Social Short Story – The Real Human Being
Photo credit: pjhudson from morguefile.com
Megha was a married school teacher and mother of two girls.In our society, girls are always considered as a burden for the family, even in educated families. So, she got pregnant third time because both her mother and mother-in-law wanted a baby boy from her. But the ray of hope got finished when she gave birth to a baby girl.
At the time of child birth, a group of transgenders came to bless the newborn child. But everybody in Megha’s family were in deep sorrow. In our civilized society, transgenders can’t be considered as human being like normal people but Trangenders are also human being which are incomplete people created by god.
Durga (head of that transgenders community) felt sad because she came to bless the newborn child but she saw the abusing of the newborn child by her own family members.She began to say ” How bad people you are? We are better than you because we can understand the people belong to our community but you(ladies) can’t understand your community.I will not take any gift, money, etc. from you but I will bless the newborn and cursing you that baby boy will not born in your family, otherwise, you will always abuse your daughters.”Then, Durga and other transgenders gifted some chocolates to Megha’s daughters and blessed them because the relation of humanity is biggest from any other relation.
After listening the words of Durga, Megha and her mother-in-law felt ashamed because Durga had opened the eyes of Megha, her mother and mother-in-law like goddess Durga. If woman can’t understand the existence of woman, then how can woman will take right to live because nobody thinks that girls are also human being, and an important part of our society.In our society, boys are always considered to increase the family tree but people had forgotten the role of girls in our society.
Megha decided not to give birth to baby boy and to take care of her daughters by good education which was the result of Durga’s step to eradicate the gender bias in our society who was neither a man nor a woman , but a human being in real sense.