Disclaimer: A fictional story and all the names, characters and incidents are purely coincidental.

Social Short Story – The Voice Waiting to be Heard
Photo credit: ecerroni from morguefile.com
It was the one of the best days of her life, August 26th 2010. Juhi Sood got her first job offer – Client Relationship Executive with Butterfly Media, the firm that bagged the International Small Agency of the Year Award. A young vivacious, attractive lass, Juhi was the perfect synonym of beauty with brains. Full of life, the envy of her classmates, this Chandigarh beauty was on top of the world that day.
Advertising was the industry she had always wanted to get into. Very proactive, she read a lot of articles, blogs and kept herself always updated with the happenings of the industry. And Butterfly Media was the first stop to help her achieve her vision. She had learnt of this company right from their inception in 2003 to how they had grown in the last 7 years. The company accepted new innovative ideas and was the perfect platform for starters to nurture themselves.
That day she must have made some 30 calls to people wanting to share her happiness with everyone she knew. Her mother had made Gajar ka Halwa and it was celebration time in the Sood household. Late evening, Rao Uncle, her dad’s friend came for a while to their home. “Advertising company!” he said “I think it’ll be difficult for you to adjust to the culture there.” She didn’t care!
One week later, she landed into the city of her dreams – Mumbai. First 4 months were brilliant. Away from home, amidst fun & frolic she was loving her life, thanking God for creating the wonderful moments that she was spending.
After an awesome weekend, the next Monday she reached her office as usual on time all set to start work on her pending tasks, when she heard from her colleagues that a very senior person, Mr. Rajnish Verma is joining the Business Development Team. They were all discussing about how the HR lady was all praise for him saying he had built the previous company from level zero and he has won many accolades for his work. He truly has the gift of gab. He is sure to create magic in the organization.
Super smart, awesome at his job and it’s a blessing to work with him were the three words that remained in Juhi’s mind as she left the discussion to do her work. That day went normal, was nothing great.
Next morning, she was told that Mr. Verma wanted to meet all members of the BD team and have personal interactions. She was also told that there might be a few changes in roles & responsibilities assigned as he thought best. In their 8 member team, she was one of the youngest and also someone who had shown good potential in her abilities. After 5 of her colleagues, it was Juhi’s turn to meet Mr. Verma. She entered his cabin and his persona blew her off. She felt lucky to get someone like him to mentor her and help turn all her dreams to realities.
After a 20 minute conversation he told her, “Juhi, you are a very brilliant girl. You have a lot of potential in you. I can see you in my position in a few years time.”
Juhi was thrilled. On her way back home, she called up her mother.
“Mom, Mr. Verma, our new boss, remember I told you about him yesterday? He is so sweet; he thinks I am a very capable girl. I can’t tell you Ma how happy I was to hear that. It makes me smile every time I know that I am making my parents proud.”
The next 3 months sped very fast. Juhi had become the favorite of Mr. Verma. He asked her to complete most of his work masked with the term ‘training you to grow’ and gave her additional responsibilities that required her to stay back for late hours. He would often come to her desk and strike conversations and call her to his cabin on some or the other pretext. She was enjoying the work thoroughly and never understood any of his intentions. Her perks in form of bonuses for getting new clients had also started making way in. She also got the not so often given 25% hike in salary after her probationary period. She was too elated to think of anything else.
One casual evening, just before the closing hours Mr. Verma called her to his cabin and said “Juhi tomorrow I have a very important meeting and I want you to accompany me along. I’ll meet you at the office tomorrow at 4:30.”
At the meeting, she couldn’t understand much though as lots of the conversation were some gossip of his previous organization.
Back in the car, he told her “This is a done deal. No worries. Are you seeing how things work?” he chuckled. “Hmmm…she smiled, knowing that this was more of a back stabbing thing than real efforts.” He then said – “its 7’o clock. Been a tiring day! Let’s go to Chocolateria, Bandra West for a cup of coffee. That place is known for its Spanish Chocolate. I can then drop you back home.”
She was also quite tired and thought it to be a good idea and agreed.
Enroute he started talking about his personal life, how he had struggled and grown to whoever he was and achieved so much at an impressive age of 36 years, his favorite books and movies, his love for travelling worldwide et al. and asked her hers.
Finally they reached the café and sat in a corner. He ordered that specialty along with some snacks and while sipping –
So you stay alone here in Mumbai, right? He asked.
With friends, she replied.
Don’t you miss home?
Yes, sometimes. But, it’s okay. I speak to mom dad daily.
Do drop down to my place sometimes, whenever you feel homesick..
And what do you do on weekends?
A little bit of painting, listening to music, hanging out with friends, basically just chill.
Good, today is Friday, no office tomorrow. He paused. Why don’t you chill with me this weekend? He said almost ending the latter part of the sentence in a wicked laughter.
She was taken aback… did I hear right? Did he just say that? Unable to gulp down or throw out the morsel in her mouth, she just took the glass of water and swallowed the whole thing. Strange how we take 2 years to learn how to speak but even a lifetime is not enough to know what not to speak. While her mind was thinking a million thoughts in those few seconds he went back to the client’s meeting thing and said “He’s a very important client and you won’t believe how difficult it was for me to get them to agree.”….
The rest of the evening, she didn’t understand a word of his and didn’t know what she was replying. She just knew he had bid her bye and she was now alone in her room. That night she just managed a few winks; her mind kept racing those same thoughts. That weekend was sans painting, music, hanging out with friends… just to herself and her situation. On Monday, she came to office thinking let him just be, I’ll not be too friendly with him and will just concentrate on my work. But the moment he entered the office her mind again started playing the relay race.
