Social Story – THE GENESIS
Photo credit: kumarnm from morguefile.com
It was a perfect day clear sky ; sun shined brightly & reflected of the newly painted skin of
S.M ARIZONA ; the fishing trawler that was set to sail in a matter of hours . ;his vessel was the final one to disembark .
As he was going through the final inspection his first mate DON Murphy was selecting their fishing crew .DON was a hefty man with a thick beard ; his eyes were deep sunken and had skull figure tattooed to his neck side. One look at him and anyone could say that he was man not to be messed with .
He was briefing his newly selected crew about the rules that they should follow while they are in the fishing vessel, he said “okay boyz welcome to s.m Arizona ; my name is DON Murphy you guys will call me Don ; and I am here to brief you ladies about your upcoming pleasure trip aboard ma vessel .”
His thick Texan accent and his loud baritone voice tinged with the sarcastic approach to his new crew made it clear again that he was not the man to be messed with .” So let me lay the ground rules ;rule 1 :don’t throw anything outside the vessel including yourself if you do those nerds from GREENPEACE are goona cancel our fishing permit . rule 2 ” no smoking inside the vessel”
Rules went on and his crew gave finest of their attention to don’s briefing as if they were by hearing a nursery poem taught by the kindergarten teacher . nobody even dared to blink while don was briefing .
As don was approaching the end of his one sided talk he noticed a guy staring at him . He was about 500m away from him ; he was not a crew member ; he was just a bystander who was just looking over the whole briefing process held by don .
Don didn’t liked to be stared so he moved his eyes towards that guy . He locked his eyes with the bystander who was staring at him ; noticed by it the man moved away into the near by cafe . Don had won the stare contest and shouted at his crew to move into the vessel . the crew ran into the vessel . Don looked for the bystander again but he was not found .
“Who was that guy ?” DOn thought for himself as went back to his trawler .
Frank came out of the engine room and went to the washroom . There was grease all over his hand .”damn propeller shaft every time that unholy thing requires a fix gotta replace it soon ” he opened the tap and placed his hands below it . Frank looked into his reflection “you are getting too old for this frank ; you are getting too old ” he said to himself . The water turned grey below his palms as it exited into the drain .
Don got into his trawler and saw his captain coming for him . ” we are all set cap except ..” don paused ” wat ?” Asked the captain . ” we are one crew member short ; cap its that there are no men willing to do jobs like this these days ” don replied
” I know ” frank said abruptly which made don pause his explanation .” Get the anchors up load the goods and let’s get some fish ”
” right away cap ” replied the enthusiastic don .
As they looked down they saw a man waving his hands to get their attention .
Don noticed that it was the very same man whom he had played the stare game before . both frank and don got down .
” why are you waving your waving your hands bub ; were you in a cheerleading squad ” asked the ever sarcastic don to him .
The man didn’t reply and don studied that man , he was in his early 30″s 6 ft tall ; had a muscular exoskeleton. He had a peaceful face but his eyes showed a shade of sadness . A small beard was sprouting at his cheek and long curly hair dark hair showed that he hadn’t visited the barber shop for a while .
” I asked you sonny boy ” don barked but he didn’t reply .
He waited for a second and said ” are you the boss ?”
” no I m the boss ” replied frank who was coming down from the staircase .
” I see you are one crew short and I wish to take up that vacancy ”
” are you up to it son ? Its ocean you know not your average swimming pool if you go down you go all the way down ” said frank in a calm tone .
” I’m efficient ” replied the man . ” u see those crates over there ; load them into the vessel if you do that your in ” don said
” but don those crates are the replacement shafts and they weigh over a 100 kg how can he himself load it to the vessel let me get other crew members ” said frank
“Don’t do it frank ..he is efficient u remember ..he said for himself “.replied don with a smirk in his face .
But as don turned his face he saw the man carrying the crates for himself and he looked barley tired while doing so . Soon dons smirky face turned gloomy .and frank let out a burst of laughter .
” let me give you a hand son ” said Frank
“Its OK cap I got this ” said the man as he went inside the cargo cabin with the crates.
Frank said ” so we are full then ; what are we waiting for let’s hit the sea ” but don was still in the shock of what he had seen ” can a man alone lift that kind of weight for himself ”
And asked the same question again to himself ” who is that guy ” ??
[11:02pm, 05/05/2014] Gl(EnG)erArd: The man walked out of the cargo bay after loading the last crate and looked up to the sun .he closed his eyes and embraced the oncoming sun rays .
