For me it was a treat. A hot coffee while raining has always been a best thing for me, i enjoyed it more than the company of the breeze earlier. But that young man ,he was still standing there ,
All drenched in rain. He didn’t move an inch from there like he would miss that person if he didnt stand at that exact position. I felt like the red light from the traffic light above his head is asking him to STOP waiting and the green one asking him to MOVE ON.they were keep changing and looked so bright in the rain.
Rain stopped. i felt like even the rain had lost its patience in wanting to move him from there,make him run for cover. He was still standing there looking at the watch.
I had finished my coffee long time back , was just sitting the rain to stop so i could have my walk home.it rained for half hour or so.
Suddenly , that man stood stiff & looked around. It was like he had woke up from a nightmare except that he didn’t scream.Then started walking to his right.he walked very fast.he was keep looking at the watch while walking. I watched him walking until he faded away in the distance. I sat there for 5 more minutes pondering. Who was he waiting for? Was it love? Or was he just a man who lost someone at that traffic light? Who knows..! I grabbed my coat , paid my tips and had my walk to home with a disturbed mind all the way.
Some people always wait for their beloved ones or chances no matter what comes in between.they might seem crazy but its them who wins in the end. Hope that young man got whatever he was waiting for.