Short Story of a Girl – The best view in the world
Photo credit: anitapeppers from morguefile.com
I first met him on a train journey and it was definitely one of the most defining moments of my life. He was what the world wasn’t to me; a rare mix of compassion and style; a spectrum of livening thoughts; a wandering source of joy.
He saw in me what i had never seen; a beauty so specific and definite that it characterised my inner being. I was amazed and stunned by his virtue and love.; A sensational collage of human nature and perfection. What more could i have asked the gods for!
My name is kavitha and like many others i have my own flaws. It was inbuilt and it was never my fault. The world saw it otherwise. I am 19 years old and i love weaving. Mostly because its the only thing i know. Other than getting shouted at atleast.
The suburbs of busy Chennai had only kept my life trapped. It had chained my ideas and stopped my freedom.
My mom never liked me. She used to call me ‘ a curse’ to the family. My dad ,often drunk, would eye me as his punching bag. Brutal and disgusting i sustained paternal bruises every week. He smelt of rotten eggs and dirt. My brother was a thief.
They never sent me to school. “For what?? “ my mother had asked. “To ruin the family name?”. I had no answer. My voice was unheard.
The little kids in my colony were my only companions. I found them full of innocence and curiosity. I found myself enjoying their presence every evening. They would come back from school and tell me stories. I remember them vividly.
Shalini was the naughty one. Ramu was always crying. Priya wanted chocolates all the time. Lavanya wanted new clothes. Manisha lived with her grandmother. Her parents had a left her when she was 2 years old. I wished it had happened to me. Manisha was a happy child.
I lived in my cocoon, enduring every bit of my irregular life. I had no one to complain to. My smiles and my tears stayed with me. All until the middle of summer last year. Oh yes! I remember the day the floods came. The gushing waters shook the very foundations of our habitat. It was all over the place. I do not know how many survived. Everything blacked out in a while.
My next few days were a mystery. I was rescued by a few people and resuscitated. We were then sent off to a nearby place for temporary shelter or that was what they told us. Long journeys and unknown people. Life seemed very dull. There were so many of us and yet I felt lonely. Ramu had survived and he was with me, crying. Two days later they decided to transport us to some other place.
Our journey was by train and i wondered where we were going. Sleep was non existent. Food was unavailable. Exhausted i fainted in the heat and rumble. Nobody would notice me, i knew. I would die of hunger and thirst and uncertainty and be relieved of this pathetic existence.
On the 3rd day ramu woke me up. The 9 year old kid was all in tears as he spoke. But his words would stay etched in my mind forever. The words which changed my life. “Run away akka! They are planning to sell us. They will make beggers out of us. Please akka run away “
I knew I had to leave. If what he said was true life would only get worse. “How ramu?” I asked. “Where do I go?” I felt weak and too tired to make a move.
“Get off the train in the night and board another train akka “ Ramu said still crying. “Just go “.
I did leave. Ramu put me on another train at about 12 in the night. I never had the energy to thank the poor soul. I managed a smile and hoped that he noticed it in the darkness. I slowly crawled into the nearby compartment and dozed off.
When I woke up he was there. A perfect stranger, but somehow I could feel comfort and assurance for the first time in my life.
“Hi” I squeaked.
“Hello! You look tired. Long journey I suppose.” His first words. His tone as smooth as velvet. A sparkle of love as he spoke.
” I’ll get you some breakfast” he said. I realized it was morning. I could hear some vendors talking the local language and I realized that I was not in my state.
Over food I started talking to him. I had no worries or constraints. I told him everything. He had the patience to listen and the heart to offer me a place in his life. I liked him. He made me feel secure
“Come with me” he said. “My mom would love to meet you.”
“What?” I asked doubtfully.
“Yes .Come home with me”
I reached out for his hands and he grasped mine. I held them tight and tears escaped my eyes. Tears of joy and hope.
Rahul was definitely more than just another person. He saw in me a life which I had failed to stir. His home was in Kerala, a state of beauty and prosperity. Rahul, 24 years old, was a college graduate in economics. His parents were government employees. They lived in a hilly place with lots of birds and beautiful trees around.
His parents were welcoming and caring. I ate good food. I slept well and lived like a princess. They found me fascinating. I had fun weaving with his grandma. He would come back in the evening and we would talk for hours. He taught me mathematics and some weird science. I loved it though I understood very less of it.
I remember the day he took me up the hills in the evening, it was a daring trek and he helped me all the way up. We reached the top in about 3 hours. Late in the evening he told me “Kavitha look down. Just admire the beauty of nature”
I obeyed him and I could appreciate the beauty.
He kissed my forehead.
I could have not asked for anything better.
For it was the first best view in the world. The multitude of the vastness below my feet and the charming breeze echoed my thoughts of a better life. The bliss of nature and the lush green serenity compounded was my resurrection. For only he could have made me do this- to see what I had never hoped; to appreciate the world around me. To enjoy the colors of life and to witness the same. It had been 19 years and I finally saw the beauty of life. And it was definitely the best view ever. This was indeed more than what I could ask for.
For what more can a blind girl expect?