The captain frank looked ahead from his bridge and saw clear skies and lengths of water ahead .after checking on the course he went outside the vessel’s bridge and saw the man enjoying the sun . Frank liked the guy and wanted to know more about him.
Don was little embarrassed after his failed bullying operation against his new crew member and approached him stealthy.
” so rookie do you know anything about fishing ?”
The man didn’t reply .
” hey mate I’m talkin to you “?
Still he didn’t move a bit .this was making don angry .he was getting frustrated by this man’s attitude and wanted to punch him right on his face .
He made one final attempt to make a contact ” hey bub did I brief you about the rules ?”
Frank was watching this from his cabin and came down to interfere .he shouted ” don leave the rookie alone and do some real job ” embarrassed again don went into the engine room . Frank moved closer to the man .he said ” sorry son he is like that ;so enjoying the sun ? ”
“Yeah ” he answered politely . “Why s.m Arizona ? ” why did you choose that name ?”
Frank gave a half smile and said ” well Arizona is my wife’s name and s.m stands for small ville ;I come from there ”
“What?” “Did you just say smallville ” ? Even I come from there ” .
“Well that’s a coincidence “replied frank .and there was a pause between their conversation . A school of dolphins were jumping around and both men were enjoying the view .they both felt peace .
Frank still looking at the school of dolphins said ” if there is some goodness left in this world ; then its worth fighting for ” .
Before frank finished the man replied “j.r.r Tolkien” .
” so you know Tolkien ?who else do you know ?” Frank was amazed by his interest towards literature .
” I know many ; I did my thesis on Dante for my masters in journalism ”
He replied .
Frank was impressed again “then what the hell are you doing in this trawler you should be in the newspaper room “.
The man smiled back at frank .the school of dolphins now disappeared .he turned his face towards frank and said ” I m searching ”
Confused ;frank asked him again “your searching for whom exactly ?”
” I am searching for me ” he replied .
Frank now understood that something was different about this man .he is smart and definitely not a crack head who had smoked the hell out of a marijuana plant .he is just lost .frank assumed.
Frank didn’t ask more questions and said ” son I think a storm is coming you better get inside”
The man nodded his head .
Frank was going to ask his final question ” son.. what is your name ?”
Before the man could answer the captain s radio hissed .it broke its radio silence and screeched ” captain this is mark here from the bridge you better come up here its an emergency ” . Captain climbed up the bridge and took up the mouthpiece of his radio .the U.S coast guard was on the other side ..there was a lot of white noise and some parts of the message was not clear . Frank tried to reply them but he was sure that they couldn’t here him . “Damn ..weak signal ” frank thought .
Don who was sitting in the cargo bay of the boat was enjoying a bottle of whisky and observed the new guy ; the rookie .
“I hate that guy” don grinded his teeth furiously. He sharpened his eye just like a hawk which locks on its prey before catching it; and gulped another sip from his bottle .don was a whiskey lover ; an avid drinker who started drinking at an early age of 13 and preferred to drink only to have one brand . There was not a single day that he skipped having a glass of whisky ; even though his doctor had warned him not to as this habit was taking a toll on his liver & kidney .
The man who was arranging the goods came towards him carrying a heavy carton & kept it on a shelf near where don was sitting.
Then he looked up to don ” alryt staring contest again ..your On buddy ” thought don .but this time the man was staring into his fat belly .and he stood there for a second ; like he was observing something which was going on don’s stomach .
” what . .u ain’t seen a fat belly before bub ?” Don asked .
The man looked into his eyes and said ” you should really give up ur drinking habits ; its killing ur liver ”
Now don was really angry ” who the hell are you to advice me .you bloody ….”..wait a second how did he know about ma livers condition I haven’t told anyone about it ” don thought ..hey how did you know about my liver ..nobody knows about it ” asked the half drunk don .but by the time don was going to ask the same question the speakers attached to the bridge started announcing something
” Attention all crew ; attention all crew ..this is the captain speaking ; assemble for briefing at the bridge immediately ; this is not a drill ; I repeat ; this is not a drill ; this is real life scenario ; assemble immediately ; frank out ”
Then there was silence .
The captains voice was projecting great amount of seriousness .
All crew members stood still for a second and on the very next moment rushed but on a orderly fashion towards the bridge ; don was helped up a fellow crew mate ( which he refused initially ) to climb up the stairs as whisky had diluted his senses. it was some thing important don thought .frank had never done this kind of crew meeting before ..
