Story of a Teenager – Life vs. Death
Photo credit: kamuelaboy from morguefile.com
Princess, she was a normal girl who was sixteen-years-old. Two men adopted princess. She was with them ever since she was three years old. She loves to be very active; she loves to write a lot. She wrote songs, poems; and anything that would come to her mind. There was one problem she had been dealing with ever since she was in elementary school and now it is the cause to makes her wish that she could just die at that point; she felt unloved but she also love her adopted foster parents so much. She knows that she would be safe with them but she was wrong because as soon as she got dropped off at school every day at school everything changes. It was like she was in a different world, where everybody was out to get her, she got bullied every day. One day she came home and told her dad that she could not take any more of this school:
Princess: “Dad we need to talk,” said Princess while she was crying.
Dad: “What’s wrong baby girl?” asked her dad.
Princess: I’m getting bullied again.
Dad: Everything will be ok, I Promise.
Princess: “Ok” (she gave her dad a hug), “Thanks dad.”
Dad: You’re welcome baby
Three months passed by but everything kept on getting worse. She got a message telling her to go kill herself. One day on December 1, 2013 she went to the bathroom and started looking through her message on Facebook some example of the group conversation was:
Sandy: Hey, I heard you were considering suicide, and I’d just like to tell you I know exactly how you feel. You should do it.
Emmy: No we need you to live you have a purpose in life.
Jeffery: Princes, please kill yourself. Nobody will ever care about you. Ever! You are ugly and will never find anyone who cares. You are disgusting. Please end your pitiful life. Take an overdose of aspirin and slit your wrists. Drink bleach or antifreeze. Cut your jugular vein, I don’t care, just f***ing die.
Joy: Don’t be such a pussy.
Paris: You’re not worth the ground we walk on.
Sky: Princess, please die. Nobody cares about you.
While looking at her Facebook she started to cry hoping that she could just die. After that she took the razor blade and went down her wrist. The blood ran down her arm like a waterfall. During that time she went into the medicine cabinet and took out three bottles of Pelexim and started to drink them all. She started to feel a little lightheaded so then she started to cry more then she look back at the message and saw that more people wanted her to die. She started trying to walk but she could not walk straight. She got in her bed and got back on her phone and look through the message again.
Princess: (calls her best friend Emmy) hey. (Crying)
Emmy: What wrong?
Princess: I just want to die I just can’t take any more of this. Everyday my life gets worse and worse and I don’t know why this is happening to me.
Emmy: Do you want me to come over there with you?
Princess: No, please don’t I’m done. I took three bottles of Pelexim.
Emmy: What do you mean you just took three bottles of Pelexim? You took them all at once?
Princess: Yes I did.
Emmy: Why would you do that?
Princess: Because I want to die.
Emmy: Why do you want to die? What’s wrong? I’m coming over there right now.
Princess: You’ll notice the pain I was in, Bye forever, I’m sorry.
Emmy: Princess! Princess! Princess! (Phone hangs up)
Emmy drives to her best friend Princess’ home she got there, and as soon as she arrived she went upstairs just to see blood written on the mirror saying, “Why won’t you love me?” Emmy checks her best friend to see if she still had a pulse and then she called 911:
Emmy: (Phone is ringing)
Operator: “Hello, What’s your emergency?”
Emmy: ”My best friend had an overdose and cut her wrist six times.”
Operator: “What your name?” “How old are you?”
Emmy: “My name is Emmy and I am 17 years old. I need help really fast!”
Operator: “ Ok, help is on the way. Stay on the phone with me.”
Emmy and the operator are still on the phone hoping that her best friend will still be ok. The ambulance finally arrives at the Princess house. While Mr. Hickley was filling out paper work for the instated, Ms. Walker started to ask Emmy some question:
Ms. Walker: “What happened to her?”
Emmy: ”Well she was getting bullied every since she was in elementary school, and then one day she came home and told her adopted foster parent what was happen. They told her everything will be ok but that was not the way she saw things at all. Then she called me and told me that she could not take anymore of it and that’s when she said bye, forever I’m sorry. So, when I came to her house I ran upstairs quickly, and saw her laying down on the floor with a razor blade in her hand and blood dripping down her arm like a river.”
Ms. Walker: “ Do you know if she went to a doctor or asked for help.”
Emmy: “Yes she did but everywhere she went no one helped her.”
Ms. Walker: “Oh, ok, I see, I’ll make sure to get her help.” (They took Princess and put her in the ambulance)
They made it to the hospital and when the nurse came in the room Princess woke up. Then the nurse asked her if she had a faceboook and she said yes and that how they found out that she was getting death threats. They got her all the help she would need and she ended up in the hospital for four days.