Social Short Story – The Win!!
Photo credit: carunan from morguefile.com
“The greatest finals of the genius of the year tournament has finally began and the floor is set and within two hours both the competitors would begin their quest for the ultimate glory and the big cash prize of 2 crore rupees” the announcer screamed with all the force be could as I was sitting in my room and brushing the dust off my coat and adjusting the dress for the interview with my co competitor within few minutes.
After a while curator came to the room and said, “15 minutes and we are good to go.”
I’ve dressed in my best and was walking elegantly to the main hall where the interview was due and I had had the first look of my opponent there. Yes, I’ve never seen him till then and all I knew was his name and that too because of my promo which read as ‘ The final of the Genius of the Year’ between Manik Paul and me, Siddhartha Bharat.
I’ve taken my seat and saw my co competitor, he had worn all mismatched dress which was quite worn out and the guy was looking quite lean with disorderly hair and was quite not so pleasing personality.
And the cameraman gave the signal that we were live when the interviewer began-
“Welcome ladies and gentleman to the interview between the two finalists of Genius of the Year. To my right we have
Siddhartha Bharath who had no lose record in all the events he took part in, while to my left we have Manik Paul who came all the way from a small village to take part in the interview. So, sir you’ve never lost? How would you react if you lose today ?” The interviewer asked the question as he turned partially towards me.
“I would lock myself up in a room and probably not talk to none for a week. I never lost because I never wanted to lose. I would probably walk out of the show rather lose.” I said as I crossed my legs and leaned slightly against the chair.
The interviewer nodded his head and turned towards Manik and repeated the question to which he replied, would walk out with the amount of 50 lakhs.”
He was so not confident as he sat very concerned and was all nervous when he spoke and he was shaking continuously.
“What would you do with the money you win?” He asked me.
“Party, party as long as sun rises and sets.” I said and had a small laugh.
He turned towards Manik.
“I have a father and lost my mother very early and he took care of me till today and never made me think of mom.
He taught me how to live by holding my hands and took me all around the world by making sure my legs wouldn’t hurt even if his hurt. He scolded me like the air hitting us, it never meant to hurt me rather cheer me to do something good. He was the first person I would see in morning and would work till I close my eyes in the night. All I want is a good rest for him.” He said as he wiped the tears of his eyes.
I was still not sure why he was crying but still I clapped as everybody present there was and interviewer greeted the people and closed the show after which we went back to our rooms.
There I sat and thinking about my life and thought I’ve never had anyone close to my life,my parents left me at an early age and none to take care of and only person to take care of is me and I’ve have enough money to do that and only thing I don’t have is name and I’m going to making it through this show and I’m sure of.
If he wants to take care of father because he wants to, I want to take care of myself as I want to.
The best way I could get a compensating answer.
And the quiz was all going, and all that went through my mind was how a boy wanted to take care of his father. That feel was something special, and few rounds were good and most sucked and the game changer round was up for last where the winner is finalised and I could clearly see in his eyes that he wanted the money for a cause and I wanted the famedom to become famous. Break was announced and I’ve went to washroom sat in a room and had cried my heart out on the fact that my life was pathetic as it had nothing but me in it
And the show began when suddenly the person behind me plunged with a rifle and shouted, “You all should die to pay the price for corrupting the earth with all nonsense” he pointed the rifle towards Manik and few more men came and covered the whole room.
As he began loading the rifle, all that ran in my mind was the fact that Manik had a father and none for me.
I recklessly enjoyed the life and Manik has the beginning of his life
I ran towards Manik pushed him aside and took more than a dozen shots and fell flat on the ground.
All the arrogance of my life was in front of my eyes.