This better be good.
The man also followed don to the bridge . As he was getting inside he noticed that the waves had grown stronger & higher ;the skies even darker and there was a drizzle of rain ..this is a huge one ” he thought .
[20:25, 20/06/2014] Glen: The crew assembled in a small ; poorly lit room ; it was congested ; and some had to stand outside the room to hear the briefing ; and it was bad news . ” okay boys now hear up ; I had the U.S coast guard up on the other side of ma radio & they just convoyed some bad news to me ” silence dwelled in the room . Captain took a pause and looked into the eye of don & few other crew members for a second ; he saw anxiety & in some he saw fear . The crew is shaken ; assumed captain ; ” so they told me that a type 4 class storm is taking up its shape & according to MET dept ; its goona hit the coast in less than 8hrs ; ..but before it hits that coast .”he paused for even a bit more ; & then he said ” its goona hit us ; suddenly the crew erupted there was despair ; some shouted while others remained silent ; some cursed while some said ” I gota family to look after cap ” & ” could we head back to coast ” .they ceased to end their chattering .frank shouted ” calm down men ; calm down ” but nobody even listened to that . Then there was a rumble ; it was not a thunder; it was a voice . It was don
” shut up or else you are all going overboard now ” the half drunk don was barely able to stand but his voice had all the power to bring the crew into its default mode ; which was : silent .the chattering died off ” OK now carry on cap ” don said smilingly even though he didn’t hear anything the captain said before . And then everybody settled down .
” now listen up boys I am turning the course back 180 to head for the coast but chances are we wont make it to the coast as the storm is travelling faster than us ; and coast guard has deployed their rescue helicopters and they will pick us up if there is any chance of “abandon ship” .so it is safe boys ; chances are we will make it to live for another day ; pray and may god be with us “, But frank knew he was lying to his crew mates .his thoughts said the opposite ” don’t lie to them ; its a type 4 ; nobody has survived that storm ; nobody will” he thought .but he couldn’t say that to his crew ; they are young ; they got to live so he filled them with hope ; even though despair was the word running through his head .
” between hope & despair lies reality “.
And Frank resumed again
“and for now I am here by suspending all on board activities ; everyone will stay inside the ship ; nobody goes up to deck or the bridge prior my permission ; is that clear .
“Aye aye cap “responded the crew . After that frank dispersed them while making his exit he saw the rookie ; and said ” I am sorry son ; pray that we make it back to the shore ; pray that a miracle happens ” he looked into his eyes ; the rookie didn’t say anything ; he just stood there slanting to the metal door behind him as the captain retired to his private quarters.
The crew as per the captain’s request sealed the boat . The Strom was growing with time ; gathering all its strength . Leaving a trail of destruction along its path . Captain ordered full speed ahead & the old troller”s engine roared .the propellers were at its maximum rpm and black smoke rolled out the exhaust .the troller chopped through the waves .the crew now all functioned for the engine room as on board activities in the deck was prevented by the captain .
The coast guard was busy too. They had two chopper units and their best rescue divers flying over the Atlantic ocean which was now a pandemonium because of the storm .They were the best .but even they haven’t seen a storm so powerful like this before. zero visibility ; (so they had to solely depend on their radar for navigation) ;& high wind speed made their job even more harder . The Coast guard had the finest chopper pilots and captain Wilson Jones was the finest among them ” the finest of the finest ” .his buddies over the coast guard would say this guy could fly a chopper blindfolded . He was the finest .
Captain Wilson Jones was already at the coast guard base along with his crew ; ready ; battle stations but coast guard had only one enemy to face this season ; the NATURE; she was one hell of an enemy ; an enemy who couldn’t be fought ; but could only be endured .Wilson took out his ray ban shades from his face & lit up a Cuban cigar . Smoking was not permitted inside the base. But who would come inside the base toilet to check on him .in fact the generals even take a puff in here . ” Wilson thought as he let out circle of smoke
Smoke was now barely coming out of the trawler .it was stranded in the middle of the sea . Not moving an inch forward .but plenty of smoke : ; along with oil was coming out of the engine room . The engine of S.M ARIZONA had finally given up . She gave maximum and now she was dead . And nobody knew how to resurrect her soul back again. Frank ran towards the engine room as soon as he heard the noise and found that the transmission shaft was broken . Nothing could be done now .he knew it so as his crew . He saw don sleeping over a side and didn’t bother to wake him up . So he ran back to the bridge & radioed the Coast guard & with heavy heart he finally announced ” abandon ship ”
Captain Wilson Jones started up the chopper .it was rough weather outside . His teammates strapped on their seatbelts . ” everything OK Sean ??” He asked his co pilot . ” all systems are go captain ; we are ready for take off ” came the reply from the young sergeant . They were on a rescue mission ; their objective : rescue the crew of the stranded vessel S.M ARIZONA .
