Social Short Story – Time
Photo credit: undefined from morguefile.com
Tommy did not know what to think about the town, there was just some thing that he just did not like. He could fell that those people he meet were being controlled. It was something that he thought that just happened in the movies not in real life. The people seemed to be playing a role . Tommy walked by many people all seemed to be happy, that was not strange in its self but there was no other emotion on there face. The other thought that Tommy had was that they had to be being drugged some how.
There on the hill was a large house Tommy was told that was the house of the founder. It was a place that Tommy knew that he had to go. There he could find out about why these towns people were acting so strange. There was something that Tommy could feel as he came close to the house. There was a feeling of such evil that he had never had felt all of his life. The house was like one out of one of those horror movies, the weeds had taken over the yard. Tommy made his way into the house there he was shocked that there was no dirt any where. It was as time had stopped and things were just to neat for what Tommy had seen on the out side of the house.
He made his way thought the house he saw the pictures of the family and , there in the study was a picture of the founder himself. Tommy could see in his eyes that there was where the evil had come from. There on his desk was a lot of papers many about the slaves that he owned. The one thing that Tommy did not like was that Tomas Brown had use Voodoo to control the slaves that he had. Tommy knew that this was what was controlling the people of the town, there was the one question was could this spell be broken or not. Tommy found out where the last family member live it was not a shock that Tomas jr lived in town.
Tommy went to talk to the man he thought that it would be hard to do , but to his surprise Tomas Jr was a nice man. He wanted to help Tommy and the town. There they did something that had not happen in many years they broke the spell of his father. It was something that had helped all the people of the town. And Tomas knew that what he did was the best thing for all the people of the town.