Social Short Story – Wake

Short Story Social – Wake
Photo credit: earl53 from
I woke up with a pain in the back of my head. Feeling back there, I found blood.
“What the Hell happened?” I asked myself as I attemted to stand.
I would’ve been killed by wolves later that night if I hadn’t have walked a couple of miles. Soon I came upon a village were the townsfolk where fleeing from something. One man stopped his futile attempt at running to tell me something.
“The golem! Its attacking everyone! Run away!”
I figured that this golem thing must’ve been what they were running from. Another stopped. He looked like some sort of vicious warrior.
“You there.” He called to me. “I see you have a sword. Mind helping me kill the beast?” He asked me as he pointed at the sword at my side and then at the golem.
“I didnt realize I had a sword…” I said to myself, shooken up by the whole situation.
“Ill be right there!” I called back to him.
I ran to were the man was fighting. When I pulled out my sword I immediately noticed its majestic beauty. Its blade was pure gold and the hilt adorned with many gemstones, too many to count.
I said in amazement, not realising the golem attacking me. I hit the ground with a thud as the human like metal beast began to attack the other man. I got up in panic and began my own assault on the beast. The sword cut through the chest like it was butter. Then began to melt the metal man until he was liquid steel.
“T-that sword!” The other man said in amazement.
“I-it belongs to the Death Guard that was slain a couple of weeks ago by a lone rogue.” He began the tale of the adventurer who slayed the gaurdian of the unholy mountains.
“My name’s Ramzee by the way. Your’s?” Ramzee asked me.
“I… dont remember my first name. But you can address me by my last name, Gran.” I answered his question, solemn in the face as I was.
“Whats the matter?” Ramzee asked me. “You seem sad.”
I looked at him and half smiled for a second or two.
“N-nothing… just… nothing.” I replied. Beginning to feel alittle happier I asked him my next question. “So when are you gonna put the fires out?”
He looked confused then panicky. “Gaah!” He exclaimed in surprise before he ran around with buckets of water and began splashing them on houses.
~~Part Two~~
Ramzee finished his “bucket duty” and came back to where I was.
“Thank you, thank you so much for reminding me to do that.” He said to me, putting the buckets down at his side.
“No problem. Now another question. Where are we?” I asked Ramzee, who was attempting to hold back a smile.
“We are in Dreveline. A world were nothing is impossible.” He answered with quite ease.
“And you have probably no place to go, do you?” He asked. Ramzee began walking around the liquids remains of the golem.
“Nope, Im a homeless stranger.” I replied, saddened by the fact.
“Then how about you travel with me?” Ramzee said to me. His smile was getting more friendly the more we talked.
“Sure. But where are we headed?” I asked him as I put the sword back in its sheath.
“Well, Im off to reunite with my lover.” He answered.”Ill bet he is been waiting a while now.” Ramzee said to break the silence.
“Dont you mean she is been waiting a while now?” I asked him.
“No. I mean he is been waiting for a while now.” Ramzee replied.
Before we get more into that, let me explain Ramzee’s appearance. He wore what seemed to be a silver gladiator’s helm. He wore short sleeved chainmail and was buff on the parts that weren’t covered by armour which was his arms and legs. he wore bronze boots and bronze cauldrons in their appropriate place. His brown hair was the shade of an oak tree and his skin was the shade of the inside of wood.
“Y-your gay?” I asked, hoping not to offend him.
“Yea.” He replied, short and sweet. “Any problems with that?” He asked, looking kinda pissed at the subject.
“N-no sir, no problems at all. Heheh, ha.” I replied.
“Good. Now lets get moving.” He said before beginning the long trek out of the village.