Social Short Story – Ugly Girl
Photo credit: Carool from morguefile.com
There was once a girl named Rina. She was leading a quite happy and simple life until an incident happened which kind of changed some aspects of her life.
When she was in class eleven she used to take tuitions where she met many new girls and boys. She made some female friends but she never got along with boys. To be honest the boys never seemed to be interested in her. However, she had a crush on a boy and she expressed her feelings to him. But he rejected her. She told her friends about it but they didn’t take it seriously rather made joke of her which she didn’t understand.
One day a boy from her tuition who was quite popular sent her a friend request which she accepted. Next day when she opened her profile she saw that boy along with his 159 friends had tagged her in his selfies. She was surprised. She noticed that guy had a weird habit of tagging his close friends as well as those whom he barely knows in his selfies to get more likes. She was very angry. So to stop him from tagging her she commented that she wasn’t interested to be tagged in his photos so he should stop tagging her. If she was so interested to see his photos she would see them from his profile. And that was her mistake.
Next time when she checked her profile she saw that boy had unfriend her and replied. His exact words were,” I wonder where this attitude comes from! Have you seen yourself in the mirror ever? You are so ugly and you are showing this much of attitude? Just shut your mouth.”
His words hit her heart like a bullet. She was obviously hurt but she was surprised also. She wondered what that boy meant. Did he mean that if a beautiful girl had her attitude he wouldn’t mind but an ugly girl didn’t have the right? Though he openly said those things nobody protested. Some even supported him. Obviously she cried, looked herself in the mirror and realised she wasn’t ‘beautiful’. She had many flaws. Suddenly everything was so clear to her. She understood why she never got proposals from boys and why she was rejected by her crush. Simple logic she was ugly. She felt devastated. At that moment she felt worthless, her life was shattered. She felt like commiting suicide. But later she realized it’s her life. She couldn’t end it because of somebody else. But some views of life surely changed her. She deleted her facebook account.
She started to believe in that Marilyn Monroe quote, “Boys think girls are like books. If the cover doesn’t catch their eyes they won’t bother to see what’s inside.” She also started to avoid boys as much as possible.
After completing school she got admitted in girl’s college. Though in tuition there were many boys but she maintained distance from them. She was scared. She thought again a boy would insult her and call her ugly. She couldn’t afford to bear another insult. So she kept herself kind of hidden. But at heart she was just another girl who wanted to be loved.
Now after five years of that incident she is graduating from her college. She had made some good friends. But she is still single and she believes it’s because of her look. Obviously her life isn’t a fairytale where a ‘prince charming’ will come and take her away from this place where boys openly label girls and nobody comes in defence of them not even other girls may be indirectly supporting the boys.
She knows she doesn’t need a man to live her life. But she sometimes wishes if she could go back in time and undo that comment maybe things would have been different today. But again she thinks what happened, happened for good. Otherwise she wouldn’t know what most boys think of her.
Rina has forgotten many incidents of her life but this one, she will never forget it. Maybe that boy has forgotten his words but Rina will remember every word of his. Maybe there are hundreds of girls like Rina who has experienced such insults yet they didn’t care and lived their life in their own way. But those incidents left a deep scar and only the bearer knows how much pain that scar caused. No one else will ever know that.