Photo credit: bendzso from morguefile.com
It is quite shocking when you see someone at the place where you never expect him to be. Today, as usual, when we all were boozing at cabaret suddenly my eyes caught the fleeting glimpse of Aniket.
“ Aniket….here……..” I murmured.
Others looked at me to understand my whispering language. Without waiting for a second I pointed my finger towards him. The kind of mixed reaction rippled among us. Most of us were looking at him for being such a big hypocrite. Aniket was the only person in our friend’s circle who gave lectures to all of us against alcohol and unnecessary parties. We all valued his lectures because he was a man of words. He himself practiced all the good habits which he preached.
When my all friends were busy in cursing and tagging with so many attributes to him suddenly a temptation to know the reality encouraged me to accost him for exploring such stuffs which irritated him. The moment I stood up from the table Kailash gripped my arm tightly and dragged me towards himself and said “ Don’t go there…….If he doesn’t consider us his friends then it’s no point to show off yourself his true friend………understood…..”
Kailash was gazing me so horribly as if he would kill me if I dared to do so. For few seconds I got nervous but did not drop the idea of meeting him. I am the person who always values the relationship. I was sure that he had some other problems which he was not being able to share with someone and according to me it would not have been fair enough to form an opinion against him before knowing the reality.
We had caught him in cabaret and not even in simple bar. We could understand that people might get frustrated sometimes and took the help of alcohol to release the pressure but what could be the matter where he required seeing half naked girl stripping their clothes to lure the public. We all were confused.
I had been glimpsing at him secretly and observing his behaviors. But at the same time I also maintained my movements under control so that others did not catch my intention of meeting him.
After catching Aniket in the cabaret, everybody’s mood was spoilt. Nobody wanted to stay for longer. They were gulping down drinks without enjoying it. After a few more pegs we decided to call off the night. We all went out of the cabaret and started struggling to get the cab from there. I was intentionally not catching the cab so that I could get the chance to know the actual reasons.
I knew, at that point of time, it seemed childish but I never controlled my pulse in my entire life. I was confident for my sleepless night if I did not get the reasons. I was busy in waving hands to all my friends.
When I became doubly sure that all my friends left for their homes I quickly returned to his table. I gave myself a serious composure and tried to make my voice stronger than it used to be. I put my hand on his shoulder and said “ Aniket…….what are you doing here……..”.
I was expecting him to become embarrassed but he turned his look towards me stalled for few seconds and then replied “ Have a sit…….”.
His normal attitude shocked me. I have not expected it. I sucked in my breath along with my stupid thoughts. This attitude can come only when someone is a regular visitor. Now I was finding difficult to start probing his problems. I was feeling like a trespasser. He was looking at the dancers but with a pale face.
I looked at him perplexedly and said “ Do you know……..just couple of minutes back our entire group was here and everybody has seen you in this condition………they were not happy with you………”
He looked at me but there was no sign of embarrassment. I just blurted out which I could not keep for a longer period. He filled up two glasses and offered one to me.
I refused and said “ Aniket ….you are genius yaar……unnecessarily I was thinking you are in trouble……and there is something which you cannot share with others…….Actually I am over sensitive…..I do find out the reasons which are reasonless……..I should have thought why one cannot enjoy the drinks alone……..I am sorry yaar ………”
I stood up. He looked at me. His eyes brimmed with tears. First time I could read someone’s face so clearly. He needed help. I dragged the chair beside him and perched on it.
“ tell me…….As far as I know you …..there is something serious otherwise you would not have touched these stuffs………….” I said.
He was silent. But I could feel that he wanted to speak out everything. Might be his self esteem was stopping him to share his problems.
Suddenly he broke the silence “ Can you suggest me the name of any Divorce lawyer…….”
The word “ DIVORCE” made me numb with shock. As far as I remembered his marriage had not completed even a year. We all had attended his marriage.
“ What……….” I shrieked “Have you seriously thought what are you going to do……..”
He looked at me and replied “ Yes…….”
Usually I do not interfere in any body’s personal matter but this time I could not hold back myself and asked “ I will help you to any extent but you have to tell me the reasons………”.
He wiped his wet eyes and said “now I can understand……. you cannot make everybody happy in life…
I tried to do exactly that and failed miserably……….”
His philosophical reply was difficult for me to understand. I looked at him like a class 5 student mistakenly entered into a college lecture room.