“All right men; buckle up lets go get those men” said Wilson & they took off from the base .
Captain frank McPherson informed his crew the good news that the coast guard has sent their chopper for their rescue .” Boys hang tight ; the coast guard is on their way ; and they are gonna air lift us ” said Frank . Finally there is hope . ” they will get here any minute so get ready to get to get rescued ” shouted the captain again .
The chopper struggled to maintain its flight in the rough weather. But it was build to withstand these kind of conditions .the chopper was a modified BLACK HAWK specially designed for the coast guard.
” what’s the ETA on their location Sean ?” Asked Wilson as he tried to get locate S.M Arizona on their radar. “3 mins captain ” replied Sean .
Then Wilson saw a blob in his radar .” Yeah there you are ; I found them on radar boys ; get ready 3 mins to the target “.
The storm was celebrating ; it was displaying its massive raw power in the ocean ; and S.M Arizona was one of the many victims of it wrath .
First they heard a faint sound ; then the sound became louder ; it was hard to distinguish the sound of a chopper in the storm but Frank had keen ears . He yelled ” coast guard is here boys ; hit the deck “.
But the unthinkable was yet to happen .
The chopper was trying to stabilize ; trying to sync its motion with the troller below .for that captain Wilson Jones ; the finest of the finest mustered all his experience & used to all of his expertise . But The troller was ever dynamic; even through it had no power ; it was propelled by the waves ; and waves were shifty so it took a lot of time ; but Wilson was patient ; a quality that he developed in his early days of flying .
Usually after stabilization ; A zip line would be dropped from the chopper ; of which one end was attached to an electric motor and another end to a steel carriage which could accommodate not more than 2 passengers at a time .
The crew of S.M Arizona waved & howled at the chopper as they saw the carriage being dropped down slowly onto the deck . They were happy to see the cage like structure coming down ; it was hope ; it was like god ‘s own hands coming down from the heaven to rescue them .the wind was blowing right into their faces ; and rain paralyzed their vision ; but they could see the carriage coming down ; very slowly .
Wilson shouted to his team ” easy easy ; take it slow boys “. There was tension ; its not an easy job ; these are not easy conditions .the carriage was half way down ; a few more feet then it was touchdown ; the carriage levelled with the height of the trawlers bridge.
Then it happened ..
there was flash ; a sudden outburst ; it was a lightning ; a lightning that struck the chopper head on ; directly over the rotors . A ton electricity had just being suddenly discharged through the chopper ; the amount of electricity that had passed through the chopper was large ; it was something which it was never designed to withstand ; un bearable . For a second ; Wilson didn’t understand what had happened ; then it was chaos . Some meters & gauges in the front dash popped out into the ground ; all the warning lights came up ; the lightning fried up most of the instruments.
” captain avionics is down ; I repeat our avionics is gone ” shouted Steve . But Wilson only a faint hum of his assistant. In fact he didn’t care to because he had devoted his total energy to stabilize his bird or they would kiss the bottom of the Atlantic sooner than they think . She was spinning like a top .
” come on steady up gal ; steady up ”
Wilson furiously moved his joystick ; while his other hand moved over the switches over the instrument panel ; but he could nt get his hands on any as most of them had popped out due to the discharge .
It was a cocktail of fear ; panic & chaos which was nicely blend . And Wilson was forced to drink ; he tried to gulp it ; but it was hard ; times like these even men made of titanium would melt but. .Wilson didn’t ..the finest of the finest didn’t give up .
Below the crew S.M Arizona was awestruck to see the most painful sight they would have seen in their entire life ; the chopper which was suppose to rescue them was doing some sort of a dance in the mid air ; it moved randomly ; a zig zag pattern . ” its gonna crash ” someone shouted .
Some of the crew members ran back to the insides of the trawler as they feared that the chopper would crash right over their head .
Don who was still dipped in whisky ; poured some more of it into his pre opened mouth &closed it momentarily .
” it had all the place in the ocean to strike ; but still it had to be on the chopper right..? ; this is freaking great ” frowned don .
