Social Story – The Due Payment
Photo credit: clarita from morguefile.com
“But you are too young for your profession” he removed the balloon from my mouth before it could no longer hold any more air inside it, not at least from my lungs. “Don’t you think so?”
I lowered my chin and looked on the table; luckily there was one more of that ugly looking placid rubber bag kept on the table. Suddenly, I was swayed away by the heavy desire to burst it. I lowered my wrist, tongue still struggling between teeth, to pick it up. Knowing my intentions, Atul quickly caught hold of my hand, “What are you doing, Dev?”, he jerked my hand in an attempt to make me lose hold of the balloon. It didn’t. It were the same hands who had already broke hundreds of bones, naturally they weren’t that weak. That pissed him even more.
Throwing a small dry pinch of air from his nose, he thundered on me, “Are you even listening to me? I am not here to watch you joking around as you always do. I don’t want to listen that you work for money or some Muraathar whatsoever reason for that. Look at you man. What have you made of yourself? There are so many job options for you. Not even job, you could study! Should I contact some college for your admission? You are just 21, after all!”
I finally dropped the balloon. Thinking after a while, I removed the jacket which was weirdly folded around my shoulders and under-arms. I sat with a thud on the couch. I unbuttoned the next two buttons of my shirt and shrugged the collars. I looked outside the window; it was really damn hot outside. Then suddenly I realized something. It had been days since I ever saw a bird chirping on the small hedge on my window. It was strange for the so called “good” citizens of our country racing ahead of themselves, and in that furious competition they forget to notice the absence of a race any other than human. While living in the “bad” world, a contract killer does. I kill humans, humans kill everybody including humans, and people living like me are a proof of this. Such an irony.
“So?” Atul widened the gap between his both eyebrows.
“What do you think about what I said?”
“His name is Maruthhur. Maruthhur Ramcharan”. I shifted my focus to the LCD placed right in front of me. He probably had thought I was actually pondering over his argument. I was instead into some metamorphic philosophy.
“Yeah, some Ram freaking Charan. Screwing your life since 2013.” Stepping one more foot closer to the couch he spread his arms. “Tell me, any one reason why I should care for his idiotic name.”
“You didn’t wear a deo today. I hope that’d probably do.” I moved my head away from him.
He stepped backwards in aghast. He placed his hand on his forehead, whose arm was placed in the other one. “You know what, Dev? Nothing can be done for you. Nothing should be done for you. I am going. Ciao.”
“Be sure to close the door. Please.” I again narrowed my vision to the black LCD.
Atul and I were classmates in school. Close friends. Those who eat lunch together types. In 12th standard, a professor failed me and I beat him so hard that half of his organs swelled to double. I don’t see how I am obliged to give any justification for what I did but it was the same day I had lost my parents in an accident, needless to say, I was sad. After I got out from the jail, I was approached by Ramcharan- a local goon to become his right-hand (Well, not in “that” sense). I accepted the offer against thousands of rupees. Meanwhile, Atul went on to clear the school and joined an engineering college in our locality. Three years have passed since then.
I kill people for money. Maybe, sometimes forget about someone’s life, the amount I receive is even less than any organ of a body but for rest it is more than what a normal man can ever earn in his entire lifespan. I know I am no one to take away the most fundamental right of anyone in this planet- right to live. But, its most of the times- the other way round. If you would look at the life those people could have led if I haven’t killed them- my actions can be somewhat justified. Their life is already full of worldly worries, stress, “race” and discrimination. To be in constant wrath of ups and downs and betraying their close friends who trusted them, for meagre gains, let alone be monetary ones. Same work every day, same taunts from the same boss, everyday, same Mr. Sharma who took away all the credits of their work which they had cherished whole of their life. Their life is full of monotonous worries, same futile tenacious efforts leading to all but anything useful. I don’t think that any profession which liberates these poor people from the everlasting misery out of their life, can be so bad in the long run, isn’t it? Some of the people whom I killed were corrupt politicians, I don’t know if it has any sort of relevance here.
The chain of thoughts came to a hiatus. I turned back, Atul had left the door open. I clenched both the rows of my teeth against each other in disgust. Just when I got up to close it, I realized it wasn’t necessary. There was a visitor.