“ You know we are Rajputs………my father and father in law were good friends…… and our marriage was fixed up in childhood days……We both knew about this decision……. But I never tried to meet my fiancée as I knew it would not leave good impression against my family……… I always treated my father’s wish as a command for me…….”
That day I could see how a true Rajput spoke. I could have easily visualized Aniket in princely attire who had tilak on his forehead and a long sword tucked in his waist. I pinched myself and squinted at him. I could only see his lips were moving but was not be able to hear anything. I instructed my brain strictly to work properly.
Again I started hearing “ Before proceeding further, my father had asked about my approval . Not only that he offered me to see the bride before getting married. I knew it was not easy for him also. I thought if this had not happened earlier then why I should take the blame of starting this tradition. I did not want my father requesting someone for me………….”
I looked at my watch secretly so that he should not feel bad. It was 12:25 am and I felt that he had not yet reached to the actual problem. I cut him short and said “ Aniket …….Don’t you think…….from this decision……your father will be hurt……..”
He looked at me from his half closed eyes and said “ Now ……I want to live for myself and not for my father’s commitment to his friend……..”
Suddenly his way of thinking ignited anger in me. Just few minutes back his father’s wish was command for him and now he wanted to live for himself only.
I asked directly “ Will you tell me….what is your problem……..”
“ My problem is my wife…….her unacceptable appearance…..her dressing sense………her dark complexion…..her poor etiquette………Have you ever heard the comments about your wife as black model….good for showcasing jewellery items…….I had to swallow this humiliation……and it happened only because I wanted to be great in front of everybody……but now I want to live life like others………just normal life………….”
I heard his problems silently. A waiter came to us and reminded the closure time of the cabaret. By the time there was nothing left for him to share. His demeanor was relaxed. He paid the bills and we came out from there.
I took the cab and asked him to meet me tomorrow at Khidirpore near Alishan Hotel around 1pm.
On the next day somehow I managed the time from my office and took the cab for Khidirpore. Few questions were squirming in my head very badly. It was like a shredded chicken piece stuck between your teeth and you would not get relief till it came out. I was determined to ask some awkward questions from Aniket which might be unethical.
As promised I reached there at 1:10 pm. Aniket had already reached.
“ When did you come Aniket……….”
“ Half an hour ago………”
I could see his restlessness. I beckoned him to follow me. We reached to the Sufia Apartment where my friend’s elder brother, Shahnawaz Khan, resided. By profession he was a lawyer but now days he was handling mostly divorce cases. I pressed the call bell. Shahnawaz Bhai opened the door as if he was waiting for us. He signaled us to sit on the Sofa. Her maid offered glass of water to us. Shahnawaz Bhai reclined on his long revolving Chair.
“ Yeah….tell me what’s your problem………”
For few seconds Aniket was lost in gazing the photograph of a beautiful lady framed on the opposite wall. It was quite embarrassing for me to divert his attention directly so I nudged him.
“ Aniket………Shahnawaz Bhai was asking something……..” I turned my look sideways.
“ Sir, basically……I wanted to………”
I was sure that he was not getting word to put his desire.
“ Tell me without hesitation……..If you need divorce…..you need to tell me every problem which is difficult to rectify and for that reason you want divorce from your wife………” Shahnawaz Bhai eased his hesitation.
“ Sir……..I am not happy with my wife…….In fact I cannot stay any more…….Sir I want divorce …….” Aniket jabbered out.
“ Yeah that I know……..but we have to make case study and based on that we can seek divorce……”
Aniket looked at me with complete perplexity. I shrugged my shoulder. Shahnawaz Bhai understood our confusion and said “ Okay let me put in this way………Does your wife not care you……”
Aniket Shook his head.
“ What care or doesn’t care…….” Shahnawaz Bhai asked confoundedly.
“ No…..She cares…….” Aniket replied
“ She does not behave properly with your parents……”
“ No…… she spends decent time in taking care of them……..”
“ Is she irresponsible towards your children……….”
“ No………”
“ Okay…….one personal question…….does she not cooperate in bed………”
“ No ….I don’t enjoy with her……….”
“ Why…………”
Now I was feeling awkward. I was not sure that up to what level the bedroom secrets would be unfolded there. I excused for washroom and locked myself in the toilet but the discussion could be heard clearly from there.
