Social Story – The Destiny of a Young Fellow
Photo credit: cohdra from morguefile.com
On the occasion of “Durga Puja” Festival a village fair takes place every year on the bank of the River “Tangan”. This year also huge accumulation of people seen in the fair.
Two teenaged friends , Robin & Kamal went the fair . They belonged to lower middle class family. Each of them had very little amount to spend in the fair. They were roaming around the fair. One thing called “ Moth Ka Kua ”, an wooden made well having a diameter of around 20 ft. and a depth of a similar length where two motor cycle rider would display their fearful motor cycle riding show with great velocity, drew attention of them . They were both excited to see the show.
They went to the tent of the show and found a man having tickets of the show was loudly shouting to draw the attention of the people of the fair.
“How much for a ticket”, said Robin .
“ just 10 rupees for one ticket”, loudly replied the man.
Two friends quickly looked to each other and put their hands to their pockets and found that they had only 12 rupees. Then Kamal proposed to go for a toss and tolled that the looser would give 5 rupees to the winner who would enter to see the show . Robin tried to make his friend understand that as they had only 12 rupees they would not enter into the motor cycle show, rather they would go to a sweet shop and took some sweets . But Kamal denied his proposal . Finally Robin had to agree for a toss.
Kamal gave a one rupee coin to robin and provoked him for the toss. Robin threw the coin in the air which touched the soil deciding Robin’s win over Kamal and he had to give 5 rupees to Robin as per the condition. Unwillingly Robin entered in the show and Kamal had to accept this with a pail face. Kamal had only one Rupee left after loosing the toss. He started to walk here and there in the fair with a pensive mood. Suddenly he noticed some people gathered in one corner of the fair .
Kamal slowly went their and found a man having a blue bowl that contains many small sized folded papers. The man shouting that each paper costs only one rupee and can give hundred times much money if one’s fortune favoured. Kamal decided to try his luck again he gave the man his final one rupee coin and got a folded paper . May people were also trying their luck in such way. All were eagerly unfolding their paper pieces . Kamal also carefully unfolding his paper piece and suddenly wandered to find Rs. 100 written in side his paper peace. He quickly drew the attention of the bowl holder . The man gladly took the paper piece and displayed it to all present their and gladly gave a 100 rupee note to Kamal .
All became wondered and were trying that again and again . Kamal also tried several times more and finally he had 60 rupees in his pocket. He then left the place with a bright face. Suddenly he noticed that people were rushing to the tent of motor cycle riding show . Without understanding anything Kamal also rushed to the tent and saw two severely injured persons were being taken out of the tent. After few minutes Kamal saw Robin slowly coming out of the tent. Kamal rushed to him and heard that two motorcycle rider collided each other while performing . Kamal murmured, “What a bad luck!”
On the way of home Kamal told Robin about his good luck and excitingly showed him 60 rupees that he won . Robin alarmed him not to perform such gambling further. Kamal laughed at him.
In course of time Kamal became a gambler . Everyday he went to the lottery shop and used to bought bunches of lottery tickets sometimes in cash and sometime in credit . Sometimes his face became bright and sometimes pail and eventually he had lost every thing he earned and saved for his family but still he was hopping some miracle. He always believed that some day there must be a miracle and he would over come the losses he made during last few years.
One day a saint came in his dream who advised him to stop gambling . But he had blind faith on lottery which he considered the only way to solve his financial crisis. Thus his life became helpless . One day he took much alcohol and slept under a banyan tree. The Saint came in his dream once again. Kamal prayed to the saint for the way to get rid of his agony.
The saint gave two options ; either to quit gambling or death. Kamal chose the second option . Next morning people found Kamal hanging from a branch of the banyan tree . People found bunches of lottery in his pockets and from one of the bunches it was revealed that he won Rs. 10,00,000.00(ten lacs) and thus won over his Bad Luck and Agony for ever.