Social Short Story – A Test
Photo credit: octaviolopez from morguefile.com
That shop is very big. It is in Brigade Road in Bangalore. A lot of money transaction is there every day in that shop. The managing director of the shop wants to change the cashier working in that shop. They have branches in Chennai, Kochi and Hyderabad.
Anil is the cashier working in Chennai. Robin is the cashier working in Kochi. Mohan is the cashier working in Hyderabad. Anil, Robin and Mohan are summoned to attend Bangalore office. MD of the shops interviewed all the three candidates. He was unable to select one from them. He wants that a candidate who is just appropriate must be selected for the Bangalore shop.
The Joint Director suggested something to MD. He accepted and asked him to arrange that.
All the three are given rooms in Company’s Guest House. The Manager of the Guest House is a clever guy by name Siva and he is a personal attendant of MD whenever he stays in the guest house.
Company’s Guest House is very big and luxurious. Everything is available there. The guests in that guest house can drink, play cards and enjoy women. Everything is arranged there by Siva there.
Anil, Robin and Mohan are given very nice expensive rooms. Luxury appears on every inch in the room. They have rich food and rich drinks. They are happy that the life in Bangalore will be very rich and also happy. Siva has arranged everything comfortable which is what they have asked for and also not asked.
After late night, beautiful girls around twenty have entered the rooms. Anil, Robin and Mohan have hesitated to take this as privilege, but Siva told them that this will not be listed in expenses, so they can be comfortable as if this facility they brought with them as their luggage.
Siva has secretly connected a device by which MD can hear what Anil, Robin and Mohan speak in the room. This is what MD wants know, that is, what the characters in the three will speak in solitude.
Anil saw the beautiful girl who is around twenty. She is costly dress. She has a gold chain and beautiful ear rings. The perfume she is using is costly brand. Anil thought that she must be very rich or she has good money to spend for her.
“Hi, I am Jasmine.”
“Hi Jasmine… You look very nice.”
“Thank you sir… I am studying in famous college in the city.”
“Oh, so you are a college girl! I wonder…”
“What can I say sir… My parents are poor and unable to spend for the needs of me, so I was in this. Actually I have to pay room rent for two months and also college term fees. I need ten thousand by tomorrow morning. I have no source and I am paid less than what I need here too.”
Jasmine said with low voice as if she is requesting him to help. She is in Anil’s warm clutch and Anil’s lips are crawling on her warm, silk like body. He wanted to help this girl whom he liked very much.
“Don’t worry. I will help you whenever you are in need. Give me your number.”
Jasmine gave her number. While leaving, Jasmine got ten thousand bundle.
“Jasmine, I like you very much. Take this ten thousand and call me next week if you need some more money. You know money is more valuable, it is needed for our many needs. I earn money like it is my life. I spend it like it is my enemy. So money is not a constrain for me.”
Anil said while giving money to Jasmine like a king destined to spend lot of his money.
“Thank you sir… I feel like I got a prince. You are my prince!” Jasmine kissed him and went away.
When Ruby entered the room, Robin is fully drunk. Half bottle of imported whisky is consumed.
“I am Ruby sir. I am working in city’s big gold shop.” Ruby said.
“So you are my diamond!”
“No Sir, I am Ruby. Everybody call me Ruby only. Diamond is my another friend there. Do you know her sir?” Ruby asked as a mild girl.
She looks like a sweet girl who can be loved as very innocent and lovely love.
“No Ruby I don’t know anyone in your shop. I am new to this city.” Robin said.
“Then I will show you everything in the city Sir. It is very beautiful.”
“I know, just show me beautiful Ruby’s charm.” Robin said taking her in to his warm embrace.
“Sir, you are looking like my first love who promised me marry, but vanished after living with me one year.”
“I cannot marry you baby, I am already married.”
“Don’t joke sir. You look like a boy and unmarried. I love to marry someone like you sir. You are very beautiful. Your charm is magical to make me dance before your naked eyes. I want to make love every day with you.” Ruby crept over Robin’s body like warmth in winter.
Ruby’s words are more toxic than the whisky he consumed. Robin was very happy.
“Ruby… I feel like you are more than my life partner. I don’t hesitate to say that if I am unmarried, I would have married you. You are like a great joy for me. Tell me what I can do for you.”
Ruby responded immediately.
“I could not pay my house rent this month. I need twenty five thousand. Siva sir gave me five thousand.”
Ruby said.
Robin took twenty thousand from the desk and gave it to Ruby. He gave his number to her.
“Ruby, don’t worry. I may be posted here. I will like to be with you in your house. I like you very much. You know, money will be useful for our needs. Some people earn much and spend like misers. They keep the money in secret place unused. Money is nothing and not needed for such people, but only such people try to earn more. I earn well and I spend money like a royal family member, because I am from a poor family and I want rich life.”
“I like your philosophy darling. I am also from a poor family and I like to live like a queen.” Ruby said.
“Don’t worry my queen. I am for you. You are my princess. We enjoy well in Bangalore like royal family members.” Robin assured.
Ruby kissed him. Robin hugged her and kissed with warm oneness. Ruby went back from the room.
Mohan did not drink. Drinking is not a habit for him. He spent his time reading something from YSC in his lappy. Just then Mina entered into the room. She is like a fresh rose. She is shining like a washed white pearl.
Mina looked at Mohan from the door with shrunk violet flower. She is a shy kind of girl.
“Come in. Sit there.” Mohan said.
She came and sat besides Mohan.
“I am Mina.” While she said that, the fragrance of sandalwood spread around.
Mohan likes the sandalwood fragrance very much.
“What are you doing Mina”
“I am working in Mysore soap factory as the cashier.”
“Ow ! So you are also a cashier and also a cash collector.”
“Are you a cashier sir?”
“Yes, till now. I don’t what next.”
“Why it is so sir?”
She asked while taking him in to her warm embrace. Mohan did not reject. He enjoyed her warm embrace. He took her holding tight in to his embrace.
“Nothing honey, it is Just like that.” He escaped the subject.
After few hot moments spent out, Mohan understood that Mina is in some financial troubles. The brief acquaintance with her revealed that she has some credit card debts to be cleared. She could not sleep peacefully.
“Mohan… I feel like I am walking and sleeping on fire.” Mina said.
Mohan was silent.
“I need just twenty five thousand. Can you help me Mohan? Please!”
Mohan could not be silent.
“Mina. Money is valuable in the sense that it helps us fulfill our needs. But money that we earn is like the life giving oxygen. We have to use it as properly as we can. Credit cards kill so many young people who use without looking back of paying back. I knew many people who lost their business and jobs by this misuse. “
Mina was looking at Mohan. “See, I see twenty thousand in this room left by someone. If I think that this is my money, I would have given this money to you. I cannot think other’s money as mine.” He said.
Mohan took his wallet and took two thousand rupees notes. He gave this money to Mina.
“Mina, this is my hard earning. I have satisfaction in spending my hard earned money. I also spend money with strict discipline.”
“Thank you Mohan. I am happy to see a person with well discipline. I love you.”
Mina kissed Mohan, while Mohan took her in to his warm embrace and hugged her with affection.
“Mina, you are a wonderful girl and I feel happy to see you when I have some good time.”
Mohan said with pleasure and Mina gave him her personal mobile number, though he did not ask for it.
Mina went away with a full satisfaction of seeing a good friend.
Anil returned ten thousand and Robin returned nothing. Mohan returned twenty thousand. What all three spoke is heard by MD. Mohan is appointed as the cashier in Bangalore office. Robin lost his job.