Social Short Story – YOU ARE MY GOD
Photo credit: cohdra from morguefile.com
Belief is a spirit that makes you attracted towards a God and Goddess of a temple or some other deity (holy, divine or sacred). Some religions have one supreme deity, while some others have multiple deities of various ranks. All this is like a puzzle that is not unknown to all of us.
G is for Good. How many people in our society are good or always good? What is good?
G is for God. How many Gods are there in our country and in all the countries in the world?
G is for Ghost. How many ghosts or the souls or spirits of dead persons or animals are there around?
G is for gloom, grim and ghastly. How many are gloomy, ghastly or in grim in every minute as very sad?
G is for so many things and so much more as you go on thinking about this. As you think more so you become mad more. The roots of your thinking are made to make you mad with the results of it as the thinking is made with mad seeds and all the mad people are thought as MAD AND MAD before they are recognized as GREAT AND GREAT.
I am not going to tell you any secret or unknown thing. Everybody knows this, but it is tricky as it is locked somewhere in our memories that you have to get it unlocked and you have to let it emerged before you know that you are the first one who has experienced it.
You may be one of the “SEVEN” called the seven sages or the Saptarishis who are extolled at many places in the Vedas. They are Vashista, Bharadvaja, Jamadagni, Gautama, Atri, Viswamitra and Agastya. No wonder that many of us are more than the seven sages when we start thinking and bringing out the hidden memories of what we feel, what we understand and what we love to express.
Who will so express? Who will so say? Who will so explain? Who will so console? Who will so build our courage? Who will so make us as ‘the stronger’ as Himalayas? Who will so clean our brains? Who will so make us shine like clean gems? They are OUR TEACHERS!
Whoever will advice and enlighten us is our teacher. There are so many teachers around us, above us. So these are our sevens or our saints. We have to respect them and take them as our real teachers.
T is for temple. There are so many temples in our city, in our state, in our country, in other countries in the world.
T is not just for temple, it is wide spread thought for all like shrines, churches, mosques and Dargahs (Sufi Islamic shrines) or devotional places and pilgrim abodes.
Belief is something we think true. Belief is a state of the mind, treated in various academic disciplines, especially philosophy and psychology, as well as traditional culture, in which a subject roughly regards a thing to be true.
Belief is a spirit that makes you attracted towards a God and Goddess of a temple or some other deity (holy, divine or sacred).Some religions have one supreme deity, while some others have multiple deities of various ranks. All this is like a puzzle that is not unknown to all of us.
H is for Hermitage or Ashram or monastery. These are built in forests or mountainous regions in ancient times and these places are amidst refreshing natural surroundings conducive to spiritual instruction and meditation.
There are so many hermitages or ashrams in our country and abroad. There are so many saints and so many disciples, apostles and followers who are spreading the thoughts of those saints. You all know more about those saints by searching the streets of cities of the countries by internet.
What I wish to tell you is the story of the Saint Brilliant. I often get myself enlightened by him in my dreams. You may also have such saints based on your seeds growing as your brainchildren (ideas or inventions which are considered to be a particular person’s creations).
B is for brilliance. Saint Brilliant is the saint with brilliant thoughts who always sits before his Laptop.
You can see many young people, girls and boys, also sit around him. These are saint’s disciples or followers who ask questions and saint Brilliant answers.
“Are you a God?” one of the followers asked Saint.
“No. Not.” Saint answered.
“Are you a Preacher?”
“No. Not.”
“Are you Saint?”
“No. Not.”
“Who are you then?”
“I am Nothing.”
Everybody gazed at the face of the saint. They expected nice answers from the saint. What is this?
“You are something”
She is Miss Joy who is a new disciple. She is not ready to accept her saint as simple nothing.
“When I die, I am lost. So I am nothing.” Saint Brilliant answered with gleaming eyes.
“Everybody dies and everybody is lost at some point, but they had done something for the society. So how everybody can be taken as nothing, sir?”
“Then, what I am?” Saint Brilliant asked her.
“You are my God?” Miss Joy said with great joy for exploring a God in him.