Shahnawaz Bhai repeated his question. “ Do you have some sexual problems………”
“ No…nothing like that………but I can’t tolerate her unacceptable appearance……..Normally I don’t like to party but at least when you move in the society…….you should not be ashamed of your spouse…….I know people don’t say directly but they comment on her………Even I have also heard that I must have taken a handsome dowry to get married with her…….and it is not true……….Now I don’t want to carry this baggage any more……..It’s better to break the relation here only……..I don’t want to do injustice with her also……..At least she can live her own way………” Aniket blurted out entire thing.
“ if you didn’t like her then why did you get married with her………this cannot be the reason for divorce…….…” Shahnawaz Bhai said bluntly.
Aniket paused for a second and looked impatient “ Hunh…….It’s easy to give lecture…….but very difficult in real life…….If you don’t mind….can I ask you something……….” his voice was stern.
I was cursing myself why I brought him here. I did not know what kind of question he would ask from Shahnawaz Bhai…….Today he would spoil my relation also. I did not have the guts to come out from the wash room. I stayed back.
“ Whose photograph’s is this …….” Aniket must have pointed towards her wife photograph which was hanging on the wall.
“ My wife………” Shahnawaz Bhai replied.
“ Yes…..and see my wife’s photograph…….I have committed a mistake for my father’s wish because the germs of greatness had bugged me…..and now I don’t want to be great any further by continuing the relation with her………..”
“ Okay……You wait……You need to fill up some forms and complete some formalities……..”Shahnawaz Bhai stood up to get some application forms.
I came out of the washroom and sat silently beside him.
Suddenly the door bell rang. Shahnawaz Bhai opened the door, moved back and went inside his bedroom to get those papers. Two kids, carrying school bags, entered into the flat followed by an ugly aged lady. Aniket was gazing at her. I observed his mood transformed from tense to sympathy.
“ Who is this lady……is she their maid ………..” Aniket whispered in my ears.
“Ssshhh……..she is Shahnawaz Bhai’s wife…….” I murmured.
“ Are you joking……….”
“No…….I am not…..”
“ You mean to say…..that beautiful lady in the photograph and this lady are the same person……..”
“ Yes…….”
“But how is it possible?………”
“Only few people know ……. While returning from his honey moon…….They met with an accident…….By the grace of God they both were saved but in that accident windshield’s splintered glass damaged her beautiful face………Shahnawaz Bhai spent lots of money on her treatment and what are you seeing now is much better………..But everybody knows very well that he still treats her wife like a queen. And you will also agree that this treatment cannot come out of sympathy……..it is only out of love……….Hats off to Shahnawaz Bhai………such a great man………..”
Aniket’s face became more serious. He became silent and speechless as if he had got all his answers. He held his head from his both hands and exhaled a long breath. I could see few drops of tear on the floor also and it was the sheer evident of his repentance.
“ Oh…God….what I was going to do…….Shahnawaz Bhai is a real great person……..” Aniket grumbled.
His emotional impact of overwhelming surprise completely stunned me.
After few minutes Shahnawaz Bhai came out of the room and asked “ Where is your friend……”
“ He dropped the idea of giving divorce to his wife……….”
“ But……all of sudden……..how……”
I shrugged to signify his unknown reason.
“ You and all your friends are same………fickle minded……unnecessarily wasted my time……..”.
I remained silent.
“ Would you like to have tea……..” Shahnawaz Bhai asked half heartedly.
I nodded.
“ Bua…….Bua……please bring two cups of tea………” Shahnawaz Bhai shouted.
I was stretching my brain to continue the innocuous discussion with Shahnawaz Bhai till the tea came.
“ Shahnawaz Bhai…….where is Bhabi………” I asked.
Shahnawaz Bhai looked at me and said “ She has been assigned as a flying guard in Madhyamik Pariksha…….otherwise she brings children from the school…….”
“ Okay……” I nodded and asked “ Who is that aged lady…….”
“ That lady who brought your children from the school…….”
“ Oh…….She……She is our new maid……”.
Suddenly Shahnawaz Bhai looked at his watch, stood from his chair and said “ I need to pick up my wife from her school also……..I just got fed up with this Bua……so many times I have told my wife not to send Bua to bring children from the school…….she gets exhausted……..just see….it’s already 3:30 pm and I am at home……..”.
I knew I had wasted Shahnawaz Bhai’s whole day and spoilt one client also but from within I was satisfied for what I did. I did not know how this trick came to my mind.
But I feel sometimes germs of greatness bug me also.