But in the mist of chaos ; nobody noticed the steel carriage was dangling in the air ; going were the chopper went ; it first smashed the bridge ; levelled all the glasswork over there and on the way it struck down the trollers radio antenna . But nobody noticed that ;everyone’s eyes were fixed to the chopper . The carriage was like a wrecking ball used to level old buildings ; now it was levelling up the troller . Breaking everything up ; it pushed out some cargo boxes to the ocean and next on its way was CAPTAIN frank McPherson .
Nobody noticed it ; nobody except the rookie . Captain frank McPherson ; whose eyes were still fixed on the dangling chopper above didn’t know that his life was on the verge of extinction. It was only a matter a some seconds ,; the carriage came closer .” Lookout ” someone shouted . But it was too late . Frank saw the carriage but he couldn’t move an inch ; the sudden shock had paralyzed him ; he just stood there ; closed his eyes ; keeping his hand in front of his head ; bracing for impact ; even though he knew that he won’t survive it . Counting down his last moments .then suddenly he was pushed away by someone rather than something .
he opened his eyes ; and he saw a half smashed carriage in front of him which was still attached to the chopper ; still moving around ;but it had some kind of dent on it .
He thought ” what the hell just happened now??”
It was the rookie ; he had taken the impact ; he had saved the captain. It happened in a matter of seconds . The man had moved swiftly into the path of the carriage . The captain didn’t notice his action or his lightning speed .then he slightly pushed the captain away from its path .; but it was too late for himself to move away .
Like a stone when thrown into a river bounces a few times before it goes down under ; the man also bounced twice in the cold water before finally going down to the ocean .the carriage with its massive momentum had hit him like a hammer ; knocking him off the trawler and into the terrible ocean . He was drowning ; he was drowning fast. But nobody noticed it .
“Captain we need to de attach the carriage ; we are loosing our balance ” screamed the co pilot.
Wilson didn’t even think for a moment. He barked ” then do it ; do it ; do it ” . He was too busy holding up the chopper. One of his crew moved towards the cable and pulled a lever . The cable snapped and the carriage was separated .
“Cycle up the power ; cycle up the power ; Sean ” was the next command from Wilson . The co pilot “s hand moved fast ; he tried all kinds of switches and levers but it was hopeless .they were diving into the ocean ; but Wilson didn’t give up he said ” hit the auxiliary power ” .then the choppers control came back .Wilson with all his strength pulled the joystick up .they gained altitude .
Sean let out a sigh ” captain we have our avionics online ,” and most systems are back “. The chopper hovered over the trawler .but there was a problem ; two to be exact . First ; the chopper didn’t have a spare carriage which implied that they wouldn’t be able to make the rescue ; and the next problem was even if they made the rescue ; they wouldn’t be able to make the return flight ; as they would be too heavy & the axillary power will not be enough for taking them back to the base.
Wilson had to make a decision ; a tough decision & he had to make it fast as they were losing their power with time . He looked over the trawler below ; he saw men ; men with families ; men with hope ; men who didn’t deserve to die below ; screaming & shouting at him ; waiting for him to rescue them ; then he looked into his own crew ; they were tired & scared ; and he had just save their lives( and his own ) from a crash .it was indeed a tough .
With heavy heart he said in his mind
” I am sorry ” .then he turned his rudder & started flying back home
The steel carriage plunged into the ocean ; the crew had separated it from the chopper . And Gravity played its role well ; the carriage was sucked to the oceans bottom ; it descended rapidly downwards .The man was also going down ; but the carriage even faster as its weight was larger than him .side by side they were going to see the bottom of the ocean .he saw a trace of it moving down ; he had initially heard the plunge ; then the shriek of metal getting hammered down by the force of the ocean waves All in underwater ; sound travelled faster .it was chaos above ; chaos below . He could hear ruptures of thunder happening above the ocean ; and the sound of his own distress ; inside him .he knew he could handle a dip in the ocean ; he had done that before but this was different ; he was unable to move ; there was both physical & mental pain ; he could endure former one ;but the latter was unbearable .the carriage had struck him hard breaking some of his thigh bones ; peeling of some of his skin but he knew he could recover from it in a matter of minutes ; but he had lost control over all his senses ;for a second though . Even though he could move to the surface of the ocean ; he didn’t try ; he decided to sink ; he decided it would be better to give up & die rather than living up with this curse .