She said this with faith. Everybody there liked this thought. So they Started crying. They are crying with the same faith in chorus that “you are my God” and “You are my God”
“You are my God.” is heard everywhere around them.
Saint Brilliant’s eyes started raining. Holy water is dropping as drop by drop and taking the shape of diamonds.
“Sir, you are weeping.” Someone said.
“It is not weeping, I am so happy of being a God, so celebrating like this.”
The young hearts tried to understand, first time the words of God that when we weep, it is celebration.
F is for freedom. Freedom is what we all like. We have freedom of talk. We have freedom for doing what we like. So freedom is something we all like in every form as a very ‘valuable thing’.
The hermit is a person who lives in seclusion from society. Here Saint Brilliant is also like a hermit with so many followers, though not living in seclusion.
All his followers feel the hermitage as the place of ‘great freedom’ which they do not have in home. It is like a heaven for them. So people like the Brilliant Hermitage as a better house to spend more and more time.
They have so nice freedom here that nobody is to question them. So Saint Brilliant’s disciples are going on getting growing day by day.
The Saint Brilliant says them that do whatever you like in plenty. After doing so much of what you like, the interest for doing such things will be draining day by day and it will be lost one day as people are always prone to do new things, leaving the old things. So let the interests be grown old and die to give place to new interests to be born.
He says that like this you will be saved from all the bad things and you will be transformed in to just good, when bad is emptied by doing more. What the saint says is neither good nor bad, but it is both as two sides.
“Is there bad?”
“Is there good?”
“Then what is there, without good or bad?”
Saint Brilliant’s disciples asked with great confusion. Saint answered with serenity.
“Nothing… it is nothing without any good or bad.” Saint Brilliant said.
“We cannot understand sir.” Miss Joy expressed her feel.
“What is there in the sky?” Saint Brilliant asked the disciples.
Saint Brilliant liked this answer and asked him who told this answer.
“What is emptiness?”
“Nothing ”
“Yes, we are all nothing. We all perish. We all die. Like us, the good or bad we say, that too perishes.”
“How is that so sir?” Miss Joy asked with still more confusion.
“Something is good for you. Others do not like, so it is bad for them.”
“I know now, why my mother says that my brother is good and my father says I am good. My mother never said that I am good, so it is like she said that I am bad. Like that my father never said that my brother is good, so he is bad for my father.”
Nobody is interested in her theory. All felt like they have understood what the saint has said. So, they learnt a lesson that is “NO GOOD and NO BAD”. In short, it is called “NG and NB” in bold point.
Saint Brilliant rested with the effect of Vodka and the rest with whatever they liked. Freedom at start is so.
R is for redemption. It is an element of salvation to express deliverance from sin. Redemptive Suffering is a Roman Catholic belief that suffering can partially remit punishment for sins if offered to Jesus.
“What is redemption sir?” She asked with a great hope. Her name is Miss Charm.
“What redemption? In law, it is a right to reclaim foreclosed property. It may be a film if based on Leo Tolstoy,it can be a novel, an album, a song and even much more.” Saint asked her with confusing her more.
“I mean, what you think, your version in wide sense.” She is but not confused.
“We all are enjoying our past deposits, like a deposited money we are withdrawing from the bank. It is like this. If you have helped a person in the last life, so he is helping you in this life. If you have cheated a person in the last life, you are going to get cheated by him in this life in the same manner.” Saint said.
“I loved a girl and I cheated her by not accepting to marry her, because she is not rich. Will it be also reflected on me in the next life?” a boy asked with a great doubt.
“Sure, you will be a son of penniless pauper in the next birth and she will be the daughter of a multimillionaire. She will love you in the beginning and then she will reject you” sage said with wicked smile.
The boy was repentant for his past folly and he likes to marry her now, asking her to forget the past.
“Do you think that DELIVERENCE FROM SIN… a must?” A girl by name Miss Mary asked the saint with yet undelivered thought of sins.
“If you put fire to a thatched house, will it burn the house or not?”
“It will burn sir, what doubt is there in it?”
“That’s it.” Saint said and Mary gazed the saint as if she understood it completely without a little left.