He came to her, patted her back saying “Juhi, please get the meeting notes you jotted down during the Friday meeting and come to my cabin.”
Sir, but, Siir… Can’t I just email the same to you? He had vanished before she could complete it… Juhi chose to email.
After lunch, he sent word for her to meet him. As she entered, “Juhi, we have another crucial meeting with the client on Thursday. You prepare the presentation for them.” As she nodded and was hurriedly walking back, he whispered – “Juhi, don’t get so overwhelmed. It is normal girl, get used to it.”He patted her back; that pat was uncomfortable, that touch was uncomfortable.
Almost a week passed slowly turning into a fortnight. Juhi was caught in her dilemma. Am I behaving very old traditioned? Do I really need to change? Is this behavior normal in the industry? But, I am not comfortable. Why should I behave like this just because someone else is? Whom should I tell? Will anyone believe me? Any step I take would mean losing this job. I have got this after a lot of hard work and dedication. How will Ma & Pa react? What will they tell the relatives? What do I tell for my next job as to why I quit this? Will I ever be able to survive in this so called corporate culture? My roomies will think I deserve this; I have been so busy with work and have not been giving them time.
She was feeling restless, lonely, desperate,
“Why did I have to be so attractive?”She frowned.
Battling these thoughts every day, she somehow reported to work daily trying to give her best and not get distracted. Everyone in the office had become alienated as they found her to be Mr. Verma’s favorite and thought she was getting unnecessary adulation all the time. She was so immersed in her work all these days that it didn’t seem so important to her. But now, how could she tell them that she didn’t want all that praise. Would they believe her or use the situation against her?
One day, after her lunch, she came back to her desk and found an email that said that she was chosen to attend the prestigious advertising awards function in Hong Kong that was 2 days later. Actually, her senior was chosen but since she had some personal emergency, Juhi had to go. She didn’t know how to react. Was this a trap? Is Mr. Verma also going? Should I also say I am not well? But, this is such a nice opportunity. I will get to meet so many people. I have always wanted to participate in such events and looked forward to such occasions.
She landed in Honk Kong airport, took the cab and reached the hotel. As she entered her room and was preparing to relax, the phone rang. “It’s me, Verma. When did you reach? How was your flight? His voice was irritating her. “Once you freshen up, come to my room, we can order dinner while we discuss in preparation to tomorrow’s events.” He said.
“What preparations Sir and why in your room, can’t we meet in the lounge or in the restaurant? She retorted back.
With that typical laughter, he said “Juhi, you will never grow up.” She didn’t know how to react, she felt like banging down the phone just like she wanted to bang her head on the wall for feeling so hopeless to do anything. “Anyways, let’s meet tomorrow morning downstairs for breakfast. Hope that’s not a problem now.” The call cut.
She prayed to all the Gods she knew as she was scared to the hilt of some untoward incident. The rest of the Hong Kong trip and her journey back to Mumbai were no memories to keep. With him sitting beside her throughout she was feeling as miserable as sin. “How do I come out of this and what is it that I must do?”
The next day at office after her Hong Kong trip, Juhi came back and told Mrs. Veena who was sitting in the meeting room along with Mr. Verma, “Mam, can I have sometime of yours? I need to discuss something with you.” She literally ignored his presence there.
Mr. Verma gave that sly smile; he knew Veena was as much as his favor as she wasn’t hers.
“Juhi, I understand what you are saying, but, you see frankly this is the corporate culture, that’s why they say this is only for women who can handle such things. This is what is called the balancing act. Don’t worry you’ll learn with time. You are so bright a girl.” Saying so, she said “Come, let’s go to the café for a cup of coffee. You’ll feel better.”
Juhi was aghast. She wished she could slap Mrs. Veena and just ignored her offer and returned to her desk.
Next morning, she came in hurriedly, gave in her papers and said she wanted to go back as she was feeling feverish.
Out of office, she hired a cab and went straight to the airport and boarded a flight to Chandigarh. All throughout her journey images of Uncle Rao’s grin, Tejinder aunty’s gossip, her mom’s friends reactions at her kitty, her cousin, Rajji’s smile that could mean a score of things and all neighbors asking “Beta, kya hua? Kaam chhod diya kya? Aage kya karne ka socha hain?” kept flashing. She knew even hell couldn’t have been a worse experience than this.
She reached home to the utter surprise of her parents. They were delighted seeing her. She embraced her mother and started shedding copious amounts of tears. The more they enquired, the more bitterly she wept.
Then she said “Sorry Mumma, I tried my level best but just couldn’t learn the tricks of the trade. I am feeling so hopeless and useless now without any fault of mine.”
6 months later, she got a new posting in AZA Creations another well known company in Gurgaon. On her first day, the HR said “Juhi, I’ll introduce you to the team, but, before that I just thought I would like to tell you to be careful while working with Mr. Narain. He’s a weirdo. And no girl holds good opinions of him but our Board of Directors say he gets in the best business and so they kind of brush it off... Before the HR could speak anything further, Juhi hugged her saying “I truly love you; with such a strong support system like you here I am sure I can face through all problems.” She went back home a happy girl that day knowing the world still had some beautiful souls unlike Mrs. Veena.
A week later she heard that Mr. Verma would be joining in as one of the Directors of AZA….