[08:36, 03/07/2014] Glen: Then he heard an echo ; it was a voice vibrating inside his head ; he felt as if somebody is trying to speak to him .the voice was growing .it was gaining clarity each second ; trying to convey something to him .he initially tried to resist it but it was strong . Then he remembered ; he had heard that voice before .in fact for the half of his life he had heard that voice ; it was his fathers . The man froze for a second ; is this a memory ; or is this reality ?? He couldn’t make it up. Then he focused on the voice ; it was telling him something . Like fine tuning a radio for a signal finally his focus captured the voice .it spoke ” Son ; its me your father .” The man didn’t reply there was no point of it . He was still unsure weather it was memory or not . He just waited for it to resume ..
Then it spoke again ” I know you have never had a normal childhood ; you never had any real friends ; you were hidden and I was responsible for it .” ” it was never for your disgrace ; but it was for protection.” We knew from the day that we got you ; that you were special ; you had these esoteric capabilities; these capabilities that could shape not only your future ; but the whole race of humanity .” Believe me when I say that . You were always good ; there is spark of hope ; burning inside you ; don’t let that go down .keep it up ; share it with others ; you are always one of us ; and you will do great errands for us . But as perfect as we are ; there will be flaws in us ; your actions will prove what you are to our race ; as our species are always against a change even though we expect a miracle ; its an irony ;its a flaw ; you will know that eventually ; be till that day be that miracle we humans hope off ; be that symbol that we look could look up to at our time of distress ; you will someday remind us that there is still hope in this world and always remember my son that your actions will make you future .”
Then the voice faded out.
Suddenly the man felt energized; he opened up his eyes ; there was darkness but he knew he could be that light .the man clenched his fist ; he looked up ; he saw the trace of the tumbling troller .with all his energy he pushed himself ; he let out a scream ; whole of his body was now willing to work for his mind. Then there it was ; his first flight; he wasn’t swimming; he was cruising towards the craft above.
Captain Wilson jones was filled with chagrin , he had abandoned eleven precious lives in the sea, he was responsible for rescuing them but now he was the solely responsible for their death , he had made a choice ,a selfish one , something that would haunt him for the rest of his life . he shifted his mind from that thought and tried to concentrate himself in flying his damaged chopper. The cockpit was lit up in blood red due to the glowing emergency lights, he gazed over the instrument panel , it was beyond repairable, the only instrument working properly was the on board radar , Wilson moved his gloved hands over it & wiped away blots of water covering it , as he did , he noticed something peculiar on the screen , a radar cross section , a tiny blob , which was moving towards the direction of the shore ,” what is that ? “
Wilson was amazed . he turned to his navigator . he yelled ‘Sean , “ Sean was still recovering from the shock of his near death experience . “ Sean ‘ this time Wilson’s voice sounded like a submarine klaxon , which brought back Sean from his trauma . “yes sir “ seans voice trembled so did his hands , slowly he moved himself towards the cockpit . “ son , is there any another ship or trawler near our vicinity ?? “ .” no sir , S.M ARIZONA was the only one , which was near to the eye of the storm , there are no other vessels in the area sir “ Wilson knew Sean was a good navigator but his recent mental state was a bit wobbly ,so he asked him again “ are you sure son ?’ positive sir , came the reply . “ then what the hell was that ? “ Wilson pointed his fingers towards his radar screen, “what the hell is what sir?” replied the navigator , staring into the screen himself . Wilson looked into the panel , the blob was now gone . ” it was right there , it almost had a RCS of a ship , but it was moving , how could it move in this weather . “ Wilson was flummoxed,” where did the damn thing go? “ Sean was also flummoxed to see his captain , blabbering about a radar blob ,he tried to calm his captain down by saying “may be radar is also fried up ,cap!! ..” may be ,’ captain thought for himself ,and wiped away the rest of the water blots away from the screen .
The whole crew of S.M ARIZONA had locked themselves up inside the engine room , it was pitch black as they had no electricity inside , occasionally they were lit up the lightning , captain checked out his crew , soon he noticed that , two of his members were missing , DON & the rookie . Franks face frowned “, two are gone “ now nine more to go “ .he sighed . he had lost his best mate & a good rookie . he stared up and asked “ why us lord ? “
Don was drenched in water from the outside and with whiskey on the inside. He was sleeping over a cargo box, with one hand hanging out , holding the empty whiskey bottle , other one lying over his chest , a thunder grumbled over the sky , and his eyes popped open , “ mama” he yelled , if one thing he was really afraid of in this world , it was the thunder . his eyes scanned over the desolate deck of the trawler , “ not a thing “ he muttered , then he looked outside . the wind was hitting his face , as peeked out of the trawler he noticed that that the entire thing was stabilised , then he looked down . he noticed that the trawler was moving , but it was not touching the surface of the water , “ holy cow “ !! “ is this thing flying ?” don further pushed his eyes to get a better view of things , but as he another lightning lit up the sky , horrified by the things he had seen , don fainted out right over the floor .
