Short Story – Unreal Reality
Photo credit: hurley_gurlie182 from morguefile.com
Time slipped by just as usual but more rapidly! Days were no different than the rest, weeks were the same, months passed like a moving train in a monotonous road. Mr. sameoil woke up late in the morning and waited for someone to knock his door and pay him a visit! Alas, no one came at all.
So he turned on his music he listens to everyday with a remote control to gain energy so that he could come to a better mood. He got out of his bed and started wondering what he could do today.
First he cleaned his room with a euphoric mood and sat on his very chair he sits every day thinking what to do next. While thinking, he picked up his cell phone, no massages, and no missed calls. His cellphone background was dark and dull.
Suddenly frustration got over him for a sec as contemplating deeply. He then came to realization that enough is enough. “It is time I got out of this God-forsaken place to shake up myself a little”, he thought!
He dressed up and took a step outside, a cold breeze hit his cheek as he opened the door which made him sneeze. The weather was gloomy and rainy. It was freezing outside, there was a park near his house so headed there slowly as watching his surrounding closely as if he was looking for something. He was out of breath when he got to park. Quite strangely, he found the park vacant.
He got back home quickly as he had become totally wet. Then he sat on the very chair he sits as always by the fireplace, thinking. He picked up his cellphone, his eyes then became totally wet as the pearls of his eyes shook. He then put his phone aside on the desk and went to sleep in his bed.