Social Short Story – True happiness lies in
Photo credit: clarita from morguefile.com
Myself and Raghu were amazing couples with full of hopes and energized when we got married. We loved each other very much and been a pretty couple of four years and got married after our four years of modesty. Our agreement was to earn as much as possible before our marriage for our future life. So we both earned and also enjoyed our bachelor’s life. But after marriage i didn’t want to work. I wanted to take care of our child totally with love and care. We had plans for our future child in the earning period itself. We already given names for our child. We almost dreamt more about him or her. Both my parents and Raghu’ s parents were agreed with our idea.Everyone had their own way of dreams about their grandchildren.
After someday, we planned for family trip for a week. But i was going to be pregnant, so they cancelled the trip, they felt that travelling might cause some harm to the baby. We checked for the results hoping for a baby with Dr. Sherry. It wasn’t positive. I was totally upset, so as Raghu, but Raghu always cheered me up and gave me confidence for next chance. He used to encourage me with those words,” it’s not too late for a baby, still you are baby though”.
That afternoon, l wanted to go to temple. So I asked him, ” Raghu, if you have any time, shall we go to temple?”.
“Really!Is it true that my Sheethal wanted to go to temple?” He asked sarcastically. I never had faith much to go to temple.
” Raghu, i am serious about this, please” i said in a pleading manner.
” okay, Sheet, we will go today evening darling” He said.
“I’ll get ready by 5, come soon” i replied.
“Huh okay”. he said.
Then I got ready and we went to temple nearby our house. We had planned to have dinner in some hotel after that. I wasn’t fresh, so I went to car to get some wet wipes while Raghu was busy ordering food in our table which was already booked by him. I saw a lady from a distance who was begging for food. I was shocked to see a baby along with her. I thought that the baby was around 2 years old. She was holding him in the side of the waist like a bundle of piled books. I got frustrated and entered the hotel with heaviness in heart all around myself. We ordered some food but I didn’t feel like I was hungry, so I had some of them and returned home.
Raghu asked when we reached home, ” why were you so dull dear?”.
” No, I was just tired, I wanted to sleep” I said and went to sleep without my dress changed.
Years passed on, it had been three years, I was running to the temple, almost every temple, but still I didn’t get an opportunity to be felt what being a mother and living happy with my baby. I broke up into pieces when I saw anyone with their babies. I would like to have mine but its of no use. I had diagnosed with PCOD which made more complicate to get pregnant. I was desperate to get pregnant. Raghu also sometimes get frustrated for that, but he had never left a single word against me and so his parents. I was slightly happy about being his wife. Raghu not only supported and also cheered up in all ways and helped me to go through proper treatment and also to get rid of my unbearable stress.
One Friday morning, I went to temple to do some puja regarding pregnancy. On the way to home, I saw him, the one whom I saw before four years with his mother. I could recognise his innocent face. He was all alone by himself. I saw him, “He was so weak to cross over the road. His skin was pale and lack of liveliness. He was wearing a dirty shirt full of mud stains. His eyes were swallowed into his eyes socket. His stomach was hidden somewhere the dirty shirt. He stared at me for a minute and looking for something from me.
I saw something in his eyes, mixture of hunger, desperate feeling, loneliness, poverty, and abandoned.
I asked him, ” amma enga irukanga kannu?” He thought for a minute and said in a cute language, “kana pooch ma, poochu”(she disappeared). I went to shop and get some food to eat and I fed him. He was so happy to have food long after. Then I left him and returned home.
As soon as I reached home, I couldn’t wait to ask Raghu about what I was thinking of.
I ran again to that baby who was trying to drink water from tap. He saw and gave me a smile which made me feel completed. I asked him, “Enkuda variya? Amma kuda?”. He smiled and hugged me. we went directly to adoption office by the time I called Raghu also to come over there. Then after long time, we came to know that she was not his real mother, she used him for the purpose of getting sympathy. Yes! I am his real mother now.
God had shown my baby but I was only late to recognise him. He was a gift for us. Her bundle of weight was become our bundle of joy. There were so many children out there in search of their own mother. We could help some of them through adoption. Thinking that, I went to feed my baby.
Dedicated to the children who brings happiness to the home.