Social Story – Bundle of joy
Photo credit: bobby from morguefile.com
It is very difficult for Rani to forget formula which decides gender formation ie male/female in any species, ie xx=xy (pair of chromosomes)which she was taught in tenth class by her biology teacher. Why this formula haunts Ms Rani till today is a million dollar question. She cannot forget, how in pressure from her mother in law and husband she got her self aborted few times ,because she was carrying a baby girl. To some extent she was also party to that awful decision.
She understands what she did, was a sin—–and she was morally incorrect. But why she took this decision –she has no concrete convincing answer to herself till today. The fact that she cannot share this black truth of her life with anyone in this world, even with her own dear and near ones is a big pain for her. Rani knows that valid questions like—Are you mad Rani?—What is the point in getting so much education if you can’t face the world?-etc—etc will be raised if she shares this secret with any one, even if they are her own sisters. It is also a fact, that all said and done, she is not ready to become mother to her second daughter at any cost. When she looks back her own journey—those sad dark patches of her life journey and unhappy experiences that make her reinforce her decision, that what action she took was right though it is painful for her till today.
Rani works as a helper in canteen of famous women college in Delhi, and happens to get platform of interaction with women coming from different walks of life. During many meaning ful conversation ,they convey her that time has come that Indians will study necessary and sufficient conditions of this genetic formula, xx=xy. and very soon will implement those conditions in Indian society, in such a way that each citizen of’ India today ‘will feel pride , comfortable and will get equal right and opportunity. They try to convince Rani that very soon in India the formula xx<xy will become xx=xy.
For Rani it is , nothing but a dirty joke. She knows that for states of her country like Haryana and Punjab formula xx<xy is still valid today. It is also a known fact that god made this genetic formula xx=xy , but for our convenience we converted this formula to xx<xy. Rani some time in her ideal time ask these questions to herself–Who are we to change this formula—just for our own convenience—,how long all this will go on in our society.
Enough is enough, but Rani is still waiting after 67 years of independence, that when we Indians ,who boast of our cultural, spiritual and science- technical know how heritage, will come out from these conservative believes and assure ‘Aam nari’(ordinay Indian woman) like Rani that TV serials like ‘satyamev jayte’ will not get buried in history of India . When will ’ Aam nari’ (ordinay Indian woman) get justice from her own society ,and will feel proud in giving birth to female child ?
How this will be possible? Rani always ask these questions to her self. yes !it is possible Rani, ‘didi ji’ in my college tells me, if we all sincerely , salute to blessings of mother hood and count our blessings and recognize the talent, beauty and importance of little bundle of joys and change our mental set up.
Rani is hopeful and still waiting for that new auspicious morning—
Sukarma Rani Thareja
Alumnus IIT-K(1986)
Associate Professor
Department of Chemistry
CSJM Kanpur University
Kanpur-208001 , UP, India.