Sun never showed up that morning, so did the milkman, “sun or no sun, I am going out to hit the playground “. Thought little Johnny he pulled up his running shoes, adjusted his baseball cap, and moved out this home without, disturbing his sleepy parents. He took out his bike from the garage and rolled on it towards his playground. He had noticed something strange was happening out today, none of his friends were coming out their homes , nobody was seen for their morning walks , no milkman , no mailman , no dogs , the entire street looked desolate , like a movie set of a dystopian movie . The wind tried to blow away his baseball cap several times but Johnny held it tight with his one arm as he steered his way with the other one towards the playground. As he reached he saw the weirdest sight of his lifetime.
She moved her hands over the alarm clock to switch it off, pressed over the snooze button but it was not shutting up. Then she realised that , it was not her alarm ,that was screaming , it was her telephone , she moved her lazy hands and picked up the receiver , “ yeah “ , “hey mate , its me Darwin here “ .replied a man with a British accent . “ Darwin who “ ? “ Darwin eh .., your friendly neighbourhood cameraman .’ yea so what do you want Darwin , its 5 am man !! “ . “ Darwin explained what was happening, to his journalist colleague who snapped out of her bed as if he had cast a magic spell on her to disappear all of her sleepiness. “what.”. Are you sure , is this for real ? “ she had never heard or read about such an incident in her entire life , “ get the van and get over my apartment right now “ .” I am already here “came the reply from him. “ okay then , I will be right there “ and she ran towards her washroom .
Little Johnny squeezed his eyes to scale the massive structure that was resting over his playground , “is this a new addition to playground ?? “ he asked his buddy ray who was also standing next to him , awestruck “ naah , it looks kind of old , doesn’t it ?” yeah but it way cooler than the merry go round over there “ ..come on then lets check it out “ ewh I am not going anywhere near it , it kind of looks wet , and smells like fish “ .ray was right , it was wet , and smelled like fish . ‘ I am going to call my papa , he always says not to go near any strange things “ .and may be you shouldn’t either “ . exclaimed ray , and he ran towards the nearest coin box , to call his dad who was still in his office . “ hey dad, its me ray” ,
“ hey son , what are you doing outside today , it’s a storm day , today you are suppose to be at home , now get back home or else you are grounded for a week “ his dad commanded .
“ hey dad , something strange is over our playground “
Rays dad adjusted his sound “ yea and its goona get a lot stranger when you get home late ,go home son quickly “
Ray now was impatient as his payphone time was been eaten away by his father , “ he screamed ‘dad there is a big boat over our playground “ as he finished his sentence , the pay phone went dead .
Sheriff Lincoln ,aka ray’s pop was accustomed to a lot of bullshit , but that was the strangest thing he had ever heard from anyone especially his son , and his son rarely does or says something like that .,so he decided to check it out before grounding his son . he started his cruiser , and drove through the coastline of his state. The playground was near to the coastline and that was the shortest way towards it . he glanced over the coast ,waves were crashing down the surface. “what are those kids doing out there in this weather “ he thought as he moved towards the playground .
As little Johnny looked , around the big boat , he saw the title “ S.M ARIZONA “ over its front hull. Then suddenly he noticed something move , as closed in to check out the action , a bottle dropped from above , Johnny yelled , it was a whiskey bottle that fell from the bridge , dons whiskey bottle , as he moved to a different angle , a fat man with skull tattoos fell from the same place ,where the bottle came . this time Johnny yelled louder , capturing the attention of his friend ray . ray ran towards his friend for assistance , but as he did he noticed a semi naked man running away from the boat towards the alley . Ray shouted “ hey mister , hey mister , ray yelled but the man didn’t respond ,and paced up his steps .” “ hey mister did u put the boat here ?” “hey mister , thanks for the boat ‘” ray howled at him , for which the man gave a friendly wave back and sprinted into the alleys darkness.
Darwin & his colleague was mesmerised by the sight of the huge trawler resting on the playground , “ I told you it was cool “ Darwin said to his journalist friend . “ yes it was cool indeed “ the playground was swarming with local authorities and other news channel trucks . some military as well as private news channel choppers were flying over the scene. One news channel was reporting it live , a news anchor was adjusting her microphone she was about to go live on air .