“You are Dev Ahuja?” I nodded in agreement. He was a tall thin man enveloped in a thick black T-shirt which looked more of a sweater and wore typical levies jeans to cover his legs. Over the t-shirt he wore a brown jacket. A wealthy innocent man, as he looked, entered the hallway curiously looking down at the mattress, cleanly skipping the dusty part of it. Probably because his shoes were of Woodlands. My far vision is poor, so I noticed that just now. While I was examining his attire, he too, made a cursory look at my luxurious yet dirty apartment. He moved his head around the angles to catch a glimpse of the various portraits I had hung on my walls. They all were of famous gangsters from the past.
The short distance between the door and the couch permitted him to see only half of those. He then looked towards me in a very admirable way. He seemed gloomy at first, but then his face turned grin as he prepared to tell his story.
“My name is Shafiq. Shafiq Abdullah Khan. I am the son of late Abdullah Khan, owner of the Angels Hotel Chain.”
Angles Hotel Chain was one of the most popular hotel chains of the state. They had around 20 full-time hotels in total. Mr. Abdullah Khan had started from just a small tea outlet near a police station but went on to become one of the wealthiest people of the state. I had already heard that he has two sons- both useless.
“After his death, my dad left all his property for my elder brother. I want you to kill him so that I get all of it. As simple as that.”
This man who looked innocent enough to have never met a professional killer before, just because of his father’s property, demanded death for no one but his own brother. Human world was indeed rotting.
“I will be needing a photo and his (or your) address. I will do the job according to his schedule but it will most probably take a week at max.”
He took out an envelope from his jeans. It was folded thrice to be able to fit in, and handed over to me. I took a deep look at the photo. The guy in the photo was not at all what you can call a “handsome” but he wasn’t that bad. There were traces of white amidst the thick knots of hair on his forehead. I pulled my head upwards and looked towards my client. He kept looking down at the floor, rubbing his hands against each other. He surely did look sad at the untimely demise of his younger brother; no matter he himself will be the one responsible. His face fell down in despair with complete hopelessness. I never saw a man as hopeless and as helpless as him. “There must be a very strong reason for you to get your brother killed.” I became curious.
He got alarmed and looked at me as if I announced to kill him instead of his brother. Wiping the sweat off his head he returned to his stoned face.
“My brother loved me more than anyone else. He used to never let go of me out of his sight even for a moment. Our dad out of his business never had time for his kids. My parents had divorced a long time ago and dad had been single since then. He and only he was the one to look after me in all the tough times our family have faced throughout. He always made sure that I am never short of anything or ever feel absence of parents. He was always there for me, in every need.” He smiled while looking sideways up. That proud look on his face, made me ask him, “If that’s the case, I am sure you brothers can resolve among yourselves. Moreover, judging by the kind of description you gave about your brother, I can bet if you confess your feelings to him, he may give you a portion or even full of the inheritance.”
His face turned into a stone for the third time. “Kind my foot.”
He tightened his wrist and pressed his teeth as if he will just crack them into pieces.
“Say some more?” I smelled of a story.
He looked towards me. His face was pathetic. With his chin touching the chest, he murmured “My father didn’t handover the property to him just like that. He made him do that forcefully.”
“Ohh. Then he sure is selfish.” I passed on my judgement. “But what will killing him do?” I asked. Soon I realized I shouldn’t have made that question. Who knows when will this guy change his mind? I decided to change the topic, as soon as I was about to talk for money, he raised his head and voice.
“Father had agreed to his demands only on one condition. That I will inherit once my brother dies. He thinks that I’d rather try to kill him to take over the property. So now he secretly conspired to kill me in the night. But a loyal servant of mine warned me of this and took me to his own house. I have been staying there since three days.” He looked straight down to my eyes as if he will kill me if I don’t kill his brother. I shook my head in yes.
“Tell me your cost” He swallowed a mammoth of saliva down his throat.
“Fifty thousand. Ten thousand in advance.” I made the answer very clear.
“He put his hand again in his pocket. He took yet another envelope and handed it over. My fingers ran all over the bundles of notes present in it. I counted it nine thousand. I looked towards him then. Guessing the obvious mistake, he responded “This is all what I can give you at present. Please understand my situation. I will give all the due left once I get back what I deserve.”
I kind of smirked at the phrase “what I deserve”. “You don’t deserve anything, idiot.” I wanted to say but I controlled myself. People like him are the reason I live by. “I will tell you by this evening.” I said.
“Okay” He got up from the couch and walked away. He didn’t even bother to have a look at the portraits he missed while coming in.
