Social Short Story – Sometimes, words cannot describe the feeling
Photo credit: gbh from morguefile.com
On working in a night shift and if you feel tired and yet you can’t sleep, the thing is actually you should not sleep, what would be the best solution to overcome this problem? May be closing the eyes and thinking about the past beautiful memories.
Yes!! all those pleasant memories provides a new boost . what could happen when you close and think more about your past? Mind works in a miraculous way, one may not able to predict the way it works, who knows it may even drag you to the unpleasant memories. It is from the past that you construct yourself, yes if you made of a glass and crumbled now you will construct yourself as a more stronger glass or even a different kind of strong material.
When she was so tired and relaxing in the nap room, she thought of her childhood memories. Those days when she only had to worry about completing homework, her only goal was to always be a good girl to her mommy. Her memories took her to the places where she was happy, the days where she was her daddy princesses.
And a memory flashed to her where she was playing hide and seek in a small park with her friends , and a giant creature which grabbed her and touched her in all inappropriate places and raped her. She suddenly opened her eyes and said to herself that-
” I have come this far struggling and i will not let this thought haunt me any more, It is not my fault, playing hide and seek and hiding in a place where no one could find me . He would have watched me for a long time and used this lone time .That guy is a monster who never respects women , who didn’t understand that he came from a women, brought up by a women. A monster who never respected her sister. A monster who would misbehave even with his own child. A monster who will not be afraid to mole sate his fellow sisters in public places.”
No matter how hard you try some feelings can’t be expressed in words.