P is for pilgrimage. It is a journey or search of moral or spiritual significance. It is a journey to a shrine or other location of importance to a person’s beliefs and faith, although sometimes it can be metaphorical journey in to someone’s own beliefs.
People go for pilgrimage every year and some temples are very popular and millions of devotees visit these places without fail. It is for Moksha which means emancipation, liberation or release.
”Moksha is a freedom from Samsaara, the cycle of death and rebirth which is expected result from all these pilgrimages.” Saint Brilliant said.
“Is temple, with God or Goddess inside, a necessary?” One genius asked.
“Is your birth and living a necessary?” Saint asked with some annoyance.
The genius was silent. The Saint Brilliant was not.
“See, everything in existence is necessary. Nothing is unimportant or unnecessary. A puppy or a soap cake, a tree or a bush green, a tiger or a lion savage, a good or a bad soul, all do their contribution as directed in this creation of souls. All do give something so that the world is full with all sufferings and pleasures. If there is no suffering, there is no pleasure. If there is no fear, there is no safety. It is just like that if there is no thief, there is no police.”
All the disciples of saint Brilliant are exhausted with their severe thinking and they thought, they have got great knowledge, enough in tons and tons for so many births to come.
The disciples of Saint Brilliant have decided to build a temple for their saint. People are crazy after temples. ‘Some people made temples for their favorite heroine in India, why don’t we build a temple for our living god’ is the thought of these disciples. They soon consulted themselves for making some necessary arrangements.
S is for shrine. It is a holy or sacred place, which is dedicated to a specific deity, ancestor, hero, martyr, saint, daemon or similar figure of awe and respect, at which they are venerated or worshipped.
Shrine for saint Brilliant is ready. He is worshiped as GOD or as LIVING GOD.
“Why all this is for me? I am still alive.” Saint Brilliant asked his disciples.
“You need this sir. You are such a brilliant saint that we all wish to see you as “you are my God” for every one or many more devotees of this popular land of temples in this century.” The genius said.
“You have no wife sir, if not, we were to built a shrine or temple for her also, as the Goddess of Saint Brilliant.” The friend of genius called ‘Dull Head’ said with emotion.
‘She is saved by not marrying me, whoever she may be’, thought Saint Brilliant.
A is for accuracy. Accuracy is a state that is confirmed. It is confirmed accuracy that Saint Brilliant understood a truth. A truth is that being god is not at all a joke.
Thousands of devotees are coming to the shrine of Saint Brilliant and when they come in a row to have the Darshan (seeing a holy person or the image of a deity) of the saint Brilliant, he is made to sit on a little wooden stool like a God’s statue, without a sign of breathing in him {as Gods are seen and worshiped).
A lot of money is contributed for the shrine and it is getting multiplied in the bank accounts.
One night, Saint Brilliant thought to disappear from the shrine, but his disciple Dull Head saw him this and alerted all the other disciples that our ‘Saint Brilliant is getting smuggled to some foreign country’.
All disciples are alerted and they took necessary care to save the LIVING STATUE so valuable for them.
The governing body of the shrine arranged ‘armed guards’ supplied with guns, pistols, bullets, grenades and all other ammunition for the protection of the ‘LIVING GOD’ of the shrine of Saint Brilliant.
After few days, saint Brilliant said to his disciples that he is neither a god nor a sage or saint and he has no knowledge so as to be called as Brilliant, so let him go to live like an ‘ORDINARY MAN’.
The governing body of the shrine has to meet and decide on this big issue.
How many of them will be ready to stop the VERY FAT earnings of the shrine of SAINT BRILLIANT and also how many employees who are getting very fat salaries, including the members of the governing body {the disciples of the Saint Brilliant) are ready for closing this temple is what a big question to be answered.
God is conceived as the Supreme Being and principal object of faith. God as described by theologians commonly includes the attributes of omniscience (infinite knowledge), omnipotence (unlimited power), omnipresence (present everywhere), omnibenevolence (perfect goodness), divine simplicity, and eternal and necessary existence.
Who has the power to close a temple and throw the god of such great powers in to ‘nonexistence’?