It read “Panesar Residency”. A penthouse accommodating almost all types of luxuries you ever wished in your life. A swimming pool, a dedicated gym and what not. There were three muscular watchmen duly guarding the front gate. Then, there comes my target in his Mercedes. The car stopped at the gate. A hand came out slowly outside the window and pressed the button of a remote. The gate automatically opened and the car rushed towards right.
Meanwhile I noticed an elderly man peeping into my newspaper. “You want it?” I asked as I began to fold it. Obviously, he showed himself reluctant at first but took with a sweet smile. I got up from the bench, paid for my tea and came back to home. Set the alarm for 10 pm and slept.
I looked at my watch. It was exactly 2 at night. There was only the single watchman standing there. I walked all through the walls to the right of the gate and finally spotted a safe place to jump in. I climbed in and walked slowly into the house. Broke the back door and got in. The atmosphere in was quiet and dark. I had entered into his “bar”. The black shiny bottles were arranged as they were going to add up to his number of years of living. Alongside the shelf there was a small lamp which was lit solely piercing the darkness. I walked through the corridor and came across his bedroom. I opened the door and peeped in. He was snorting on the bed. I took a pillow kept in the side of his leg and took out my long lovely sharp knife. I crawled towards his head and pressed the pillow against it while my knife explored his stomach. He struggled a bit but soon gave up. I got up once confirmed. I opened the door and ran away through the same path leaving the poor fellow to be buried by his presently sleeping bunch of douche bag watchmen.
“Your job is done” I stirred my coffee.”Where is the remaining money?”.
“As soon as I take over all what is deserved by me.” He said. I laughed again on hearing “deserved”. Probably I’d be never bored at laughing on that joke. I put down the phone pondering over how many days it might take to complete the legalities.
Smoking cigar is very consequential thing. You just smoke the shit out of your lungs and don’t care about how much they struggle and then one day die from it. But whenever you try to give up the thing, “Ah! Who cares?” shouts your heart. I patted the holy roll of death on the glass. Thin wishes of ashes fell into the drink.
My phone rang. It was Shafeeq Abdullah Khan the other side.
“Hello” I smirked.
“Yeah. Your payment is ready. Please collect it from our hotel at the Big Bazaar Street.” Came the voice.
“Okay. But who will be there to welcome me with a garland?”
He paused for a while. Understanding the joke, he replied “I don’t think you would bother about the nitty gritties of the warm welcomes. I have rather “something” that might interest you more. You can receive it from the receptionist present there. Just say your name. Blue colour envelope it is.”
“Okay” I cut the call.
As per the invitation, I arrived at sharp 5 pm to the hotel. It was very well lit and entering the hotel, you would pretty much feel a happening of the place. I walked through the hallway and marched towards the booking section- that’s exactly a kind of place where you would expect a receptionist. With a blue envelope, of course.
I ran my eyes all around the desk. There was no one but a sleek guy working on the computer. I decided to wait at the table of their own cafe they had. I sat on a desk which faced directly towards the desk.
“I’ll order nothing. I am just waiting for someone.” That said, I looked again towards the desk. The waiter gave me a snoring look and just went away. I looked back at him, but there was rather something interesting. Not him. But a person standing behind him.
“Stephen!!?” I placed my hand on the shoulder. The fat guy turned towards me.
“Oh Dev. Long time No see. What are you doing here man!?”
I didn’t want to share my intentions with this blabbering guy. “Nothing, just came here for a coffee. You say?”
“You know, don’t tell this to anybody but I am here to collect the remaining amount for a completed contract.”
“What contract?” I was rather more surprised than curious over the co-incidence.
“Ohh you know. There is a guy called Hussain Abdullah Khan. He wanted his younger brother to be killed due to receiving threats from the same over property issues. Guess what’s the property?”
“What’s the property”? My heart sank a bit.
“This Hotel! Hahahaha!” He laughed but soon lowered his voice after noticing there were humans around him.
It took less than a second for me to figure what the hell just happened. I struck my head in disgust.
“Jeez. What was the need for sending threatful messages when you are already getting your target killed through a contract killer?”I murmured with myself.
“What did you say” Stephen lowered his head.
“Nothing” I tilted my head. “Did you order anything? Time for you to pay.”
I got up from the desk and headed towards the gate.
“Go back, Stephen. There is no one coming to pay your rest”
I speeded up towards the gate while again looking towards the gate. A cute lady was busy dealing with customers. This was the girl I was waiting for since the last few minutes, but now meeting her was no longer useful. The payment will always remain due.