Social Short Story – Time
Photo credit: Seemann from morguefile.com
Wednesday 15 June 2016
It was quarter to two in the afternoon, my mother was watching her favourite teleserial. My father, who nowadays has found a new interest – his new smart phone with internet, was busy with News channel App. I tied my shoe strings and here I was ready to leave and attend Office which has become an uninteresting routine of my daily life.
But as they say life must go on, I grabbed the keys, climbed down the stairs, put on my helmet (to avoid challan from traffic police than as a safety) and started the bike. It was a sunny day and I already started sweating under helmet. Within few minutes, I was amidst dust, pollution, heavy automobiles, rash drivers and careless people crossing the roads (Zebra crossing – What is it??). My Office is at Pochabagh and I usually make a point to reach Medipur as fast as I can – why? to enjoy the bike ride as there is less congestion. There I crossed the Medipur signpost and one could largely find heavy vehicles plying on the road. The road from hereon has considerable degree of greenery on both sides. This was enough for me to take off my helmet and accelerate, overtaking a lorry heavily loaded with logs, private buses which are always driven by drivers who are in extreme haste for no reason.
As I was accelerating and feeling the breeze on the face, a sudden jerk, a big squeaking noise and within fraction of seconds my bike came to a grinding halt in the midst of the road. Just behind was heavy vehicles which I overtook few minutes earlier speeding towards me…that was the moment when a storm of “questions” crossed my mind –
What if I was hit by the speeding lorry or bus and lost my life?
What will happen to my parents?
Whose fault would it be? mine? lorry driver? bus driver? my bike? neither but…
What would be public’s take on it? who would have been blamed? there would be very few or none who would have seen and realized what really happened.
Whatever it be….for a second I thought my TIME on the Earth has come to its end.