Captain Wilson decided to smoke and forget everything that he had done and failed to do in the last 24hrs , he picked up his cigar pack , and walked into the restroom , he closed the door and the toilet lid ,sat there took out a cigar , burned it and was going to let out a circle of smoke , when he heard someone coming in , “ go away , I am peeing here , “ does your pee vaporize cap ? ´” I can see the smoke coming out of the cabin cap ‘ it was Sean , who appeared to be in a rather excited mood . he said ‘ cap , you I think you should see something , right now “ . Wilson noticed the urgency in his voice and flushed the toilet as he walked out of it.
The news anchor went on with her report, as a nightingale signing her most beautiful song she explained ‘’ as you can see dave , it is a miracle that has taken place today at the this playground . The fishing trawler S.M ARIZONA was last seen near the eye of a storm , yesterday night ,but today it has been somehow being teleported to this very playground , the authorities have no explanation how this massive thing hit the coast , so as its crew , who are well accounted and no casualties has been reported except for a missing crew member . we are now joined by the first mate of S.M ARIZONA and sole witness of this bizarre event mr.don , mr ,don would you care to explain to our viewers what really happened to your boat ?? “
Don stared into the camera, he looked like he was in a trance , his eyes looked swollen , and his arm which sustained some minor injuries looked odd , the news reporter asked him again “ mr.don “ please ..”yea “ don muttered , “yea it was pretty dark ,as you can see our trawler was completely destroyed , by a coast guard chopper , and we were stranded , but suddenly I felt something below and tried to check it out .when I went near the rails , I noticed that we were flying “ then I fainted out “ “ what ? ‘ the news anchor intervened ,’ did you just say flying ? sir “ .yes “ said ‘am I going to be on tv ?” ..
Darwin leaned over the police cruiser and asked his friend sheriff Lincoln, do you believe in a single word, that guy over there is blabbering “ ? , “ well “ Lincoln said ‘ we ran a full medical check on all the crew ,including that guy over there ,found out that his system has alcohol , so not a word ,” a flying boat get out of here ,whos goona believe that kind of shit , anyway . added Darwin
She walked into her office, into her chief editors den, it was a strange day indeed, a boat over the. Playground, is the mystery man she has been searching for a year now involved in it, his presence was felt behind every bizarre situations she had witnessed yet she has no clue who he was. “Where the heck were you , you were supposed to be here early this morning , where is the piece which you are supposed to submit today , and why do you look like someone who’s form Flintstones ?? The chief was barking right at her face , but she didn’t “respond . “Since you have been so lazy , I am appointing you an intern , meet Mr , “ she cut the chief by saying ‘ the piece is already with the editorial board , I am late because I was covering some other news ,and I am having a really bad hair day today” are you satisfied chief ? “Chief let out a sigh, it’s pointless to argue with her, she always win, he thought. “ okay if you are done with the whole speech thing can I now go and work . “ the chief nodded his head , and she walked away from the cabin towards the elevator , as she did she noticed a man following her , she turned to him and asked , “ who are you , and why are you following me ? “
The man adjusted his spectacles & tightened his tie and said ‘ hi, I am your new intern” ..”oh so you are the new watchdog chief appointed to check me out right “ she frowned “ no I am here.” But before he could complete his sentence the elevator door opened, she entered it and the man followed . she said to him “ listen pal , I am done with interns , they suck and I have no time for them , I have running around a story for a very long time , and I am almost at a stage of giving up “ the man flashed a smile and looked into her eyes , he asked “ do you feel desperate ?” “ what “ “ why do you ask that , yes I feel desperate man , its being almost a year running around this story , I do feel desperate “ she frowned . “then its good “ he said . “ how’s desperation good ?” she asked . “ well my dad used to say that if you are feeling desperate then you are close to your goal “ she let out a sigh and said “ how close ? ‘ the man waved his hands between him and his boss , like measuring the distance between them with his hands and chuckled “ this close ‘ for which she let out a smile. Her first one , of the day .something was special about this intern ,he is cute & funny too. She asked “ what was your name again “ “ I didn’t tell it in the first place “ he replied . “ alryt smart guy what is your name ?” he adjusted his spectacles again and said “ CLARK KENT” .hi Clark ,I am Louis lane . they shook their hands , and smiled at each other .” by the way Clark , “ lane said ” you smell like fish “ the end