Social Short Story – Until We Meet Again

Social Short Story – Until We Meet Again
Photo credit: octaviolopez from
“What’s the matter son?” He asked trying to intrude in the serenity of the moment.
“I don’t understand Bawa Ji? My exams are over, and today is neither my birthday, then why am I going to school in colored clothes?”
He didn’t look at me, but with a smile he said, “Today you’ll learn a very important lesson for your life, son. It’s the longest word you’ll ever learn. The word is “bye”.”
“It’s only a three lettered word Bawa Ji, I am sure I have learnt bigger words than that.”
In a very calm voice, he spoke again, “It’s not the length of the word that counts, but you’ll still take a very long time to say it.”
“I don’t understand. What do you mean?”
“Someday you will, son, I am sure of that”
Two decades have gone by since my Father told that on-line of his, and even today when I think of it, it brings a wry smile across my face.
I have known that people even before terminating a phone call would give another long parting speech.
There even are some who cotton to an adieu, because they believe that is the time when people share thoughts that have never shared before. They find it an opportunity to say things they have disliked about each other and some even apologies for their misbehavior, and some just find it hard only because they hate the idea of parting with one and other. They just find it too hard to believe that all the good times spent have come to an end will have to bid a good bye with a smile and vow to treasure the memories of good and bad times.
There are even those who, at the time of parting give away things that are precious to themselves. They do so because they feel that its value will increase as it will serve as a soviniure. For it is known, the beauty of a thing increases the more a mind thinks about it. The thoughts of it kneed beautiful apparel which is worn by the mind and admires it even more. Also, there are some who would instead of clicking photographs would distribute testimonials, for they believe what leaves a lasting impression more than a smile on a photo paper are words written with feelings that come within the core of one’s heart.
I guess I now understand as to why it takes longer only a two say short three lettered word. There are sheaves of thoughts that run down one’s mind. All it takes to bid a goodbye is to disguise the feeling of despair with a promising smile that someday, we will meet again…